part 60

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"I think we ought to live happily ever after." ― Diana Wynne Jones, Howl's Moving Castle

Sophie's POV

Two months later

"We are going to be late!" I yelled for Cam. Today was Nash and Audrianna's wedding.

"Coming!" He yells, walking downstairs while tying his tie. He grabs his keys and we run out of our apartment complex to our car.

When we arrive I run to Audrianna's dressing room and Cam goes to Nash's. I open the door to find two other bridesmaids frantically running around.

"Where is she?" I ask and they all point to the bathroom. I knock on the door and walk in.

"Sophie?" I hear her sob.

"Yea, it's me." I close the door and sit down next to her. "What's wrong?"

"Don't tell anyone, yet... I-I'm pregnant." She cries. I smile and hug her.

"It's okay." I hold her. "This is good news."

"I know but my parents wouldn't approve of me being pregnant before marriage." She cries.

"Don't cry. They won't know, your getting married today. You can just say that is happened a few days after the wedding." I tell her.

"That's really bad advice." She laughs and so do I.

"I know. You could also tell them the truth." I say.

"Five more minutes." One of the wedding coordinators says, knocking on the door.

"Look, it's your wedding day, enjoy it. Don't worry about the baby. You will know what's right soon." I say and she hugs me.

"Thank you." She whispers.

"No problem." I smile. She quickly fixes her make up and we run to the walkway. I find Cam and we start to walk together to the alter.

The next day

I woke up to an empty house. Cameron had work and Nash was at Audrianna's. I sighed and checked my phone.

Cam😘- Sorry I had so rush to work so early! I'll see you tonight, love you

Audri😜- I'm going to tell Nash today!!

I quickly text Cam to say it's fine and that I love him back and I wish Audrianna good luck.

I decide to go out and look around for baby stuff to get an idea of what I want in the future. I grab a breakfast bar and drive to the nearest Babies R Us.

Three months later

I sat in the doctors office waiting for the doctor to call me in. Cam was sitting next to me, bouncing his leg.

"Don't worry." I whisper. Today we are finding out what gender the baby is.

"Sophie Dallas." The nurse says. We stand up and she leads us to my doctor's room. She leaves and my doctor comes in.

"How are you Sophie? Anything unusual? Pains?" She asks like she does at my every two week appointments.

"I'm fine, nothing unusual, small pains." I answer.

"Where are the pains?" She asks and I show her the areas around my stomach.

"That's just normal stretch pain. Your stomach is not used to getting so large so quickly. Because of your problems, this might get very painful in the next month." She says and I nod.

"So let's answer what you're waiting for!" She smiles and starts to do the ultrasound. Cam squeezes my hand and my doctor looks at the monitor.

"Well you are now six months pregnant." She states and I nod. I'm bursting with anticipation and I think Cam is too.

"Now for the gender..." She trails off and searches the screen. My heart pounds and she smiles.

"Congratulations, you're having a boy!"


Hey guys! I'm going to be posting more often! I'm also going to start a giveaway/contest this Halloween weekend! If you have any ideas, please feel free to DM me 👻

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