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Niall's P.O.V.

I wake up very early to get a shower and prepare all the things i need for my getaway with Anne. I have a very special plan for her. I hope she likes it.

"Good morning Nialler! I thought i would be the first to wake up..."

"No, i wake up before you, to make breakfast"

"You know how to cook?"

"I know how to make eggs and hot cakes"

"And what did you make today?"

"Hot cakes.... Sit, there are already 2, you can eat them" Anne sits at the table and starts eating the hot cakes. I love when she eats like this, like there won't be tomorrow.

"What are you looking at, Niall?"

"Oh, nothing..."

When we are ready to go, i make sure i have everything on the car, because Anne can't see what i got prepared. We get into the car and James drives to our destination.

"Can i know where are we going?" Anne asks me.

"No... It's a surprise"

"A hint?"

"Hummm.... We will be in the car for two hours.... Is that ok?"

"Yeah... I really like car trips, i can see all the landscape... And with that, it's clear we're going to a country side of Ireland"

"You are really smart, but that is all you will know..."

"So... Tell me... Your mum...." Anne sounds a bit shy.

"You'll meet her in a few days, she's really sweet and kind. She really cares about other people, you will like her..."

"Her name is Maura, right?"

"Yes, how do you know?"

"Amelia told me.... Because on MSG i could see her and your brother, but i didn't get the chance to say hi. As you said, she seems to be a really nice person"

"She is, i'm sure you will like her"

Suddenly Love Me Back comes on the radio.

"That's your song right?" I ask Anne.

"Yeah! I didn't think it will get famous and be on national radio..."

"I really like it, it's a really good song, i've already have it on my phone..."


"Yes! I really like the lyrics and your voice" Anne blushes a little when i flatter her.


The rest of the car ride, we sing all the songs that come on the radio, we talk about music, and believe it or not, Anne likes the same music as i do. When we arrive at Wicklow Mountains, i tell James to prepare everything, so Anne and i can have a walk.

"Niall, this is amazing! The view is incredible!"

"Come, let's walk...." I take Anne hand in mine and we walk along the rocks, between the trees and we see some butterflies and birds. When it is getting dark, we walk to a little house where i have the biggest surprise for Anne.

"Come in..." I invite her in, and she is amazed when she sees the table with the candles.

"What is all this!?" Anne asks me, surprised.

"This is the surprise.... I hope you like it..." I look down, not wanting to see how she would react. Anne comes closer to me and gives me a hug. I want to have her in my arms forever and never let her go.

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