Eyes On You (chapter one)

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*your POV*

You sighed as you layed face down in the wet black dirt of the cadet training field. You were paired with Eren today in fight training, lets just say he won and was now sitting on your back and refused to get off.

"Eren get the hell off of me!!"
You yelled angrily at Eren as he just smirked and laughed.
"Nope not intill you admit it"
You growled at Eren as Connie and Jean walked by laughed at the position you were in
"Eren don't evening try. I will never say it"
You said trying to push his relaxed body, which was now getting heavy, off of your back.
"Ok then i guess ill just stay here all day"
Eren said getting comfy sitting on you. And by doing that putting more weight on you almost crushing your ribs.

You yelled.
"*sigh* ill say it"
You saw Eren fist pump at your response.
"Ok... I have a crush o-"
You were cut off by a loud bell going off signaling that it was time for dinner and training was over for today. Eren lost his focus on you when the bell went of giving you some time to push him off.

"Ha i didn't have to say it!"
You said in a mocking tone as Eren stood up from the ground.
"You may have won this time but i will get you to admit it"
Eren said slinging his arm around your shoulder and ruffling your hair.
even though Eren could be a jerk at times, he was one of your best friends, like your big brother and that wouldn't change.

As you and Eren began walking to the mess hall you felt as though eyes were piercing your back, but when you turned around there was nothing there but a bunch of trees. You just shrugged it off and kept walking as Hanji ran up to me talking about her crazy titan experiments. I laughed and walked with her and Eren into the main building.

*Levi's POV*
I looked as Eren and (Y/N) fighting in cadet training. God she looked so beautiful in her uniform i was snapped out of my thoughts when Eren managed to knock (Y/N) over and now sat on your back straddling you. I could already fell the jealousy pulling at me.

He heard you yell something at Eren I couldn't hear it but you looked angry
You two argued for a little while in till the bell for diner rang and you managed to knock Eren off of you.
You laughed at Eren for a second before he got up and put his arm around your shoulder while ruffling in a caring manner. Thats it the jealousy is out and i wanted to stop him from touching what's "mine"

I saw (Y/N) start to look behind her so i slid behind a tree. After a moment i looked around the tree to see them walking again also noticing Hanji was with them now. I looked at Y/N as she walked into the building. I need to ask her before Eren does but not now. I tried to calm down the jealousy trying to rise as i straightened my face and walked into the building behind them.

*Hanji's POV*
I turned around after is saw (Y/N) look back to see what she was looking at. I saw Levi peek his head out from behind a tree. Whoa I knew he liked her but i didn't think he would go as far as stalking (Y/N). A whole plan was layed out in my head I knew (Y/N) liked Levi back so I need a way to get him to ask you out and I had the perfect plan. Make him jealous.

~~~~ Hi this is my first chapter to my first wattpad story. I hope you like it and If you want more chapters than please comment and leave suggestions. thanks for reading.
P.S the first few chapters will be short because im just getting used to writing this but they will get better and longer thanks♡~~~~

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