part 65

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"I like flaws. I think they make things interesting." ― Sarah Dessen, The Truth About Forever

Sophie's POV

Isabella Marie was born September 3rd.

She was so precious and little. When we brought Alex to the hospital, his face was priceless. He couldn't be more happier to be a big brother. Audri was released from the hospital and we thanked her more than a million times.

We transformed Nash's old room into a bedroom for Alex and gave Isabella the nursery. I was off of work for a while to take care of Isabella. Today I decided to take Alex to the park so he can get rid of his energy and take a nice nap. I packed up the diaper bag and put together a few snacks.

"Alex! Are you ready?" I yell. He runs into the kitchen and smiles.

"Yes mommy!" He replies. I grab the car keys and carry Isabella to the car. I put her in her car seat and strap Alex into his much larger one.

Once we were at the park, I let Alex run off while I set up a picnic area. I laid down a blanket and put down a baby pillow for Isabella to lay on. I finish and sit down next to her, glancing at Alex every now and then. I text Cameron that we are at the park and send him a few pictures. The sun is pretty bright today today so I try to cover up Isabella as much as I can.

Cam texts back to have a good time and says he'll be home late. I sigh and put my phone away.

"Aww, cute baby!" I hear someone say.

"Thanks." I smile at the lady.

"I haven't seen you around here, I'm Shelby." She says, sitting down next to me.

"I'm Sophie." I say back. "And this is Isabella."

"Where do you live?" She asks in a not so creepy way.

"Oh, the apartments just a few blocks away." I tell her.

"I hear those are nice." She says.

"Yea they are." I smile. Alex runs up to us and grabs the snack bag.

"Mommy I'm hungry!" He whines.

"Okay hold on." I take the bag from him and had him a snack. He runs off again to a group of friends he just made.

"How old is he?" Shelby asks.

"Almost three." I respond.

"Oh, I'm a kindergarten teacher at the school across the street. Maybe I'll have him in my class."

"Yea, that's the school he should be going too." I smile. This lady is actually really nice.

"So have you lived here your whole life or...?" She trails off.

"No, I'm originally from Nebraska and moved to North Carolina where I met my husband. We ended up moving here for his career." I tell her.

"That's cool. I've lived here my whole life. What does your husband do?" She continues the conversation.

"He does movies and was apart of the original Magcon." I smile, thinking about him.

"OMG I remember them!" She laughs.

"Yea, Cameron Dallas? That's my husband." I say and her mouth opens wide.

"No way!" She gasps.

"Yea." I nod my head.

She looks at her watch and quickly gets up. "Oh no I'm late for an appointment. It was nice talking to you!" She says as she runs off.

Soon Alex comes over, looking very tired. I pack everything up and we go home. I make dinner and feed Isabellla her bottle. Once she's sleeping, I tuck Alex in.

"Mommy, where's daddy?" He whispers.

"He's at work baby. He will be back when you wake up." I smile. I kiss his forehead and leave the room. I sigh and decide to clean the house up a bit. I hear a loud noise and the door opens quickly.

"Yea I'll take to you later! Okay... Bye." Cameron walks in on the phone, being very loud. I shush him and he walks over to me.

"The kids are sleeping!" I whisper. He apologies and gives me a hug.

"You can't just barge in here being loud as ever." I push him away.

"I said I'm sorry Sophie!" He says a little louder. I hear Isabella's cries, making me sigh and start to fix her bottle.

"Here I got it." Cam comes up behind me.

"I'm fine." I elbow him away from me and go upstairs. He follows and watches as I feed Isabella. Once I'm done, Cam goes into our room and I go downstairs to wash the bottle. Once I finish I find Cam in our bed. I lay down next to him and rub my pounding head.

"Sophie, what's up with you lately?" Cam whispers, turning to face me.

"I-I just feel like your never here. Alex always asks for you and it kills me to tell him that you won't be back to see him." I fight back tears. He stays silent for a moment.

"Your right. I'm not even apart of Alex's life. I'm too busy on set." He covers his face.

"I just need some help sometimes." I cry. He shifts over and wraps his arms around me.

"I know. I know." He repeats, his hand going through my hair.

"I'll ask for shorter hours and weekends off." He says. "I don't care what they say, my family is more important then any movie."

"Okay." Is all I can reply before I fall asleep into his chest.

Don't be suspicious about Shelby, she's actually good lol

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