Grayson imagine

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y/b/g (stands for your brothers girlfriend)."Babe," you whisper to your sleepy boyfriend Grayson, trying to wake him up.
"Gray, baby wake up." You guys thought it would be a good idea to have a Netflix marathon, since he finally came back from tour. He's been good for a month, the longest time you've ever been without each other. "Grayson...baaaaabe," you whine, "yeah, hey" he sleepy says. You smile at the sight of his discombobulated-ness; he looked like a lost puppy. "What time is it?" he asks, "it's a quarter past midnight" you say yawning, causing him to also yawn. "Oh crap, I told my mom I'd be home by 11" he said getting up frantically. "Its too late to go out, just stay the night. I'm sure your mom would agree." You say hoping to convince him. "Its not my mom I'm worried about, Its your dad" he says with a concerned face. "Its cool, y/b/g sleeps over all the time. C'mon, I want to cuddle with you. You've been gone for too long," you say with your best pouty face. "I don't know about this y/n," he says.
"Pleeeease? I don't have class tomorrow, we can sleep in, I can make you breakfast in the morning" you say walking toward him wrapping your arms around his waist, looking up at him. "I'll deal with my dad, but I'm telling you its fine" you say smiling up at him. "Gah, I can't say no to you!" Gray says giving you one of his award winning smiles. You guys go up to your room, "get comfy, I'm gonna change into pajamas." You say walking into your bathroom. You walk out in Grays unity bay crew neck, "so that's where my sweatshirt went," He says taking off his shirt and getting into your bed. "I took it from you before you left," you saw crawling into bed next to him.
"Keep it, it looks better on you." He says putting his arm around you. "I wasn't planning on giving it back," you snuggle into his side.
"Goodnight baby girl" he says before he kisses your forehead and drifting off to sleep.


Dolan Twins imagine and preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now