part 2

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Grayson: He did in fact go out later. He had some friends that weren't the boys come over and pick him up, giving you nothing but a quick 'Bye, love you.' before he ushered all his colleagues out the door and left you alone in the house. The urge to cry, punch something, and throw all of Grayson's things out the door into the hard rain over came you; but luckily you did none of them. You stood strong and just quietly entertained yourself by listening to music and reading your favorite book of 'Looking For Alaska' by John Green. You weren't mad at Grayson anymore, he'd been doing this too much to you lately for it to bother you anymore. Now you were just numb. You still loved Grayson; but if he was going to ask so distant towards you, there was no need for you to keep trying to be involved with him. That's why you decided once he got home and ignored you once again, you would just silently pack some things of yours and travel over to your best friend's place to stay until Grayson discovered what it was he wanted with you. It neared almost two in the morning and you were right at the end of the book when Grayson walked into your shared apartment, the door slamming loudly as he slung his keys and wallet onto the counter at the living room entrance. He stopped in his tracks once he saw you on the couch; headphones plugged in your ears and a book pressed close to your nose. He smiled softly as he walked over and tapped on your shoulder, making you jump. "Shit," you whispered to him as you took one of your headphones out. "You scared the fuck out of me! Jesus. What time is it?" you continue on as you shut the book. Grayson looks at the clock of the radio on your end table and sighs, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Two in the morning. What're you still doing up?" he retorts. You raised your eyebrows at him, shocked that he'd said so much to you in what little time he'd been standing in front of you. It was a surprise from his now usual behavior of short answering you and walking straight to the bedroom to be by himself. You chuckled sadly and stood up, putting the book you held in your hands on the coffee table and grabbing your phone that was still playing music in your sweatshirt pockets. "I honestly don't know. I guess I got caught up in that book and lost track of time." you replied. Grayson smiled lightly as he shook off his plaid shirt and shuffled his feet out of his sneakers. He looked at you and opened his arms slightly. "Wanna cuddle?" he offers. You turn to him and scoff, the anger rising out of you. "No. I'm going to bed soon, anyways." you reply coldy as you turn on your heel, walking up the stairs to your bedroom as you left Grayson in the living room, shocked.

Ethan: "Shit, (Y/N). You're still awake?" he whispers as he stumbled into the bedroom, seeing your small figure sitting upright with your phone blasting music as you toyed around with your hair; twisting it into different styles. You looked at him and chuckled, nodding your head slowly as if it were something he should've known before he left, and it sort of was. "Yes. I couldn't sleep knowing you were out late." you say. Ethan raises his eyebrows and shuffles out of his jeans and tank top, putting the sweatpants he had on earlier back on his body as he walked over to the bed, sitting with his back towards you. He hunched over and leaned on his knees, his head instantly going in his hands. "Why didn't you just call or text me?" he asks with annoyance clear in his voice, something you normally never heard from Ethan. You'd never heard him so harsh with you, and it kind of hurt you that he'd suddenly became that way. Still unaware of what you'd done to him to cause him to act this way, you pushed aside the fact that he was being a douche and crawled over to him, wrapping your arms around his torso as you let your fingers dance across his stomach and chest. Though he didn't hug you or touch you back, he didn't reject your affection. "I didn't want to bother you while you were out with your friends, babe." you whisper in his ear, causing a shiver to go down Ethan's spine. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, jerking away from you as he stood up off the bed. "I'm sleeping on the couch tonight. Goodnight, I love you." he hastily whispered as he grabbed a few pillows and an extra blanket from the hall closet. There you sat, alone in bed for the first night in two years; and you were absolutely torn apart about it.

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