Chapter 17: The final battle

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Chapter 17: The final Battle

Jack's POV

I ran outside of our cottage into the damp meadow clearing, stuck my tongue our at Penelope and she laughed, I ran faster with the feeling of mud between my toes, I kept running, laughing on the way to the tree line I stopped, when I heard a sinister voice boom inside my head,

"How, sweet.... Jack Frost and his little... Girlfriend, playing together on this marvelous afternoon!" He spoke slowly enough for me to absorb every syllable, I couldn't feel my legs anymore, the numbness was of pure fear that Rogue might hurt Penelope again. I heard her nervous steps behind me. I turned around grabbed at her wrist and dashed for her sake.

I accidentally hurt her but I kept on running, the awful thoughts of my girlfriend getting hurt coursed through my mind, it must have been Rogue's doing! I quickly glanced behind but did not see him anywhere, I kept the same pace dragging Penelope behind, that until I saw him, the dark tall crooked figure towering over us. An evil smile crept over his face, his teeth, white and pointed! His dark red eyes glared down at me and Penelope, he started to speak again,

"Hello, what a nice day to see you guys again!" He exclaimed, I quickly looked back at Penelope then to Rogue, I let my death grip go of her and gripped my staff ready to fight, Penelope held a small fire ball in her right hand and held back her left, he grew taller and taller creating a shadow over the two of us,

Penelope's POV

As I saw the threat grow to at least 30 feet tall my confidence shrink, I whispered to Jack,

"Umm, how are we going to fight him!?" Worry crept into my voice an Jack took notice,

"I've got an idea...." He looked at me with his charming blue eyes, it made my fear go away for a brief couple of seconds, he then broke our connection and lifted his Staff into the air, nothing is happening, I stares at him with wonder, 'what is he trying to accomplish?!' I thought to myself, then a huge blue stream of ice shot into the air, sending shivers down my spine!

It was some sort of beckon, he turned to me and said with cheekiness in his soft tone,

"Let's beat this guy's ass!" I stood in shock, I raised and eyebrow at him and he flew off towards the head of Rogue! I mentally had to slap myself to get back into reality! I flew after him and I saw Jack freezing the joints of the tall figure, shooting a series of icicles as well...

All I did was shoot small fires balls, since my bum left hand my accuracy was out the window, I managed to get a couple of good shots at Rogue's lower back and shoulders, I glanced at Jack and it looked like he was having fun, long black vines chased after him and he just froze them and riding it like a beach wave! I had to laugh at him for practically mocking the very man trying to kill us!

I guess I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings cause I felt a massive force push me out of the air! I could feel my ribs cry and my arm shriek! I closed my eyes before I hit the ground with huge impact! I couldn't breath and I could move! My eyes wondered around the scene and I could only make out a couple of figures, blurry Jack and blurry angry Rogue trying to break off the ice on his limps, I suddenly heard a wry familiar, friendly voice!

"Aha!! I got your signal Jack... ATTACK!" I looked up and blinked away the fogginess, I saw North hollering, holding up two swords dashing towards Rogue, I also saw Bunnymund, Sandy and Tooth with a couple of baby teeth, I smile and carefully got up but was pulled away by my feet.

I clawed at the ground, ripping up grass and dirt trailing behind my eager hands for security, I glanced at the source of the disturbance, it was Rogue's vicious vines pulling me along like a rag doll, I suddenly felt excursion and nothing around me, I was being suspended in the air, I looked at the ground, slowly being pulling away from me! I gasped and gripped the vine with my dangling hands, I was 20 feet in the air with nothing to grab onto, being hung by a evil plant! I couldn't talk, all I could do was let out a spine tingling shriek!

Jack's POV

I was helping out the Guardians fight Rogue when I heard Penelope screaming! I looked over to the area where it came from and saw her just outside the tree line, struggling to be free in mid-air from a black vine, swaying back and forth! I tried to fly towards her but was stopped by a wicked blow to the side, I realized the Rogue had thrown his giant hand towards me. Stopping me and I was now on the ground, I looked up and saw Penelope was now being held by her arms and legs!

Her teeth where gritted and tears formed in her icy eyes,

"Let her go!" Tooth yelled, a couple of Baby Teeth squeaked angrily as well,

"Let her go mate, and no one gets hurt!" Bunnymund stepped up holding his boomerangs. Sandy was making a whole bunch of picture above his head,

"I'm afraid that isn't an option... She must die on order for me to fulfill my prophecy! And besides! I'm pretty sure Penelope has to die whoever's prophecy is true..."

He smiled and everyone fell silent, I dropped my head, 'it is true... The prophecy said that Penelope could die... NO! Not going to happen' I thought angrily to myself, I looked up and my hands wrapped tighter around my staff,

"No! She! Won't!" I charged at Rogue, pure anger rang through my body and he looked back at Penelope, it was as if time actually slowed down, I stole a glance at Penelope and saw her body slowly falling from the grasp of the twisted vines, she just fell, made no attempt to fly! This is it! I charge at Rogue even though his vines closed in on us, his eyes full of amusement! I yelled and lifted my staff in front of me and headed right towards him! An explosion of ice, wind and snow came from me and soon everything went white, I closed my eyes and relaxed, I felt numb and free.

I suddenly snapped out of it and found myself facing the sky, Bunnymund yelling at me to get up, Sandy was trying to gesture something out of my eye sight, I heard nothing but ringing and the faint voice of the kangaroo yelling, I got up and saw a tall, frozen statue, vines crept all over the meadow and I looked at the giant, defeated frozen Rogue, I sighed in relief, all good feelings dropped when I remembered... Penelope!

I got up quickly, even though my surrounding spun, I wobbled a bit but I kept on running toward Tooth and North kneeling down besides Penelope, I don't remember how to breath, I lost all feelings in my legs and my heart burned, Tooth held Penelope in her arms, a single tear was in her eye and she looked up at me, I crawled towards her and Penelope, Tooth placed her into my arms. She felt limp and warm, her eyes pried open slowly, I caught my breath and smiled a little, she wasn't completely gone, not yet...

"Jack?..." Her weak voice whispered to me,

"Yeah baby, I'm here.... What is it?" I choked back tears, I looked up and saw Tooth crying, both hands over her mouth, North kneeling down in a very respectful manner, Sandy had his eyes closed and held his own hands in front of him, Bunnymund was on the verge of tears...

"Is Rogue defeated?" I looked down again and saw Penelope's face with a couple of tears, I couldn't handle it anymore, I let all of my sadness leak through my eyes,

"Ya, he is gone for good now..." I wiped the liquid from her face, I overlooked her body and saw that her legs hung in a unnatural way, her ribs caved in and her good arm was no longer good, it bent at an odd angle, I winced at the sight, my perfect angel has been damaged by the evil spirit that is no longer! I looked back at her perfect face and she struggled for words,

"Jack.... I-I.... I'm sorry, for all the p-pain I've caused you... To endure... I wish y-y you the very, best... I love you, Jack Frost..." Her eyes dropped, losing the glow I loved, her unsteady breathing stopped and her head felt limp... I felt a stream of tears run down my face, I heard Tooth crying an North sniffle, Bunnymund turned away and Sandy covered Penelope with the golden sand, lifting her from my grasp, I couldn't hear anymore, I tried to get up but North held me back, I screamed and kicked but I still couldn't hear, I slowly saw the love of my life being carried away, Tooth said something I didn't hear, crying, struggling to calm me, I gave up and buried my face in North's arm, he patted my back and Tooth rubbed my shoulders, we sat there, crying, hugging and grieving.... The sun settled and we headed back to North's workshop without a word being said, for Penelope's funeral was being held....


This chapter was... Very sad an hard to write.. Anyways...

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