Chapter 12: movie night

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while! Enjoy!!!

Chapter 12:Movie night

Jack's POV

We were both flying in the snowy weather heading to Penelope's cottage, there wasn't much wind but the snow was still coming down! We made small talk about tricks and tips on training, how we could use defensive and offensive powers! 20 minutes later we were in the small clearing by her Cottage, we landed in the snowy field and headed inside, I was holding her hand while smiling, I finally get to have one full night with my girlfriend!

"You get the movies while I start a fire!" She said while she planted a kiss on my cheek, I obeyed and got the movies; Titanic, Romeo and Juliet, and Phantom of the Opera (the remake), I watched Penelope light the fire in the middle of the living space with her index finger, I grinned, I loved the way she used her powers! Penelope stood up straight and walked over to me, biting her lip, looking down, hand behind her back and taking cautious steps. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her face just inches from mine,

"Oh, if you only knew how much I love you..." I whispered as she leaned in, but before our lips met she said something

"I'm making popcorn," she laughed and freed herself from my grasp, I hated the way she teased me! But then again, it was cute! She walked over to the kitchen and started to make the stove-top-popcorn, I sat down on the comfy couch and played with the remote as I waited for Penelope to come and join me.

Penelope's POV

I stood in the kitchen making popcorn thinking about what we could do tonight, many things roamed around in my head, funny, sad, naughty..... But that doesn't matter, it matters that me and Jack are spending one gorgeous night alone, under the full moon, ground covered in a blanket of snow, stars are out, I was lost in thought and almost burned the popcorn!"oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiizzz!" I cussed to myself, I quickly turned off the element and took of the lid of the pot, I smelled the delicious, butter popcorn! My mouth watered as I walked over to Jack sitting on the couch, I slumped myself on the vision besides him and played the movie, we were watching the titanic, I quests neither of us watched the movie until it came to the part when the titanic actually hit the iceberg!

"Kinda weird that his name is Jack too, right?" I asked quietly as I coiled y fingers into his cold ones,

"Right, but he dies at the end, doesn't he?"

"Right! Now you don't go dying on me now, Jack!" I said looking up at him in a kind of serious tone! He laughed showing his perfect white teeth,

"No, I won't ever leave your side!" He kissed the top part of my head, making me shiver a little, looked up ini his intense blue eyes as he gazed into mine,

"I mean it Jack, I don't know what I would ever do if I lost you!" I replied, I wasn't trying to sound sad but it came out as if I was about to cry!

"I won't baby, I wont....." He leaned his head against mine and we watched the rest of the movie while munching on the popcorn in peace.

Jack's POV

"Penelope?" I think she fell asleep, I gently retrieved my arm that was around her and carted her bridal style to the bedroom, I lifted up the thick blankets and kissed we forehead good night,

"I'll see you soon" . I left he sleeping in the bedroom, I turned around as I reached the door to get one last glimpse, the moon highlighted her ivory skin making it look like satin, I saw her purple hair wave down to her lower ribs, I smiled at the sleeping beauty and left the small Cottage to go meet the Guardians jut after sun rise.

🌕At the North Pole🌕

"Jack!" North greeted me

"Hey north! Sooooo, why did you call us over?" Sandy made a question mark over his head, Tooth peeped up and said

"We are planning the Formal ball and we need you, and sandy to help us out!"

"Um why?" A question mark hovered his head again,

"Because! Since the formal is based on Penelope being chosen as a guardian and you two getting together! We wanted your opinion on things!"

"We also wanted Sandy here to make sure you don't mess up I. Decorations!" I turned around to see Bunny

"Nice to see you too kangaroo! Ha! That even rhymed!" He glared at me and north interrupted

"Ahem! Well we should get started on the colours, shall we?" We all headed to the one part of the Workshop I wasn't aloud in! North thinks that I will always break something every where I go! We headed into a giant room with large windows, a big Chandelier, long tables and lots of chairs! I stood in awe as everyone just walked in by! I can't believe I haven't been in this room before!

The lovely Cold Wind (Rise of the Guardians- Jack frost) Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now