1.9K 21 18

what you favorite male and female YouTuber? male: besides the Dolan twins the janoskians
female: it's hard to chose (sorry)

what do u think of fake fans?
tbh I hate fake fans because they mostly get the attention and it's not fair to the true fans who are always there and trying to get their attention.
who would u kill fuck or marry(Ethan Grayson and Luke Hemings)
kill~Luke H.
favorite youtubers: to many to name about 100 and something people lol

now I'm just going to tell u some facts about me
1. my full name is Vanessa Elizabeth Andrade
2. my social media are ig:Vanessa_andrade32 Twitter: Vanessa34321303
sc: vanessaandrad32
vine:vanessa_andrade32(I think) and add me or follow me and I'll follow u back
3. I'm 5'4 and a half(probably don't care about the half)
4. I've in the USA
5. I play soccer and volleyball
6. soccer is my main sport
7. I'm going into 9th grade(comment what grade ur in or going into)
8. my birthday is June 4th 2001
9. I'm 14
10. I love all of you guys
11. I have the iPhone 5c and it's cracked but I'm waiting for the new iPhone to come out
12. I'm the only girl out of 3 older brothers and 1 younger brother
13. I was the youngest for 14 years
14. I'm half tomboyish and half girlish
15. my oldest brother says that I'm a complete tomboy
16. I live in the east coast of the USA
17 my BIGGEST career dream is to be a soccer player
18. I love the weeknd
19. my favorite subject is school is math and gym(comment what yours is)
20. I want to have a wattpad from that I can text look they trust me with there phone number or something
21. I'm really weird kinda idk
22. I love laughing
23. I really want to meet the twins
24. both twins follow me on Twitter (and if u want help for them to follow u just let me know)
25. I really want to play with the USA wnt(women's national team) and meet Tobin Heath
26. I'm done and there'll be a picture of me up there and please don't be mean and I'm sorry I'm not pretty okay
⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️ thank you so much for the 16k❤️❤️❤️❤️

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