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I saw him lying peacefully in his own bed. He was already asleep for 2 days straight. The idea of him never waking up welled up inside my mind, it frightened me. I was frightening myself. Whenever Hanji saw me worrying or drifting off, she'd tell me he'd be okay, and I would've almost believe her if Jean didn't make a comment. 'Miss Zoe, just let him worry about his boyfriend. He won't wake up, not in the condition he is now,' he'd say and I'd get enraged at him for calling Levi my boyfriend, but inside it really affected me somehow.

I started to think about it and ever since then, Levi had never left my mind. "Am I... Gay?" I thought to myself, considering I'm thinking about Levi a lot. After all, we're both guys and I'm not even sure about my sexual orientation yet. But being gay is considered a sin, something very unlikely and even forbidden, even in the 20th century. (A/N yes, this story is taking place in the 20th century.. Cuz it's cool)

He moved in his slumber, what caught my attention. I proceeded to sit down beside the bed and just watched him sleep. His eyebrows were twitching, as if something in his dream made him angry. It was quite uneasing to see him like that, so I tried to calm him down by grabbing his hand.

Levi's reaction surprised me, even though I was aiming for it. He immediately calmed down and pinched my hand, holding it tightly. I smiled at him, my eyes getting watery. Something inside me flustered completely by Levi's gesture and it felt weird. It was something I had never felt before.

'Eren? Are you in here?' a woman's voice asked. I didn't bother answering, this moment with Levi was just too precious. I appreciated it with my whole heart and soul, I never wanted this to end. Well, the only thing I did want to end was Levi's deep slumber. It completely destroyed me.

The Corps hadn't been on any missions either, it was only going out in the evening to coming back drunk some time later. I never participated in this "going out to have fun"-stuff. I just wanted to be there when Levi would awake.

A hand touched my shoulder, getting me back into the present. I shivered at the feeling and quickly turned my head to see who was there. My eyes met with a small blonde girl: Historia. She had worry in her eyes and a small smirk on her lips, which she was obviously faking. 'Are you alright, Eren? You're crying,' she told me, digging her fingers a little deeper into my shoulder.

That's when I moved my index finger to one of my eyes and felt the wet liquid tracing a trail down my cheek. 'Here,' Historia said, while handing me her handkerchief, 'use this.' I received the piece of cloth from her and dabbed my eyes with it.

I looked back at Levi, who was still fast asleep. Again grabbing his hand, he reacted once more. 'Hng,' he groaned, making a displeased expression appear on his face, 'shitty-'. His eyes sprung open as he took an abnormally deep breath. 'Oi, what the he-?'

'Eh? You two?' he mumbled, rubbing his forehead with his free hand. I was smiling from ear to ear. 'Oi, bright eyes, what are you smiling for?' Levi bluntly asked before noticing the new tears falling down from my tearducts. 'L-levi...' I stuttered, pinching his hand. It caught Levi's attention and made him look at his hand. He was clearly flustered about it.

'Levi~! Oh, boss! You're finally awake~!' Hanji came running into the room with completely bliss spreaded across her face. She was soonly followed by the remaining members of the Corps. I noticed Jean minding his distance as he stood the furthest away, leaning against a wall while the others were gathered around the bed. 'Finally...?' Levi questioned.

'Yes, you were... Unconscious for a few days or two...' I mumbled.

'Two days?!'

'The impact of the explosion was too close and hard for your body to handle it, so it shut down for a couple of days,' Hanji informed.

Trigger of Guns -//Ereri/ErviWhere stories live. Discover now