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Grayson: He hadn't barely been home enough to notice if you'd even changed clothes. Of course, he was busy with getting ready for the upcoming tour and he always had something to do with the guys after words to do some promoting for their newly released EP; but something was different about the way he had been acting lately. Normally he would talk to you about how he felt, he'd cuddle with you as he told you his feelings and thoughts, sometimes he'd even come home and head straight to the bedroom with you to relieve some of the extra stress from the publicity he'd been having to deal with; but now Grayson acted as if he were someone completely different. As if he wasn't even your boyfriend anymore, so once he stepped through the door with his shoulders hung low and his head drooping, you decided to bombard him so he couldn't ignore you. You stepped into the living room and wrapped your arms around his neck, where his arms fell limply around your waist in a quick and very uncomfortable hug. You left a kiss on Grayson's cheek as you pulled back and smiled at him. "How was your day, babe?" you smile widely, as Grayson just shrugs his shoulder and walks into the kitchen to the fridge, pulling the door open to grab a bottle of water. "Fine." he says as he continues his journey to the stairs that lead upstairs to your room. You knew he wanted to be alone, but you were going to try your hardest to keep him with you downstairs. "What'd you do while you were gone?" you asked, following him closely. His eyebrows rose in suspicion to your sudden clingy behavior, but he said nothing to you as he slowly continued his walk up the stairs. "Promoted. Drank some with the boys. That's about all." Grayson answers slowly with an exhausted tone to his voice. You sighed and bit your lip as he reached the door, pulling it open as he stepped inside, shutting it behind him quickly before you could follow him inside. "You don't want a cuddle night?" you ask through the door, and Grayson only groans in response. "No. I'll be going out soon anyway." Ouch.

Ethan: "Good morning, baby!" you yelled happily as he walked down the stairs with nothing but his sweatpants hanging loosely off his waist. Ethan looked at you with tired eyes and smiled weakly, making his way over to the counter where you'd already made him a plate of bacon, eggs, toast and sausage; you knew he had a lot to do today and you were sure he would need the energy from a full breakfast to make it through the morning. Normally, Ethan would eat with you and talk about his plans or his thoughts, but today was different; instead he made his way to the living room with his plate in hand, ignorning your questioning look. Was he mad at you? No, he wouldn't have smiled at you when you greeted him if he was mad. Maybe he was just extra tired this morning. That had to be it! You shrugged your shoulders as you turned your attention back to the dish water you'd had your hands under, completely forgetting that you'd finished your breakfast already and were washing the dishes to await Ethan coming to eat his breakfast. You finished up the dishes and washed your hands off, drying them on your t-shirt as you entered the living room to see Ethan hadn't even touched his breakfast, but was instead on his phone scrolling through his messages. You pouted slightly as you walked over and sat next to him on the couch, resting your hand against his thigh. He still didn't remove his attention from the phone before him, his head only nodding slightly as you rubbed your thumb slightly up and down his leg. "I need to get ready." Ethan says, looking directly at you as he spoke each word. You rose your eyebrows and removed your hand, leaning away from him. "Exactly what're you doing today?" you ask, but he just shrugs as he gets up and makes his way up the stairs to 'get ready' for his day. "Hanging with the guys as far as I know, and then we're going out later tonight. I won't be home until late, so don't wait up." he whispers into the tense air between the two of you. That's weird. What boyfriend didn't want to pay attention to his girlfriend?

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