Chapter 11: Training Sucks

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Chapter 11: Training Sucks

Penelope's POV

"It turns out that the Formal Ball is four weeks after your training..." Tooth explained to me with a hesitant voice,

"Oh, ok well.... At least I have time to find out what I'm king to wear, I guess..."

That's wen I saw her face light up, she gasped and then said in a cheery voice,

"I know, why don't I find you THE! Perfect. Dress, while you train!"

"Ummm, I don't know..."

"Awe, come on! I'll let you see the dress before hand?"

"Ok!" I said giving up, I actually didn't really want to go, I mean it sound fun and all but when it comes to dancing, people better watch out cause I was born with two left feet!

"Good! Now go find Bunny, he wants to help you with your aim, stealth and speed!"

"Ok, just don't choose anything to gaudy! Ok? I don't want to look like I just came back from trick-or-treating!"

She nodded with a huge smile on her face while flying away, I took a deep breath in and decided to look for Jack before heading to the first day of training,

Jack's POV

"What do you mean that I can't wear this!?" I said gesturing to my clothes

"You are going to dance at Formal Ball, FORMAL as in blacks suits, shoes 'nd ties and lots of people!" North said with lots of enthusiasm, I rolled me eyes and said,

"So your saying that I have to wear a suit, tie AND SHOES?" I said in disbelief, god if I have to wear shoes I think I might just skip out and do something else worth while!

"Yes!" He said in his Russian accent

I sighed in annoyance and had a debate i my mind whether I should go or not, then I heard someone call my name


"Penelope? What's wrong?" I said flying out of the room and into one of the big hall ways, I heard her coming towards me and tackled me with a big hug,

"Ooof!" As we both landed on the ground,

"I'll let you two, lovebirds talk while I set up for your lesson, Penelope" North said as he walked away with a grin in his face. We both got up and Penelope looked excited,

"What's up!? You look excited for something."

"Tooth said for me to go looking for bunny to train, but I wanted to come and find you first and ask if you were going to the Formal?"

My eye widened, it took me a couple of seconds to think about the Formal Ball,

"Ummm, did Tooth tell you to go?"

"Well, she sorta just told me that I was going and that I should train while she looked for the "perfect" dress..." She looked at me, sets searching for an answer.

"Uh, pfft, sure! Why not?" I said, kinda regretting what I just said, I mean I know how to dance and all but I sometimes get nervous and begin to fall over my own feet!

"Good!" She pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek, she then left.

Penelope's POV

"Ouch! bunny that really hurt!" I said while lying on the grassy area, Bunny thought it would be better for me to train with him on Easter Island!

"C'mon! Get up love and show me what you've got!" I held my arm, he threw one of his boomerangs at me, he was helping me with my stealth and speed, I am very agile and flexible but, bunny thought that, that wasn't good enough! He started to through more weapons at me, knifes, swords, boomerangs! I did tricks and flips against the rock walls, but he still threw the sharp objects at me,

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