Chapter 1

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*Jessica's POV*  

It was finally Friday, finally weekend, I had a quite typical week at school actually, getting bullied a lot by mostly popular kids at school, getting called names and stuff.

Yeah this is basically my life at school, I'm not the popular kid at school at all, and I used to get bullied because most of the kids here are really rich while I'm not, my parents died two years ago leaving me and my sister with no money so I had to work at a café to earn money so I can afford me and my sister's living.

I woke up at 6:00 AM because of my alarm that was ringing like crazy, the sun wasn't that much shinning since it was still 6 in the morning.

Rolling out of my bed, I went to the bathroom where I looked in the mirror seeing my hair is a disarray, I combed it then tied it up and took a quick shower, I stepped out of the shower and washed my teeth then got dressed in a baggy sweatshirt, some pair of black jeans and some converse, as you can see I'm not fashionable at all, pretty simple.

I put my black naturally straight hair in a messy ponytail, and put some lip gloss, I never wear that much make up at all, I feel like I'm even prettier without it, even my best friend Ashley told me so, she said I had the most beautiful blue eyes and long black eyelashes she had ever seen.

I looked at myself in the mirror for one more time to check that I was looking alright.

I went downstairs to get some breakfast, I was having cereal and I was looking for it everywhere and I couldn't find it, so I asked my younger sister Ariana.

"ARI WHERE IS THE CEREAL?!" I yelled so she could hear me as she was upstairs.


Ugh why would she put it there? Sometimes she really annoys me but I love her to infinity and beyond. yeah I'm actually too short and I couldn't even reach it, I'm only 5 foot so I had to bring a chair and stand on it so I can actually get the cereal, my sister isn't that tall either, she's like 5'1, yeah she's 13 years old and taller than me while I'm 15, almost 16, weird huh?

Anyway I had breakfast, grabbed my backpack and rushed out of the door to the school bus and my sister was following me.

And of course I pulled out my headphones on the bus and listened to the best boy band on Earth, yup One Direction, uhh you can say I was more than obsessed with them, they are literally my inspirations, they inspire me to sing, and follow my dreams, singing is my passion, whenever I'm sad, feeling down or even just happy, I love to express all those feelings in singing.

I arrived to school 20 minutes before the first period started. I saw my bestie Ashley. We talked for a while then we went to class, this girl was literally everything in my life! she's such a sweetheart, she was even more than a sister to me, I loved her a lot! she always used to care about me, always defend me from bullies, she is fashionable, rich, beautiful, great sense of humor, charming, pretty much what every guy looks for in a girl but me? I wasn't that popular kid at school at all, I was pretty normal, not quite a fashionable or a charming girl, I never envied her though, I'm happy for her, happy for everything she has.

Barely anyone notices me, I guess it's just because I'm quiet at school and never really want to get in problems with kids, and if anyone actually knew me, they would be just like oh she's the directioner girl, yeah I was more than obsessed with the boys as I mentioned before.

So I started talking with Ashley before the first period started.

"Heyy Jess, what's up?" she asked me when we met at school.

"Hii nothing much and you?" I asked back.

"I'm good haha, did you do the biology homework? if you did give it to me because I didn't do it, I had no time yesterday, I was on my laptop all day long!" she said.

"You were busy? busy on your laptop Ashley? anyways yea I did it but too bad you can't copy it from me haha, we have biology on the first period, you have no time!" I told her while laughing, she doesn't fail or anything but she isn't a straight A person like me, she isn't a nerd haha.

"Ugh fine! the teacher won't do anything to me though, it's my first time, I always do her stupid homework." she said to me feeling too much confidence.

"Don't be that sure..!" I muttered.

After we finished talking we went to class, as I said we had biology, and since it was actually Ash's first time to not do the homework the teacher forgave her, and when the teacher said it was okay she looked at me and winked, like she's saying: "See girl, you are wrong!" Oh God, I love her so much!

We of course spent the whole day together because I had no "friends" but her, she actually did has other friends because she is rich and popular, but I was her best friend and throughout the day she would hang out with them but mostly she would hang out with me.


Sorry guys if this story sounds boring at first but trust me it will be interesting.

P.s. sorry if my grammer is not perfect...I'm not a native English speaker!! thank youu

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