Chapter 5: Caroline

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My eyes started swelling up on the edges and I can remember calling 'Wheatley!' One last time before blacking out.

I woke up on the floor and looked around. Wheatley was there, but he was still in sleep mode. I sat up and saw that Doug was to my left. I looked forward and saw that I was in a glass box, similar to the one that Wheatley and I had gotten into before. Just without the toilet.

GLaDOS, or whoever she was, was on the other side of the glass. I glared at her.

"Don't be that way. I know there's a lot that you don't understand right now, but I only did that to show you this."

She turned away and called over the bots.

"Oh, and by the way, I'm keeping my bots."

They brought her a small Television monitor and I leaned closer to see it. It was at this time that Wheatley had woken up and I grabbed him.

"Where are we?! What are you doing, GLaDOS?!"

She didn't reply, I was starting to get angry. Finally, the monitor started playing something.


There was a familiar looking man sitting in a chair and recording something into a microphone.

"...The point is... If we can store music on a compact disk, why can't we store a man's intelligence and personality on one? So the engineers are working on that now."

The video cut to another clip.

"The Genetic Life-form and Disk Operating System, Caroline. It's too late for me, but you-"

"No!" She cut him off. This was very confusing.

"I don't want immortality! I just want to be with you..." The woman trailed off.

"I can understand your rejection. But Caroline, I just want you to know that I'm doing this for Chell. What would she think if she found both of us dead some day?"

We all stood there with shock and confusion on our faces. If god said i could speak only once, I would've done it then. We all looked over and saw GLaDOS crying by the bots. One of them patted her on the back.

After about ten minutes of watching GLaDOS cry, I was starting to feel bad. I didn't even think she could cry at all. The tape finally started again.

"Caroline, just remember. I'm doing this for you, not for me, not for Aperture, but for you and for Chell. I love you, Caroline."

The video cut out and we could just hear the woman screaming.

"Anything popping into your head yet?" She finally spoke up.

I shook my head. And Wheatley just continued to glare at her.

"What about this? Does this remind you of anything at all?"

The bots rolled over something that I recognized the instant I saw it. It was the potato battery that Wheatley and I had passed by when we were escaping.

"Oh! That's the project, from bring your daughter to work day. The potato battery!" He called out in realization.

"Not that you moron. Look." She said, bringing the project closer to the glass.

I saw the writing. I noticed a picture of a white suitcase with a poorly drawn Aperture Science logo on it. I read the 'Materials' section.

'I used a special ingredient from my daddy's work.'

I searched around some more. Finally I saw the signature beneath it.


Now I was really confused. I still didn't know who Caroline was. I knew that the man was Cave Johnson but I still didn't get it. They were my parents, but why would she care?

"You aren't getting any of this, are you?" She asked.

I shook my head. She gave a big sigh.

"Cave Johnson. He was my assistant and husband in Aperture Innovators. The old Aperture. And we decided to have a beautiful, not fat, child named Chell. And my name was Caroline. Mr. Johnson was working on Conversion Gel, and in the process, he became very ill. He was going to be the one to put himself into my body, but once he was ill, it was too late. So he put me inside of it instead. And he did "do it for me."

She started crying again. But I ignored it. She was my mommy. The one who I loved. And the one who I hated. All of the emotion bubbled up inside of me.

"I know what you're thinking, I deleted Caroline during our talk. But while I turned human, all of my memory banks were backed up and everything I deleted became Un-deleted." She said, looking at Wheatley.

"Where's the Un-Delete button?!" I remembered that quote.

One of the bots gave her a button to push. And she did so. The glass slid open and she spread out her arms for a hug. I ran to her and hugged her as tightly as I could. I still held Wheatley in my right hand, though.

"Chell, I'm sorry. You are not fat. You are not adopted. And you are not a regular test subject. You're my daughter."

The funny thing was that she was in a body that looked round the age of me and I was forty-two. After all this time, I finally found her. That was my goal. That was all I wanted to do was find my mommy again.

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