Chapter 4: Meeting the frozen Idiot!!

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Chapter 4: Meeting the Frozen Idiot!!

Penelope POV

I was sitting cross legged in the middle of the pond again twirling my hands making little lighting bolts. A recent trick that I found out!! I enjoyed the sparking noise and the bright flashes! I suddenly had a great idea!

I stood up, walked with a little bounce in my step to the edge of the frozen surface, a genius grin on my face! I bent down on all fours, cracked my neck twice and let the tingling lighting bolts rush out of my hands! The beautiful, dangerous lights went through the ice, cutting designs and shapes, just below the first couple of layers! Not deep enough to not notice but not close enough to make the small tunnels break! After the first lighting, I continued several more! I stooped and little bits of frost broke out of the tunnels and made the design more breath taking! I wondered

"Hmmm... Has anyone ever noticed this gorgeous pond before!? I mean it's not to far off from a hiking trail!"

I took another glance at my work and started to walk away, then that's when I heard the noise of ice breaking!... I turned around immediately and saw that the ice, wasn't breaking... The gaps were being filled in! I emotions went hay-wire!! I felt anger, confusion, wonder, mystified and curious! I looked around, I heard only the strong, teeth-chattering wind blow! I didn't see anything on the ground so I looked up at the tree tops, that's when I heard it

"Hey! Whatcha doing to my pond!?" A voice boomed, startling me, I turned around quickly, my feet didn't co-opperate and i fell against the ice... on my head... a**hole! As I saw the idiot who scared me and claimed that the pond was his! I thought to myself "Who does he think he is!?!?"

Jack POV

I was flying over head from the small town Burgess when I heard lighting! Gosh! There isn't a cloud in sight! Then wtf was happening!? I got curious so I flew down low to the busy town and looked for what the solid could be! I check all over town! It sounded 3 or more times and I was getting pissed off cause I wanted to know what was making the noise!!! I flew off in frustration and u decided to go to the one place where I can gather my thoughts, the frozen pond!

I lifted off kinda angry, since I could find the source of the lighting noise, I took deep breathes and was soon flying over the soothing forest, then I heard it again!!!


This time is sounded real close! I flew down and saw someone on my pond! MY!! pond...

It was a girl! I wondered if she could see me, I wondered if she was human! I wondered if she made her hair that colour on purpose! I decided to go for it!

I flew down to see what she was doing! I landed and tried to ask her

"What are you doing!?"

My voice was droned out by another lighting bolt! It was coming from her!!! I took another step forwards, she suddenly looked up and I panicked! I flew behind a tree, she started to look around and I saw the opportunity as she looked up towards the trees. I decide to have a little fun... I lifted my staff up and froze most of the tunnels that covered my pond, let me remind you... MY POND!!!

"Hey! Whatcha doing to my pond!?" I asked, kinda louder that expected, quickly turned around, ending results with her falling back against the ice, oohhhhh, that looked like it could hurt for a couple of days... I walked over with a grin on my face, trying so hard not to laughter but it didn't work

"Haha, oops!" I said sarcastically... I offered my hand but she denied it, slapping the back of it and trying to stand without falling again.... I snickered a little and took a second glance at her, her skin looked like it was an unhealthy ivory colour, yuck! She had a dull purple hair colour, not very exciting...Her eyes seemed almost like they were white, even though they were blue. Her hoodie was white and she wore skinny, black leggings that made her look slim, her outfit was the only thing I liked about her appearance, especially the "no-shoes" thing, I dig that!

"Sorry cutie! But answer my question. What. Are. You. Doing. To. MY. pond!?" I asked making sure that she got every word.

She was rubbing the back off her head and snapped a glare at me, feisty!

"It's not your pond! And don't call me cute!!"

I took a small step back and took in her rather sassy voice. She has a lot of attitude! Nice!

Penelope POV

"It's not your pond! And don't call me cute!!"

I felt quite pleased at what I said, even though it was quite harsh, I thought he was cute, I mean just a little... Like look at the pale skin! I'm pretty sure that this guy wasn't from around here! Maybe he is part ALBINO!!! That would explain the lack of hair colour with a tiny of blue, the icy blue eyes and very, very pale skin! He wore a nice blue hoodie, kinda like mine but it had little bits of frost every where, around the neck, arms, and waist! He also carried a wooden staff, kinda looks like a shepherd thingy that they use! The one thing that got my attention was that he didn't wear any shoes... So.... Was he human!? I mean if he was I'd say that he Gould have gotten frost bite by now!

I noticed that he took a small step back, I got up trying not to humiliate my self any more, she chuckled! I kicked his laugh in an annoyed way... AUGH!!!! This idiot... this idiot.... It took me a while to realize that he could see me.... Wait! He could SEE me!!!! oh my god! Omg!! Penelope! Stay cool, oh god I hope my face didn't how anything that would embarrass me... I finally caught my breath and said

" excuse me but WHO!? Do you think you ARE!?" I was getting a little impatient, I don't know why but his vide was... I don't know, mischevious? And another thing but I couldn't figure it out....

"Hmm?.....oh! MY name is the WONDERFUL, Jack.frost! And you STILL haven't answered my question."

He emphasized his words and I looked at him in disbelief.... "wonderful"??? As if!!! He then bowed down in a formal way, a childish way! As if he expected an applaud for him.... I could tell he was full of himself!

" ok.... Jack, Frost...." I said in a disbelieving manner "I am doing something creative! Something that YOU will never be able to do!" I crossed my arms and looked away, I regretted that and watched him snickered... Shoot....

"Hhhah.... Ok well how is this for creative?" He gave me a look, the one that a person gives you when they are about to prove you wrong!

The lovely Cold Wind (Rise of the Guardians- Jack frost) Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now