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I was running and I didn't know why. My fists were clenched, but rapidly made themselves rest and then grasp at someone's throat. Tears were streaming down my face and I was whispering to myself, 'you...' My surroundings were unimportant. All I was focused on was beating the bastard up. I didn't even know if she was still alive, but I heard from Mikasa's voice that... It was all over. Mum died in an instant.

A hand that wasn't mine locked itself around my wrist, what made me come back to my senses. I was choking the clumsy officer whom had shot my mum. His face was already turning a bit purple and reddish. The hand was his. He was gurgling at my grip, what made me let him go and fall to my knees. The officer was catching his breath and with a rasping voice he said: 'That's some great grip you had there.' It sounded as if he laughed a bit, but this was no laughing matter. I faced him with my head angled. 'You...' I still muttered to myself, 'you killed... Her.'

My face fell into my hands as my shoulders started to shake. Lips trembling, I cried.

I could feel all eyes burning on me. The two officers were frozen still and didn't do anything about the fact I just assaulted one of them.

Erwin snapped his fingers and yelling sounded from the surrounding buildings. Soon, bullets were raining from the air. They were shooting aimlessly at the ground, possibly hitting a car or police officer in the back of the street.

"Move back."

The two melted from their frozen position and ran back to their forces defeatedly. There hung a whole different atmosphere in the street now.

As I moved my head up and looked around, Erwin and the sniffer were gone and Mikasa was desperately trying to shut the wound in mum's chest. It all happened too quick and hastive. My sight became blurry once again from the tears that wanted to roll, but I refused to blink and just stared at the blurry figure of Mikasa that constantly moved. Everything became black all of a sudden.

*time skip brought to you by Eren's stress level and anger*

I shot up, looking for Mikasa, but all I saw was my own room. Did I dream all of this again? I saw myself in the little mirror on my nightstand and stared. My hair was ruffled, probably from moving around in bed, and I had red, puffy eyes. I didn't look too good.

When I snapped myself out of the staring, Mikasa barged in. Her eyes looked the same as mine. She had blood on her hands. 'Eren...' she murmured, tears welling up in her eyes again.

Someone else came into the room. A professional looking woman. She was dressed in a tight, black skirt with a white blouse above it. Her hair was tied up in a bun and she wore glossy shoes. The woman introduced herself, but I barely listened. 'Why is she here?' I bluntly asked, pointing at the woman. Mikasa turned to be sure if I was talking about the right person and then she sighed, obviously trying not to shake while her breath was.

'She's here to... Talk about our future.'

It felt as if the ceiling collapsed on me. Black spots were again forming in front of my eyes, drifting my mind away.


I immediately shot back to reality. The woman sat on the edge of my bed. She held a hand on my shin in an attempt to be caring. Her face stood serious. Then she started talking.

'Since you're both still underaged we need to negotiate on if you can keep the house you're living in. It depends on if one of you has income, or if you maybe have another guardian, because I haven't seen your dad around lately.'

'Where's mum?' I asked, hands shaking. My breathing staggered.

'Eren, we need to take care of this-'

'Where is she?'

'Eren, please just listen-'

'No. I want to know where she is.'

Silence fell and I knew what the case was, but I needed to be sure. I stared at Mikasa, who had tears rolling down her cheeks.

'She's-... In a better place.'

'No,' I obliged.

'Eren, believe me.'


'Eren, damn it!'

I pushed myself off the bed, crying hysterically, and barged out of the room. Behind me I heard Mikasa call out to me, but I didn't really care. Mum was dead. It was all over. There's nothing I can do about it.

My bottom lip was trembling as I made my way out of the house, running to the street where mum got shot. I could see a bunch of people in uniform around the spot where she had lied, bleeding. One of the people there, a tall, brunette man, turned to me and held me at my shoulders. 'Sorry, boy, you can't get any closer,' he said. There was pity in his eyes. 'Do you even know what role I play in this?' I spat at him, angrily balding my fists and frowning, 'I'm her son.' The man twitched and widened his eyes. 'My condolences,' he whispered, slightly bowing his head politely.

He still didn't move an inch out of the way, letting go of my shoulders. 'So?' I spoke, 'are you going to let me see her?' The man looked at me as if I were crazy. 'I'm afraid you cannot. I'm sorry for your loss, but I can't let anyone get close. You can't even see her anyway,' he said while slowly softening his expression. It sounded rude to me. Frowning, I tried to pass him, but he kept holding me back.

Behind me was Mikasa's voice. 'Eren! There you are, I figured you'd be here.'

She grabbed me by my wrist. 'Mikasa, I just want to see mum,' I mumbled.

'That won't be possible, Eren...'

'Why not? I'm her bloody son! What makes me unable to see her?'

Mikasa turned me around. 'Eren, get a hold on yourself. You know just as well as me why you're not allowed,' she said, but with a not-so-calm-voice.

It came to me that Mikasa actually saw mum dying. With her shotwound probably intensely bleeding. This scarred Mikasa more than me. She didn't want this, either.

My eyes started producing tears again. 'Mika...' I murmured. Mikasa just stared at me pitiful. I pulled her into a hug and buried my face into her red scarf. She apparently didn't expect the hug, because it took a moment for her to relax and hug back. At this time, I was crying. My sobs were muffled by her scarf, but I could feel it getting wet from my tears. Mikasa just held me, doing nothing else than letting me cry it out.

'Eren...' she started, 'we can keep our livingspace. I told the lady that our dad would get home soon, that he paid the bills and such and that we could make an income, too, by working for a job that pays.'

It was kind of hard to take this information in, but I was relieved that we could keep the house.

It made my tears of sorrow turn into tears of relief, while Mikasa still stood there, embracing me and nothing else. She didn't talk, didn't move, nothing. Even though it was typical, I still felt suspicious of it and let her go. I looked at her eyes, which were staring right behind me. Curiously, I turned around.

There was a figure of a body showing underneath a white cloth. Where the chest was, lied a big bloodstain. It was soaking the cloth crimson red. Deep down I knew it was mum underneath that cloth, but I refused to believe myself. I didn't want her to be dead, neither did Mikasa. And now, Mikasa's all I have left.

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