part 61

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"Any time not spent on love is wasted." ― Torquato Tasso

Sophie's POV

A boy! Cam smiles next to me and my doctor printed out the ultrasound photos. We clean up and leave the office.

"I'm so excited!" Cam says as he helps me into the car.

"I know. We need to come up with names!" I gasp. I completely forgot about names. Cam starts the car and drives off.

"Why don't we choose a name that's part of us?" Cam asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"Like a name that means something to us." He says and I think.

"Well, the first person I met when I moved to North Carolina was Nash." I laugh.

"Okay that's a start." Cam nods, focusing of the rode.

"And..." I think. "I always liked your middle name. Alexander." I smile.

Cam doesn't say anything for a minute and then he smiles. "Alexander Nash Dallas."

"That's perfect!" I shriek. Alexander Nash.

"I love it. How about we start shopping for the nursery." Cam suggests. We have a whole list of everything, but we didn't buy anything yet.

"Okay." I smile and Cam drives to Babies R Us.

Two months later

I walked into the extra room we had in the apartment. The nursery is finally finished. The paint is finished and the toys, crib, changing table, and all the other stuff we needed were all set. I hear my phone beep so I go to check it.

Cam😍- The premier is almost over, I'll be there soon😘

I text him back. Today Cam's new movie came out. It's the second movie in the "cop series" where he plays a cop. (A/N: Think of a police version of the James Bond movies.)

I decide to take a nap. Jaxx jumps on the bed and cuddles with me. Shadow is at the premier with Cam because he is the main dog Cam's character interacts with.

Two hours later

I wake up the Jaxx nudging my head. I sit up and ruffle his hair.

"What is it boy?" I ask and he sniffs my stomach. I look down at my small belly. It hasn't grown as much as a normals person's would have because of my problem, but the doctor said it's fine. I'm confused as to why Jaxx is doing this. Then suddenly I feel a sharp pain.

"What the ****?" I scream. The pain getting stronger. Jaxx whimpers and I grab my phone to call Cam.

"Hello?" He answers. I hear a bunch of loud music in the background. The after party must still be going on.

"Cam, come quick! I think the baby is coming!" I shout.

"OMG ok, I'll be over soon!" He hangs up and I scream as the pain intensifies. My doctor said the pain will be very bad for me during labor so I think it's happening.

Soon Cam bursts through the door and yells out my name. I yell that I'm upstairs and he carries me to the car. He runs back inside to grab the bag we packed for when the time comes. He goes over the speed limit the entire way to the hospital. When we get there, Cam runs out of the car and gets some nurses to bring me inside.

"Hello, Sophie. Don't worry you'll be just fine okay." One of the nurses tells me as we all rush to a room. Cam holds my hand as they start to prepare.

"Okay Sophie, this is going to hurt, but I promise it's all worth it." One of the nurses says. How is that supposed to make me feel better?!?

"Push on the count of three." Another nurse yells and I nod. "One. Two. THREE!"

I scream, squeezing Cam's hand really hard.

"Again, one. Two. THREE!" They yell. "ALMOST THERE SOPHIE ONE MORE PUSH! One, two, THREE!"

I push as hard as I can, crushing Cam's hand. Then I hear the sweet cries of my baby boy. Cam kisses my sweaty forehead and walks over to cut the cord. I control my breathing and smile at the wonderful sight. They all leave for a few minutes and return with a small blue bundle. Cam smiles and bent down to place Alexander in my arms.

"Alexander Nash Dallas, 7 pounds 1 ounce, born November 9th." Cam smiles. I look down at my baby in my arms. I kissed his little nose and then kissed Cam.


Hey guys I just got a website! I'll post frequent one shots on there so go read them! The URL is

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