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'Historia!' I yelled.


There was no answer. No movement. Nothing.

She lied face-down, with Reiners' foot on her back. She was completely still, just like the whole hallway. A puddle of blood spreaded itself around her. This wasn't reality, it couldn't have been.

Just a few meters further away, lied Ymir. Her fingers were twitching as she tried to get a hold of herself. 'Not dead yet?' Levi whispered to himself, confused, since Ymir got shot in her head, right between the eyes. She was staring at the ceiling, completely focused on keeping herself alive. The battle was already lost.

I fell to my knees with my arms hanging weakly next to me. My eyes started to water as I kept thinking of how much Historia had helped me all this time. She has regularly helped me calm myself down and supported me all the while, but now that she was gone I couldn't think of her advice anymore. My body collapsed forward and I was just in time to hold my face up from the ground, by putting my elbows in front of me and leaning on them. With teary eyes, I kept looking at the ground, trying to ignore the horrible sight that was going on in front of me.

Surprisingly, the Corps weren't the only ones who were shocked. Reiner, the tough-built man who had his foot on Historia's back, was looking horrifingly at her blonde hair that was scattered all around her head. The blonde colored a bit more reddish, from the blood that soaked from the exit-wound. He had dropped his gun and was no longer armed, better worded: more vulnerable. He was gritting his teeth in anger and sorrow, but that didn't take away the fact he was the one that shot her. Reiner looked over at Ymir, who had eventually given up the fight between life and death, and felt jealousy. The feeling came from the two that had died together, same place, not exactly the same time, but still pretty close to eachother and in the same way.

Unfortunately for Reiner, Levi felt this occurence of his vulnerableness was the perfect opportunity to take him out silently. He took a small knife from his belt and made his way over to the oblivious short-blonded man. Levi closed his eyes, for he didn't want to look at his companion's dead body, and gradually stabbed Reiner in the back of his neck, whereafter he pulled the knife down and his target fell to the ground. Levi readied his gun, preparing for an upcoming revenge-attack from his opponents, but they did nothing. The only thing Erwin reacted with, was a chuckle. He lifted his head to face Levi with a big smile on his lips.

'What do we have here?' a female voice mumbled, coming from behind Erd and Gunther's position. 'Ah, Nanaba, glad to see you here,' Erwin responded with full delight. She chuckled as she swiftly looked around the hall, noticing the three dead bodies lying about. '2 to 1 kill? We're losing?' she said with a surprised underlying tone.

'I guess I can make this game a tie,' Nanaba mumbled, holding her hand just above her weapon. Before she could do anything, Levi signed Gunther to take action. He grabbed for his handgun and aimed it at Nanaba, who had already pulled out her weapon, too.

I sat back up again and saw Levi standing before me, with his hand reached out to me. 'Just grab it, this will not happen again,' he said, with his gaze averted from me. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me back on my feet.

'I can see that the rumors are true, at least for one part,' Nanaba sighed, while she looked over at us with Gunther still at gunpoint. She pulled back the safety pin and rolled her bulletround. Her attention was again fixated on Gunther.

'Do you know the game "Russian Roulette"? It's really fun,' she said, squinting her eyes, 'coincidentally I only have one bullet in this gun, so it's perfect to play a bit. Want to try?' She pointed the gun to her head and pulled the trigger without hesitation. The hall was filled with tension, but as she moved the gun back to Gunther and pulled the safety pin again, most of the tension was gone.

Gunther nervously gulped. He could just shoot her with his own gun, since it was completely filled with ammunition, but for some reason he didn't. Instead, he lowered his gun and told Nanaba to pull the trigger. She tilted her head, 'are you sure?'

He nodded and waited. She eventually pulled it and the gun fired, but no bullet was shot from it. 'Lucky,' she mumbled, again pulling the safety pin and aiming at her head. The whole room was quiet at this weird occurence and waited for the third bullet to be shot.

The gun fired and again, no bullet. Nanaba chuckled at it, 'now you have a higher chance to die. It's the fourth bullet out of six, so it's likely for you to get pierced by one now.'

'Stop with this nonsense, Nanaba. You're sounding like a psycho,' it sounded from Erwin, who apparently got tired of the game. She got obviously agitated now and lowered her gun. 'Killing them now has no use. Leave.'

Levi turned around and looked at Erwin, who gave a neutral expression back. 'After all, we're not the bad guys. They are. Stop making this seem like we're out of our minds and leave,' he said commandingly, 'but before that, send them away.'

'You heard the big boss, move your asses,' Nanaba ordered, signing for us to leave. It was all pretty weird and awkward, since this would've never occured in my imagination.

'Tch,' it sounded, 'I'm not giving up this easily. Erd, Gunther, Eren, head out. I'll take care of this.'

'But Levi-'

'I said, I'll take care of this. Go.' He ripped the knife out of Reiner's back and cleaned it on his trousers. Erd grabbed me by the shoulders and brought us back outside, sat me down in the car and closed the door to go and sit at the driver's side himself. 'Now we play the waiting game,' he said, tensing his hands around the wheel.

Worringly, I looked back at the abandoned building. Through research and so-called 'stalking' we eventually found the Legion's base to plan our attack. Hanji had helped with preparing our equipment while Petra made the set-up and tactic. They wouldn't participate in the attack themselves, in order to protect our own hideout. With the five of them, Sasha, Oluo and Connie included, they'd make a great team for their purpose. We had all accepted the plan blindly and even interpreted how it should've went. This was completely different than that.

None of us would've thought they'd stay this calm, even letting us go out of nowhere was a weird thing to do. Somewhere I didn't trust Levi being alone in there, surrounded by the Legion. What was Erwin's plan? What would we have to do against it? Why did he kill one of his own members and didn't move an inch when we killed one, too?

I found myself staring helplessly at the dashboard in front of me, suddenly hearing a loud noise coming from outside the car. I looked at the abandoned building we had just come out of and saw nothing had changed. But not a few seconds later, the ground underneath our feet was shaking and the car went crazy.

'Everyone, get out of the vehicle, now. Jump out as far as possible, get on the ground and cover your head,' Erd's voice calmly commanded. Three doors were opened and we jumped out, following Erd's orders. I lied on the ground, covering my head with my lower arms and my hands, with the anticipation slowly killing me. Although, not long after we had jumped out, the car exploded in a big explosion, causing it to fly up and crash back onto the concrete. The ground shook harder this time.

After I could trust the environment again, I got up and took a look around. The only thing I found, was some voice laughing hysterically, followed by it saying 'I need to work on my reflexes,' whereafter it started laughing again. I walked towards the sound, ready to attack, until I tripped over something and fell face-first onto the ground.

'Eren!' I heard, so I tried crawling back up. A foot held me down. 'Pathetic,' the voice snarled.

Trigger of Guns -//Ereri/ErviWhere stories live. Discover now