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Ethan had surprised you with a 2 week trip to Paris together for holiday break, since you both had plenty of off days from college.
As you two were walking down the icy streets of the City of Love, Ethan had his hand intertwined with your's and his other hand was occupied with a cup of hot chocolate. Every now and then, he brought your hands up to his lips to warm them with his breath and left a small kiss on them. You smiled at each other and continued to walk as the sun began to set in the purple sky.
"Look at how amazing that is," Ethan said, pointing to your left at the Eiffel Tower illuminated by the bright yellow lights. You both stopped walking and stood in awe before the magnificent sight. You breathed out, "Wow," and shook your head, unable to believe how beautiful this moment was. This couldn't get any better.
But you were wrong. When you turned back to your right to see Ethan's reaction, he was bent down on one knee and smiling widely at you. It took you a moment to realize what was happening until you gasped and covered your mouth with your cold hands.
"Babe," he began, shaking his head. "These last 5 years we've spent together have been the best years of my life. You make me happy beyond belief, Y/N. I love you so much, and I want to continue to love you for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?" He reached into his jacket and pulled out a box containing a beautiful ring.
By now tears were welling up in your eyes. You couldn't speak because you were so shocked, so you nodded continuously until Ethan stood up, engulfing you into a huge and loving hug. You let out a small sob of happiness and repeated the word yes over and over. He chuckled and hugged you tighter, rubbing your back softly and stroking your hair. He pulled away and you immediately pulled him into a long kiss. He picked you up and spun you around in circles.
"I love you so much," you whispered after the kiss, burying your face into his chest. You felt him slip on the cold ring so you brought up your hand to look at it. It was stunning. You continued to admire it as Ethan held the hand and gave it a kiss. "I love you more, Y/N"
•8 Months Later•
The big day had finally arrived. You were so excited to finally be called Ethan's wife and to spend the rest of your life with him. You've dreamed about this day since the first time you told him you loved him and now your dreams were finally coming true.
You took a deep breath before it was almost the time to begin walking down the aisle of the church. You could see Ethan standing at the altar but he couldn't see you. Your heart raced as the music began to play and everyone stood on their feet.
You slowly walked through the doors and made eye contact with Ethan. His eyebrows raised and his smile grew into a wide, cheeky grin. You smiled too and it felt like you were walking on a cloud. The only two people in the world were you and him. You saw a tear fall from his eye and a few people awwed. Your heart seemed to be melting as you made it to the steps of the altar where you and Ethan's arms hooked together. "My beautiful princess," he whispered to you before the ceremony began to finally confirm your marriage.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please help us to welcome the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Ethan and Y/N Dolan!"
You saw your family and friends cheer as you and your new husband entered the ball room, dancing in the middle of the circle formed by the guests. A few more fast songs played until it was time for the first slow dance as husband and wife. Ethan smiled at you as he held your hand and led you to the middle of the dance floor where the spotlights were shining.
'Kiss Me' by Ed Sheeran played as he snaked his arms around your waist and you connected your's around his neck. You both swayed back and forth while staring into each other's eyes, him slowly pulling you closer and closer into him. "Did I tell you how gorgeous you are today?" he asked.
You giggled. "Yes, about 20 times."
"Well then I'll say it again. You look so freaking gorgeous, Y/N Dolan." He rested his forehead on yours and pecked your lips. You smiled and closed your eyes.
"I love you so much, Ethan."
"I love you so much more, babygirl."

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