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I stumbled over my own feet and the dizziness slowly decided to come back and infiltrate my head. The stomping movements my legs made, didn't help much with keeping me from feeling like I almost had to puke. I tried to catch a glimpse of Levi, but it was dark out and the dizziness didn't help much with my focus. Also, my butt hurt... A lot more than I'd like to admit. (A/N: hehe, rough times)

Suddenly, I started to gag. It was out of my body before I even noticed it. The liquor that was once inside me, was now splattered on the ground. I stumbled backwards a bit, holding a hand before my mouth.

'Shit, man, are you okay?' an unfamiliar voice asked. It was a man's voice. That person had lied a hand on my shoulder and tried looking at my face, but I kept it hidden by looking down at the ground. 'Where's Levi? Where's the boss?' the man asked. That's where I realised who was talking to me, it was Erd. I didn't notice at first, which I blamed on my lack of focus at the moment.

'Eren? Are you there?' Erd asked worringly. He waved his free hand before my eyes. I was concentrating on not throwing up again, because I felt the same nauseous feeling again. 'Damn, kid. You're not as resistant towards alcohol as you thought you were, huh?'

I slowly nodded my head, pushing my hand harder against my lips. 'You need to go again?'

Again, I nodded, pushing back the upcoming load. My eyes started to water, as this was not a nice feeling. It burned in the back of my throat, and the taste was horrible. Although my try-harding, I couldn't push it back anymore and splattered another load of the liquor onto the ground.

'Just get it out of your system, you're doing good,' Erd advised and complimented. He was patting my back lightly and made sure I didn't fall over at the same time.

'Tch,' a man scoffed, 'shitty brat. You'll get dirty this way.' Ofcourse this was no one other than Levi.

He had been following the man who unwishingly had entered the vehicle before, but without success. The man was too slick and had made his escape. Only had he dropped a small bag, what had a card inside. Levi showed it to us, but I couldn't really make up much of it. Thankfully Erd was thinking aloud and mumbled 'a Legion membercard,' to himself. It was the accesscard that Legion members had to show to gain access to their hideout. Unfortunately the name of the man wasn't added to this card, what still left us in mystery.

Levi put it away in his pocket and walked over to me, avoiding the two puddles in front of me. He grabbed a napkin out of his other pocket and started dapping it around my chin-area. 'You're going to have to change. Your clothes got dirty...' Levi informed, still concentrated on getting my chin clean. I murmured a sound to gesture him I understood.

*timeskip, oh kami I use these a lot, sorry*

I had dressed myself into a clean shirt and trousers and was now seated on the loungechair that stood in the corner of the room. Historia sat beside me, trying to keep me calm, while Levi angrily stumped across the room, followed by Hanji and Petra who desperately tried to keep his rampage to a minimum. Jean was just watching me from a distance, while I panicked.

'The small newbie got scared by a regular occurence, oh boohoo,' he scoffed, balling his hands and wiping them on his cheeks as if he was crying. I didn't take this so lightly and felt rage building up. 'Eren, stay calm, he doesn't know what happened,' Historia used to try and keep me calm, but instead I felt an outburst coming up. 'Damn it, Historia! You don't know what happened either, so would you just shut up, please?!' I yelled. She widened her eyes and tried blinking away any droplets that formed in her tearducts. She then hid away her face, while keeping her silence alive. The weird thing is, I didn't even feel sorry for raging at her.

Trigger of Guns -//Ereri/ErviWhere stories live. Discover now