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'Hey, Mikasa, don't you think it's time to put a little effort into helping us prepare our dinner, which you're also going to eat, instead of sitting on your lazy ass the whole time while we're working?' I scoffed while cutting up some vegetables on the cuttingboard.

'Once you're done with being a little bi-'

'Kids!' mum interrupted, 'Eren is right, Mikasa, you should help. Go prepare the table and after dinner you're going to do the dishes.' Mikasa sighed in annoyance, but then got up to grab the plates.

I dropped the cut vegetables in the pan and then took place at the dining table. Following her movements, I laughed at Mikasa's way of ignoring me. 'If you don't want to see me, you could've just said so.'

'Yeah, well, there's only no chance of ignoring your stupid face.'

'Mikasa!' my mum warned.

'What? It's true, right?'

I chuckled, 'as if she's going to approve of your opinion.'

'Eren, shut up,' mum mumbled, turning around with the pan in her hands, 'Mikasa, you're not done yet. Where do I need to place this steaming hot pan?'

Mikasa shot up from her chair and went to grab the table mat, then vigorously threw it in the middle of the table. 'Jeez, Mikasa, act a little calmer allright? You're almost acting like Eren,' mum laughed. 'Mum, what the heck?' I spat offended. My response made mum chuckle.

'Sorry, sweety, I just wanted to say that,' she mumbled through her laughs. Mikasa seemed to enjoy her comment, too.

I leaned back in my chair and started eating after having thrown some food on my plate.

'Mum?' Mikasa suddenly asked, 'can you have dreams of people you've never met?' I dropped my fork while turning my gaze at Mikasa in surprise. Is she indirectly referencing to the dream I told her about?

'Well, dear, I don't believe so. I think you only have dreams of people you've seen - including strangers where you haven't even seen the face of properly. Or maybe when you imagine someone's face, they can appear in your dreams, but that is just my theory,' mum answered, smiling friendly, 'why're you asking?'

I gulped, awaiting Mikasa's response, but she just looked at me as if it was my turn to speak. Eventually, I gave up the staring contest. 'W-well, I had a nightmare about... Eh, Mikasa says so, actually... About that Corps-guy. Ackerman, I thought was his name,' I said, moving a hand through my hair and resting my elbow on the table. 'Rivaille Ackerman?' mum wanted confirmed. My nod was enough. She leaned back in her chair, continueing to eat shortly after. 'Maybe you've seen his face somewhere, but just don't know about it,' she mumbled inbetween bites.

We all finished dinner and I helped clean up with Mikasa, who then went to do the dishes. Mum sat on the couch with her book again like she did this morning. I took place beside her, vacantly staring at the fireplace in front of me. In the kitchen I could hear Mikasa humming a song, which I didn't know, but she seemed to know every tone to it from start to end.

'Eren,' mum suddenly brought out, 'go help your sister.' The sigh I let out sounded irritated, what made mum lower her book and throw her sight at me. 'Go help your sister,' she repeated. Defeated, I stood up. 'She isn't my real sister, you know...' I mumbled to myself. Mum luckily didn't give any reaction.

Making my way back into the kitchen, I grabbed a towel and started drying off the pile of dishes on the counter next to the sink. Mikasa was still humming, giving no care to the fact I came to help. Luckily for me, we finished quickly and I got to sit down again, but I quickly wished I didn't. 'Eren. Mikasa,' mum looked at each of us when calling our names, 'let's go for a walk before the sky turns dark, allright?'

Trigger of Guns -//Ereri/ErviWhere stories live. Discover now