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Anne's P.O.V.

As i'm on holidays now and Jason is too, i decide to talk to him. We are meeting on his house today at 3. Once i finish eating, i go to his house.

"Anne! Come in..." Jason welcomes me in and we go to his room. I'm really nervous to tell him the truth, but is for his own good.

"You sounded very worried to tell me something... what is it?"

I sit on the edge of the bed, i'm looking to the ground.

"I see you are not wearing the bracelet i gave you..." Jason takes my hand into his.

I take a big breath and go on.

"That's what i want to tell you...I really appreciate all you did for me... but i can't love you back..." I give Jason the bracelet with the heart.

"...Is because of that stupid boy band guy, isn't it?" Jason looks really mad, like he is about to punch something.

I'm about to leave his room, but he stops me.

"I will do anything.. ANYTHING to have you next to me..." Jason says with teary eyes and a really mad look.

I run away, Jason really scares me. What if he does something to Niall!?

As soon as i arrive home, i call Harry.

"Anne, what's going on? Are you ok?" Harry sounds very worried when he arrives, i can't hepl but let tears fall from my eyes.

I tell Harry everything that happened at Jason's house.

"...And i don't want him to hurt Niall, because he said he would do ANYTHING to be with me..." I cry more because i don't want Niall to be hurt by anyone.

"Call down Anne, i'm sure he won't do anything. Just calm down. I think it's better for you to move out of this flat. Jason, as you said, is capable of doing anything."

"I don't have any place to go!" I say still in tears.

"Don't worry you will stay at my place" Harry claims, giving me a hug.

"Thank you so much Harry. I don't know what i would do without you"

Harry helps me packing my things, i'm not sure if this would work, but i trust Harry. Then we go to his flat.

"Follow me, i'll show you your room"

My room is next to Harry's and is very nice, but i will miss mine. Because this one is all white. Tears fall from my eyes. I start unpacking and i hear someone knocking on my door. I open the door and Niall is here, i look away and clear some tears away.

"Anne, are y-....What is all this? Why are all your things here?" Niall asks me with a confused look on his face. He sits next to me.

"I-i.... Move here..." I can barely speak, i'm so sad...

"Wh-y?" Niall pulls into his arms and he rubs my back for support.

"I went to Jason's house to tell him that i can't love him the way he loves me... and... he-....was mad... and...h.he...threatened me... that we would... d-do an-ythi-ng... to be... ne-xt t-to- me..." Tears fall from my eyes. Niall holds me closer to him.

"You're gonna be alright..." He assures me.

"I-i... I do-don't want him... to hu-hurt y-ou..." My eyes meet Niall's and he smiles and kisses my forehead. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"He won't hurt you... or anyone..." Niall whispers on my ear. I hug him tighter.

We stay like that for some minutes, and once i'm calm. I continue accommodating my things, Niall helps me with some things.

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