Chapter 15: my recovery with Music pt.2

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Chapter 15:My recovery with Music pt.2

Penelope 's POV

I flew to my small sanctuary in the forest with tears streaming down my face, I needed to get away for a while,

I walked in and saw a grand piano in my living room! Sure it was a little big but, OMG! I have a piano now! I walked over to the instrument wiping my tears away, there was a note

"Dear Penelope

I've heard you play a couple of times on the piano, I decided to give you one for a late Christmas present! Enjoy!


I smiled and started to play random songs, music filled my mind and my spirit began to soar! I laugh, cried and even had the feeling of anger while playing different songs, I recently heard a beautiful piano song that I wanted to try out, my head was hurting a little but that didn't stop me from playing, my fingers gently touched the white keys, gliding from note to note, I stared to really get into the song, my mind filled with images and memories I had with Jack,

When I first met him, his skin that I once thought to be unhealthy, turning out to be a gorgeous white, the messy hair style that I love so much, the snowball fights we had, the mischevious grin he always gave me when he had an idea, I didn't realize this but I started to make it snow, I glanced outside, still playing my song, I... Smile? I don't know why but I did! My smiled faded as I remembered what happened recently, when I left him in the North Workshop,

My heart sunk and the snow became heavier and heavier by the minute, I was playing my beautiful instrument, filling the white forest with song, I somehow made my environment more, happier? While I'm here moping around my Cottage...

I was finishing the song, I had a couple of salty tears coming down my face, i felt so much better since i got my emotions out through something that is so beautiful and meaningful at the same time! I sat in silence for a couple of minutes zoned out, I got up slowly, i walked to the bathroom to shower,I carefully took of my chest bandages and my arm ones as well, i haven't looked in the mirror lately but now my hair is a brownish-purple!I showered, got changed into a fresh pair of black leggings, white hoodie and replacing the old bandages with new ones,and me,taking my time I headed towards the door, opening it slowly and seeing the giant blanket of snow, I laughed at myself for the mess I have created!

I shot myself straight up into the snow filled air, I took a long, deep breath that hurt my chest a little, I made my way into town to see the kids what they were up to!

Jack's POV

Penelope stormed out the door, I can't help but feel like she has been giving me the cold shoulder, I know I was a little to harsh on her earlier but I apologized, didn't I? I headed to North's office to see what I could do to make Penelope forgive me,

"Hey, North.."

"Hey!! You look very sad! What is wrong?" He boomed

"Well, I said some things to Penelope and now she is kinda... Angry with me..." I rubbed the back of y neck in embarrassment

"So you want to know how to make it up to her?" It's like he read my mind!

"Ya, I apologized and everything but she is being, augh! Just so stubborn!" I waved my hands to emphasize my point,

"Ohhhhhh, well, first thing is first, let her know you love her, then she won't be so hard on you, then go on date, have fun casual date! Apologize and go to Formal Ball! Simple!"

"Ya.... Well , she kinda left, already...." I said with caution, his face went blank, then to "are you kidding me" kinda look,

"Jack! She is in no condition to fly! Get her back before Rogue does!" He pointed with his big finger and I left immediately, hoping that Penelope would be were I though she is.

Penelope 's POV

I sat on a tree branch in the middle of a park full of little, energetic, screaming kids! I laughed at this one kid who got tripped and fell in a snow bank, I stood my using my right hand for support against the tree trunk, I just stood there, thinking and not noticing what time it was, 7:49 I gently flew down onto the snowy ground and saw that barely any children were outside anymore, I sighed and walked around town for a bit until the street lights came on, I walked around with my left hand in bandages, the same goes with my ribs and chest, I had my right hand in my hoodie pocket lost in thought,bi didn't even realize that a freezing wind had pushed most of my hair into my face, I turned around in surprise and saw... Jack, standing there under a street light,with his staff in his left hand, right hand gesturing me to stay and his face reassuring, I was about to turn away from Jack when I heard him

"Penelope, I... I-I know this isn't the right time but-" I cut him off by walking very fast towards him with my angry face on, I can't believe he followed me, or at least I assume he did, he gave me a surprised look, my face inches away from his, I am so ready to yell at him I mean it's ju- my train off though has been cut off from his hand being placed on my cheeks, his cool lips against my tender ones, first my eyes were wide open, I forgave him and kissed him back, he broke it and whispered,

"I so sorry, Penelope, I should have taken the situation more lightly, I'm just so glad that-"

I cut him off again by kissing him passionately, the scene was perfect, the snow lightly falling, us standing under the street light, people walking by, occasionally being seen by small children, he was anyways, we stopped, his hands still on my face,

"I've heard that there is this great, little bakery around the corner, if you want something to eat,?" He said

"Yes. Lets go," I smiled, I don't get why I forgive him so easily, I guess I really do love him, he put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder, walking down to the Bakery we had a lovely little date!

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