Chapter Fifteen- Mama Bernadette

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It's been a month since Swae's birthday.
I'm officially month pregnant.
Carmin is 4 months. Gotta keep watching her...

It July and the guys are going to see their mom for the holiday and I'm going with them.
I ain't never been so scared..
Like what if I fuck up?
I already know that his mom don't like me. Since her sons got fame, she said that all girls are groupies and I don't blame her. I'd feel the same way.
But I really don't want to mess up.

I'm on the plane with the guys and I know they know I'm nervous.
Alicia didn't come with me so I'm just freaking out by myself.
I stayed in my seat the whole flight, shaking my leg.
Lee tried to calm me down a few times, but it only made it worse.
I looked up and he was on his way back to me.
"Baby girl chill. Don't trip about it. What's the worse that could happen?"
"Don't say that! There a million ways to fuck up when meeting a parent and I just don't want anything to go bad Swae.."snapped.

"Love, I don't know what else to say..everything will be fine. I promise."
He walked away.

I laid my head back.
I need Alicia here to take my mind off this.
But then again, I am slightly irritated with her.
About two days ago, she threw a party and there was drugs and alcohol. With me trying to stay away from that cause I fucked up bad at Swae's party, I stayed upstairs.
I couldn't be around all that weed and shit..
I kept asking her for something to drink and EVERYTHING she brought me was spiked.
She even put liquor in the fucking milk..
So I sat up stairs like a fuckin dehydrated raisin..
The next day she was past out on the couch and I had to clean up.
When she woke up it was hell in her head..
She even started crying..
I told her to drink some water and stop being a pussy..
She was on the couch all day...
Which irritated the fuck outta me.
Like if you're gonna be in pain go in your room nobody wanna hear you cry...

I dozed off for the rest of the flight.


Swae woke me a couple minutes ago and now we're walking to the car, a sick feeling deep in my stomach.but I think I'm ready..Ready to grow some fucking wings and fly the fuck away!
I ain't never been so terrified!

As I got in the car, my phone buzzed.

Licia Bitch: Did you land yet?
QueenNae: Yah...we in the car now..
LiciaBitch: I wish I could come with you doll! I know you tripping!
QueenNae: Yea I'm freaking out..
LiciaBitch: I know boo but it's gonna go good don't trip!
Queen Nae: Shit...I hope so..

Two hours later, we pulled up to their mom's house.
I took a deep breath.
Swae squeezed my hand,"You're good baby girl.."
I flashed a weak smile.
I made sure my outfit was o n point. My hair was even in a donut.
I looked professional as fuck.

We got out and walked to the door, where Slim was.
"You ready Nae?" He asked.
"No, but leaving isn't an option now, is it?"
"It really ain't.." he started to knock on the door.
"Maybe it's open," I joke as I twist the doorknob.
And it's just my luck, it was open...
"Oh.." Jimmy faced me," That was smart.."
I chuckled a little.

Everyone walked in. Swae headed up stairs, Jimmy went to the kitchen, I just moved to the side and watch this happen...

Swae came downstairs with his mother.
"Wow." I mumbled.
Ms.Brown was fucking beautiful!
"Where's Aaquil?" She asked Swae.
"Kitchen?"he responded/asked.
"I think so.." she walked down the rest of the steps.

Slim came out to hug her with an apple. "Boy why you ain't say to me first?" She smiled.
"My bad Momma I was hungry.."

I giggled.
All eyes were on me.
I would really need those wings right now...
"Baby come out that corner you ain't shy!" Swae came to get my hand.
"Hi, I'm Myra.." I smiled as I pushed a few strands of curled hair behind my ear.
"Call her Nae.." Jimmy butts in.
I nodded.
"Momma she's terrified," Swae laughed as he sat down and put his feet in the couch.
"Boy get ya feet out my couch!"
"Yes ma'am," he  raised his hands in surrender.
She faced me again.
"And you should have nothing to worry about. Ima real chill person." She walked to the kitchen.
"Want some water?" She said holding up a bottle.
"Yes please," I smiled.
I shit load of weight was lifted off my shoulders.
She handed me one. "Thanks," I followed her to the couch.

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