Chapter 11

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*Jessica's POV*

The door was ringing and I was actually wondering who could it be, I wasn't waiting for anyone, weird. Anyway I opened the door and I couldn't believe my eyes! It was someone who I haven't seen in literally ages, it was my aunt Lisa, aunt Lisa was my dad's sister, we haven't seen her in like three years because she has moved to New York, US. I used to love her so much, I still do though but we haven't contacted each other since I have said three years ago.

"Oh my God!! aunt Lisa! I missed you A LOT" I said with a huge grin on my face and pulling her for a tight hug.

"Hello Jess, you've grown up a lot, how are you and your sister?" she asked me with a warm smile on her lips.

"We are great, thank you" I let her get in the house and asked her if she wants something to drink, she said no, thanks and as she said that I was going upstairs to tell my sister that our aunt is here, but Lisa interrupted me by calling my name.

"Jess! wait!" she said.

"What is that on your face?" she asked curiously, she's probably talking about the huge bruise on my cheek.

"Ugh okay I will tell you everything, but hold on I'm gonna call my sister, she probably will be so happy to see you!" I told her and she just nodded her head.


"ARIANA, GUESS WHO'S HERE!" I screamed loud enough so she can hear me while walking up to her room in the hallway.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?! I'M TAKING A NAP GIRL!" She yelled back at me.

"Guess who's here idiot! it's our aunt Lisa!" I said with a huge smile on my face.

Yup she was as surprised as I was!

"You are no serious??!!!" she said as her jaw dropped. She then ran down the stairs and she saw our aunt and gave her a huge hug.

"Girls I need to tell you something." Lisa told us in a very serious look on her face, we got so worried, she asked us to sit down and listen.

"what's wrong?" me and my sister said at the same time look to our aunt.

"I know this may be really hard for you, but you've got to know the truth...." she said and then she paused for a bit.

"what truth, what are you talking about?" I asked with a quite worried tone in my voice.

"As you of course know your parents died two years ago, but did you notice that actually there was no dead bodies at the place of the accident but the police just found their car in the lake that's next to our house, right?" she said.

"Yeah...until now they didn't find their dead bodies" I said realizing what she's talking about was actually true.

"They did have an accident...."she paused then continued "but they are still alive" she stated with a straight face while holding me and my sister's hands.

Both of our jaws dropped, me and Ari couldn't believe her, she sounded like a psychopath to us.

"How do you know that? what are you talking about?" I said leaving her hands, standing up and pulling an angry face.

"While I was in America I found them, I was shocked just like you right now, I couldn't believe my eyes, I went to them and asked them what are you guys doing here?...with obviously my jaw dropped" she said.

"Aha then what did they tell you?" I asked

"They said "I know we are suppose to be dead, let us tell you everything, we did have the accident but we were alive, then we went to America.." and I have no idea why they did that, they went to America for some reason that they didn't want me to know." said Lisa

"Why? why did they do that?" I said with tears in my eyes while looking to my sister who was weeping as well.

"And, you guys have a one year old bother..." my aunt said.

"WHAT?! are you serious?" Ariana said with a shocking face!!

"Yes, they gave birth to a lovely child named Luke." She said.


DUN DUN DUUUNNN YUP! that's the surprise, something else is gonna happen in the next chapter so pls keep reading!! I tried to make the chapter longer because so many people told me to do so !!! thank u all for reading! please vote, comment, share and faaaan!

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