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Harry's POV

We stood there for a little longer. I held her as close as she would let me and rubbed her back. Chasing cars by Snow Patrol was stuck in my head, I continued to hum it. Linn's arms slowly made there way around my middle and linked behind my back. She pulled me closer to her, snuggling her face into my chest more as I began to sway us back and forth. I place a kiss on her forehead and she kisses my chest in response. Linn's stomach growls at us. I laugh pulling my head back from our hug. "Let's go eat yeah?" I squeeze her to me once more before letting her lead me down the hall and stairs by my hand. Linn giggles as we walk past the food in the kitchen. "Well. It was a steaming breakfast made by yours truly. But sadly now it's cold. And it's almost 3 in the afternoon. So now we're having lunch." I laugh a little. "Its okay. 'Swhat a microwave is for." She nods biting her lip. "Aand.-" She walks over and hugs me, looking up to see my face. "Being held by an amazing man is totally worth cold food." I blush looking down. Linn pats her hands on my chest excitedly. "Is he blushing..? Ooo I think made you blush." She look more closely at me as I try to cover my blushing face. "Oh my gosh you are! You're blushing." She pulls one of my hands away from my face and kisses my cheek. "My adorable Harry..." My hands fall from my face and my mouth drops open. I watch as what she said registers on her face. Linn's eyes go wide. "You-you're.. You're Harry...?" I ask. Her hands go over her mouth. I collect myself and begin to smirk. "So Linn. Gonna buy me dinner first or is that your way of asking me to be your boyfriend." She blushes a deep tomato red and looks at the floor. "I-I-I.. I-i mean.. Only.. Only if you.. Do you uh.. Do you like me too..?" She stutters out cutely. She glances up at me and I nod, smiling at her slowly. She lifts her head up to look at me straight in the eyes. "A-Are you for real..?" She asks shocked. I nod faster. "Ye-eah." I say shakily. She closes the space between us in quick strides, wrapping her arms around my neck she kisses me deeply. I wrap my arm tightly around her waist, a hand placed between her shoulders to press her closer to me. My other hand rests on her hip tracing simple circles. As she kisses me I feel her hands tangle into my hair. I pull away from the kiss to breathe and rest my forehead on hers. "Natalinn I like you.. I like you a lot and I've wanted to ask this for what feels like forever now. And that's one, will you forgive me..? Now for the mistakes I've made, and the ones I know I will make.-" she nods, panting a little. My forehead still pressed to hers. She pulls me a little closer with her hands still in my hair. "And.. Will you please be mine." I breathe out. My eyes are shut but I open them when I feel her shaking. She's already looking at me. A wide, shaky smile is on her face as tears roll down her cheeks. She begins nodding slowly then faster. "Yes... Yes." She says before pulling my face to hers and kisses me deeply once more. She pulls away and I peck her lips once gently. She giggles shortly, still shaking. "Yes I'll be yours." I grin and hug her as tightly as I can to me, picking her up slightly. She giggles. After I set her down she looks at me and smiles. "This definately calls for the use of a bottle of wine and the hot tub tonight." I laugh kissing her cheek. "Yes. I think it does." She giggles. "Let's heat this up, eat, and then we'll do just that. What do ya say?" I nod. "That sounds perfect." I say and lean down, kissing her nose sweetly. "Do you want me to go turn the hot tub on love?" I ask. She nods. "Yeah. Its a but nippy. It'd be good to warm it up now." I kiss her cheek and turn to go do as told. "Don't miss me too much alright?" She laughs loudly. "Go get the wine and hot tub ready you doofus." I chuckle. "Yes ma'am." She swats my bum as I walk past her to grab a bottle of Electra sweet wine. "Oo-oo. Grabby grabby are we." I tease. I run/skip out of the kitchen and she runs behind me. I look back seeing her rearing up to kick my butt and run a little faster, laughing. Phew. She missed. I sigh happily, chuckling to myself. Tonight's going to be amazing. I can feel it.

Natalinn's POV

I turn around and shuffle quickly to warm the food back up. I can't concentrate on anything. Harry just asked me out.. And I said yes. I grip the counter. Holy sh*t. I can't believe this is happening. Not in a million years did I think anything like this would happen to me. To my favorite book characters maybe. But not to me! Gosh.. I rest my elbows on the counter and bend over burying my red face in my hands. I'm Harry's girlfriend..


AAAGGHHHH!!!! They're together!! Omg. That was the most adorable thing I've ever written. What did all of you think? Also the next chapter may or may not have a steamy scene. Haven't decided yet. Make sure you tell me what you think should happen. Also I'm sorry I updated this chapter a little chopily. It kept taking parts out and I had to retype them After posting this. I love you all so much those of you who are reading this. Massive thank you. Please do comment, vote, fan, enjoy!

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