Christmas~3(Chapter Twenty-five)

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*your POV*

"So your telling me you had a whole plan just to get me jealous?"
You heard Levi's loud voice say to you. You looked down a blush covered your cheeks. You were currently sitting across from Levi who was behind his desk questioning you as Hanji was laughing her ass off beside you.

You tryed to block her out as you slightly nodded your head. You could almost feel the heat of anger radiating off of Levi. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Your lucky its Christmas and im too busy to give you a punishment"
Levi said. Your eyes lit up, not only from the fact that you didn't have a punishment but also that the Christmas festival was coming up.

You smiled and looked at Levi. You knew he was angry as he stared down at his paperwork but you needed to do one last thing before you left. You stood up and walk behind him whispering in his ear
"Cant wait to see you at the festival. You'll get to see the dress im wearing, just for you. it would be a shame if only the other boys saw me"

Truth is you didn't have a dress but now you need to get one. Plus if you one plan didn't work you still wanted to make him jealous so he would come to the festival and 'protect you' from the other boys. Levi growled quitely in jealously thinking you didn't hear him but oh did you. You smiled grabbing Hanji who was practically rolling on the floor and pulled her out of the office and into the hallway shutting Levi's door.

Hanji calmed down and stood up breathing heavily. You leaned against the wall waiting for her to stop. She finally did and then looked at you.
"Well i guess we need to go dress shopping"
She more stated then asked. I nodded and she smiled
"Yay well lets go we only have like two days till the party."
Hanji now switched rolls and grabbed you hand dragging you down the hallway. You sighed this was going to be a long day.

As soon as you found a dress shop you imedetly went inside to get away from the largest crowd and the 'creepy people'. You looked around and saw a row that had dresses that were your size. You moved over to it Hanji following behind. You looked acrossed seeing few red dresses before Hanji pulled one out pushing it straight in your face.

You pulled it out of her hands so you could see it properly. You mouth fell open in awe. It was a bright red dress that went just passed the thighs and had see through sleaves along with red Stalkings to go with it. You knew that you wanted it and mindlessly started walking to the counter. Hanji followed behind with a proud smirk painted on her face.

You set the dress on the counter and a small old man came behind the counter and asked.
"Oh you would like to buy this. Whoever you are trying to impress this will definitely work"
He said with a soft smile
"Well thats what im going for"
I smiled brightly. The man added up my total and i payed him before walking out with Hanji.

We got back to the main building and walked in going to our rooms i walked with Hanji to hers.
"Oh hey Y/N remember tonight's the Christmas eve dinner and tommorow the girls are coming to my room to get ready for the festival hope to see you there"
I smiled and nodded as i bid her good bye as i walked to my room.

Time to go gift shopping. I snuck out going to town again. I was gonna get gifts for Hanji, Eren, Armin and of cource Levi. I went into a store that had different nick nacks and random things looking through them. I found everything i needed. I got hanji a titan figure. Armin a painting of the sea or whatever he was talking about in his book. Eren a small dagger with a carved handle and Levi i got him a leather breaclet that had a charm in the shape of a heart saying L + (Your first initial).

Which you asked the man to ingrave in it. You bought them and snuck back to your room so nobody knew about the gifts. You wrapped each one in red wrapping paper writing the names on them and putting a bow on Levi's gift. By the time you finish you heard the bell ring signaling that it was time for the Christmas eve dinner. You hadn't even noticed till now that you were starving.

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