part 54

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"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever." - Alfred Lord Tennyson

Sophie's POV

The next day we decorated the house for the baby shower. I helped Sierra cook and soon the guests started to arrive. I see Hayes and Skylynn, so I run over to hug them.

"Sophie!" They scream and hug me tight. Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Chad come over and examine my ring.

"That's really beautiful." They smile and excuse themselves to go see Sierra. I find Cam and we all sit down to watch Sierra open her gifts.

"OMG I love it! Thank you guys!" She says when she opens our gift. We got her some baby boy clothes because she's having a boy.

"Your welcome." We say.

The next day

"Are you sure you guys have to leave!" Sierra cries.

"Yes, we have a wedding to plan." Cam laughs and we say our goodbyes.

The trip home was fast. I couldn't wait to get home because I need to plan this wedding because I'm not going to wait another year to be married.

Two months later

I finally prepared everything for the big day. I have the best bridesmaid dresses and the most beautiful wedding dress. The wedding is in two weeks and I can't wait. I'm so excited! The day will be March 30th.

"Hey Sophie." Nash says as he walks through the door.

"Hey, I thought Cam was with you?" I ask.

"He was but he went somewhere else." He answers and I nod. I decided to call the wedding planner to make sure everything is okay.

"Hello Sophie, how are you?" She says.

"Hi Diane. I'm fine. I was just checking to make sure everything is okay." I tell her.

"Everything is perfect. The cake is ordered and will be made fresh the day of, the outdoor area is ready to be set up, and the dresses have been fitted. We may have to alter your pregnant bridesmaid because you know." She laughs. It's true, Sierra grows everyday and is ready to pop in a month.

"Okay that's great. What about the guys' suits?" I ask.

"They are all fitted as well." She answers. "I'm sorry I have to go Sophie, talk to you later!" She rushes and hangs up before I can say anything. I sigh and leave the house to get the final fitting for my dress.

When I arrive at the shop, many people greet me. A lot of people recognize me because of Cam. He has become super famous because of his movie and is very well known.

"Hey Sophie, what can I do for you?" My dress fitter asks.

"Just coming in to make sure the dress fits." I laugh and she lets me change into my dress. Then she alters it a little and I'm all done.

"Thanks again!" I say as I leave the shop.

My phone rings and I answer it.

"Hello?" I say.

"Sophie! Shawn just proposed!" I hear Jayden's voice.

"OMG congrats!" I squeal, hearing her laugh.

"Thanks! At first I was freaking out because I saw him talking to another girl." She starts. Oh yea, I did see Shawn talking to some girl. "Turns out the girl is his cousin and she was planning the whole thing!" I sigh in relief. I'm glad he wasn't cheating. We talk for a bit then say our goodbyes.

When I get home, Cam hands me a bouquet flowers and gives me a big kiss. Today was a good day...


Hey! I'll try to post again tomorrow! It will be the big wedding chapter❤️

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