The lovely Cold Wind (Rise of the Guardians- Jack frost) Chapter 1

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My life is amazing, I have two playful dogs, two younger brothers and a mother that loves all of us with all her heart! My name is Brittany, and I live in the 19thh century and I was looking in the mirror one morning trying to untangle my brown hair that is just past my shoulders, when all of a sudden I get a massive chill from my open window, it blows out my candle and I sighed with frustration! I go to my window and as I was about to close it, it frosted up suddenly! I was startled and I hesitated to close it now, I closed it anyways and I walked back to my un-lit candle and pulled a match out and lit the candle. I went into the kitchen full off my family members, two little brothers and my mother feeding the dogs.i said good morning and I got some oven fresh bread, sliced a piece off and went back to my room to get dressed, I wore my regular long brown skirt with a soft thin long-sleeve shirt that could tie up. I went back to the living space, kissed my mom good bye for I was heading to my friends house

It all started when i was 17 years old, I was walking home after mid-night from a friends house, it was fairly cold and I was determined to get home as fast as I could. I would take short cuts and half-run, half-jog to certain points. It seemed forever when I finally was walking down the final hill covered with trees to my lovely home with my mom, I didn't realize until I was half way into the dark pathway surrounded by towering trees, that someone has been following me... I took a quick glance behind my shoulder and saw the dark hooded man quickening his pace! I started to half run half sprint to the busiest place I could find but as you probably noticed that people aren't really out unless they're drunk from parting, I suddenly got pushed to me side and fell on my left elbow and knee, it hurt! I tried to get on my feet but the man just placed his heavy boot on my back. He whisper his sticky breath into my frozen ear "Don't scream and you will live...No, I have a better idea.." he bent down and tugged on my belt I tried to yell but he kicked the side of my face, cramming my cheek against the cold hard gravel! He yelled this time "SHUT UP!!" cried and said "... Please! Don't!!!.. HEEELP!!!!" I felt his foot kick me in the ribs a couple of times before I felt a sharp object ram into my chest... At first I felt nothing but a sharp pinch, then a warm sticky liquid soaked my shirt... I then lifted my right hand to cell what was the sharp object and realized how much it hurt, it felt as if someone had stricken my whole body with pain, he stabbed my left side of my chest. I suddenly fell the man pull at my feet, dragging my shock driven body into a dark place, I could se anything because of my blurred vision, I blinked a couple of times, I couldn't speak. I don't remember much after that but all I could see and hear is my mothers voice telling me to calm down, I was young, I had another night-made and I recalled her telling me the stories of the guardians watching over me, Tooth fairy, Easter bunny, Sandman, Santa Claus and how all of the children in the world get taken care of all evil! I don't know why that memory came up but it did. The pain slowly started to fade, I thought to myself "the pain shouldn't be going away... Not when I'm like this!" Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, I'm dying.... As I laid dying in the dark gathering of trees I said to myself with all the strength I have left "Mom, I love you, Dad? I'll see you soon"

Chapter 1: My awakening

I woke up in the middle of the forest covered in flowers, tree roots and dirt, I sat up with a jolt of pain from the cold wind rushing back into my lungs,I could see a small puff of breath as I breathed heavily, I grabbed at the left side of my chest where the knife should have been but I felt, nothing?! It looked like it was around mid-night,it was... Odd because I died at mid-night! "Am I in heaven?" I asked aloud, no answer, I stood up and I have never felt so weak and powerful at the same time in my life! I felt as if I could run for an hour and still go on! But I also felt like I could sleep for 3 days, it was odd!

I heard a bold voice in my head! It scared me a little, but it wasn't a threatening voice. "Your name is Penelope Seasons, I have given you a second chance, find your centre and become a Guardian." I looked around until I saw the bright moon sitting high in the sky, I wasn't scared any more but curious. I hadn't remembered anything but getting stabbed, odd... "Why did he say 'second chance'?" I didn't really care but when I started to walk around I saw a small pond frozen over, it was gorgeous, it was rimmed with little swirls of iridescent frost and I couldn't help but smile! I walked more closer to it when all of a sudden I saw a ball of light appear out of no where, in the middle of the small pond! I took small steps toward it and thought of what could it be? When it was about 2 feet in front of me, it started to glow brighter, from white, to blue, to green, and then yellow, I was mesmerized by the super-natural ball of light! I was I. Arms reach and I slowly lifted my hand to touch it, the very moment I touched it, the light exploded, sending me flying back wards and almost blinding me!

I fell into unconsciousness and I thought right before I fell into another deep sleep... "Oh no! Not again?!" I was on the verge of sleeping when I felt like my toes and fingers were falling asleep, the uncomfortable sensation seeped into my arms and lower legs, then to my shoulders and waist, then it finally reached where my used-to-be wound. I fell into a very,very deep sleep...

I woke up for the final time and it was day time, the soft snow pile that I have landed on the night before was covered in a thin layer of ice, I sat up a held my head with my hands, trying to remember what happened the night before,

"Ok, I woke up in the middle of fall under a tree, freezing weather, I have gotten injured before hand and I saw a pond..." I sat up a realized that my hair wasn't brown or shoulder length any more, it was a light gray-ish purple colour, my eyes where a near translucent blue, and it was down to my waist, I didn't wear the same clothing anymore, my brown clothing has been replaces with black tights and a long shirt the colour of freshly fallen snow, I did have shoes on, I found that odd at first then I realized that these clothes couldn't have been from my time, the. The thought struck me "how long have I been out of it?!"

93 years

"HAHAHAHA!!" I laughed at the kids trying to throw snowballs at each other, I love to cause mischief, laughter and fun! Like this snowball fight!

I dodged the snowballs flying past me as I flew around a near by park, my style of clothing and hair has changed, instead of a white plain shirt, I replaced it with a hoodie, same colour though, I still had my same black tights and no shoes, I didn't like them! I have my hair pulled back into a pony tail and my eyes still an icy blue! I couldn't bee seen but only cause of my name, Penelope Seasons, as far as I could tell from my name and my powers, I can control the weather and all the elements from the seasons, water (snow, ice, hail) wind, heat, light!

I usually fly over cities, messing with people, starting playful fights with kids and making them blame other people! But one day I sat alone, on top of a house thinking of the day I woke up in the forest, when the moon talked to me about finding my centre and the Guardians... How I wish I knew what that meant! I got up from the roof top and slowly made my way back to the small frozen pond

The lovely Cold Wind (Rise of the Guardians- Jack frost) Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now