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Anne's P.O.V.

I don't understand why i keep dreaming about me being kidnap, it has been 3 days dreaming this.

On Sunday Jason takes me to a ride on his boat all along the Thames River.

"Anne, have you thought about what are you gonna do after finishing college?"

"A little bit yeah, i think i'll search for a job on the radio and if i don't have good results i will look for a job on tv. And you?"

"hummm... Yesterday i was shopping and a lady came to me and told me that i should consider being a model and that is well paid. And maybe with that money i can do the school i've always wanted to build, but i'm not sure. The lady told me that if i want to be a model, it has to be right now because agents want young people"

"You should try it! I mean you're handsome, i bet you will be a really good model"

"Thanks for the compliment, but will you date a model? Because i remember you told me you would never date a model, you think models are superficial" He reminds me.

"Then you would be an especial one, because you are kind and sweet"

"That's why i like you. I feel like... if i become the most famous model in the world, for you i will only be Jason"

"Because you might be famous and might change, but i know you more than some other people"

We sit outside the boat and we just admire the landscape. Jason puts together his hand with mine, but i immediately shake it off. I really don't want to move fast with Jason. I know he's a really nice guy but i just don't feel like i'll be his girlfriend.

After spending all afternoon at the river, Jason takes me back to my apartment in his new car, a BMW Z4, it's very sporty and small, only for two, and it's convertible. His dad gave it to him as a present, yes, Jason is a very rich boy, but even if he has all the money in the world, he still acts like any normal guy and he's always helping people in need. That's one of the main resons i like him.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school Anne. We'll finally see if we pass our exams or not"

"We will. See you tomorrow."

"Bye Anne"

"Bye Jason"

I am looking for my phone on my purse but i can't find it, i call Jason to look for it on his car but it wasn't there, so it must be here. First i search in the living room and nothing. After looking for it on the first floor and not finding it, i go upstairs. I search it in my room and i finally find it under my bed. I have 10 missed calls from Harry and 20 texts from Niall. I decide to called Niall.

"Anne? Are you ok?" Niall sounds worried.

"Yes..." I hear Niall breathing of relief.

"I thought something happened to you because you didn't answer mine's and Harry's calls."

"Sorry, i forgot my phone at home. But don't worry i'm fine"

"I'm glad you're ok. I don't know what will i do if..." Niall stops before finishing his phrase.

"If what Niall? What were you gonna say?"


"Come on! Tell me!"

"I-i... don't know... wha-t i wo-would do... if... so-me-thing... ha-ppens to y-o-u..." Unconsciously, i smile.

"Awww... tha-that was... s-weet Nia-ll..." I don't know why, but i feel nervous and i'm stuttering.

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