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Harry's POV

       I wake up with a grin on my face. Natalinn stayed at my house last night... and I realised I like her a lot more than I thought I did......
       I hop up pulling on a pair of sweats and walk downs stairs to cook breakfast.
       Before walking over to the stove I turn on the stario. Shaggy's "I Need Your Love" playing from the speakers. I smile and saunter over to the fridge getting out all the things I wished to cook, which included eggs, bacon, and biscuits.
      I put the biscuits on a pan and in the oven and got to work on the bacon. After a while I started to sing along with the song and sway.
       I feel cold hands press to my stomach and I jump. I turn around to see a laughing Natalinn. Pouting I say "That wasn't very nice." Her smile drops. "Im sorry. I didn't mean-" I put a finger to her lips. "It's ok love. I'm just messing." She smiles.
        I stare at her, smiling as well and she starts to blush. She looks down "Why are you looking at me like that.." she pushes her hands into her jean pockets and blushes harder.
       I step forward taking her jaw in my hand, making her look at me. "You're so beautiful." I say gazing into her beautiful hazil irises.
      She frowns stepping back and looks down. Playing with the hem of her shirt she says "No I'm not... Don't say that." I frown. Stepping towards her once again. "You are Beautiful .... Don't ever say or think other wise. The way your eyes sparkle when you truly laugh is beautiful. Your hair even when you've just woken up is beautiful. Your body shape in a baggy t-shirt and shorts is beautiful. Your creamy-pink tented lips. The small freckles across your cheeks and cute little nose. All of you is beautiful love."                                          
             I pull her to me swaying to the song. I wrap my arms securely around her waist. Her arms slowly wrap around my neck as she starts to hum, swaying with me. She presses her lips to my neck. Not really in an wanting way. Just an I need to be closer to you than I was kind of way. I place my chin on her head as the song continues. Singing the lyrics softly to her.

When it stops she looks up at me. Her eyes slightly watery, but shes smiling. She starts to lean in and I close my eyes hoping. I wait for the kiss to come but it doesn't. I open my eyes to see her sitting on the counter a ways from where we were standing.

I glance at her, feigning disappointment. "Why'd you leave me hanging...? That was just mean. And how'd you get over and up there without making any noise?" She giggles mentioning for me to come to her.

I walk over calmly and she kisses the corner of my mouth. I look up at her with a cheeky smile on my face. She pokes my nose and giggles again. "Now go tend to the bacon before it burns."

My eyes get wide. "Oh crap." I rush over and turn the bacon. Taking out the biscuits from the oven glance at her to see her grinning at me. I smile. "Go sit at the table by the window breakfast will be done very soon."

She nods and goes to sit, legs criss-crossed underneath her on the chair closest to the window at the table. She looks out the bright square of tiled windows. The way the morning sun shone on her made her look like she was glowing.

All I can think as she sits there looking out the window, is that I don't think I can give her up.. She's here now and I'm going to try to keep her there....


Allo lovelies!! That's Natalinn. The pic is on the side if you're online or it's at the top if your on the app. I love you all! Thank you for reading. I saw that two of you out there added my story to your reading lists and I thank you for that. Im working hard to keep this 2-4 day pattern so you'll get updates in that timeline. School does start soon but I'll try to keep a similar pattern. Please vote, comment, fan, enjoy!

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