The Dream (Chapter Ten)

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*Levi's POV/ In his dream*

(Y/N) and I lay draped across my bed, her body curled up against mine as she slept peacefully. I felt her shuffle and groan before she woak up, stretched and leaned up kissing me quickly as I savored her soft lips. She looked adorable with her messy hair and I almost forgot about how we live in this shit world where any second could be your last.

(Y/N) lightly yawned and layed back down on my chest nussling her face in my neck, oh i love that feeling. The feeling of her always being next to me and no one else...
"I love you"
She whispered out, it being slightly muffled. I smiled and rested my head on hers as i whispered back "I love you too (Y/N)"
She than leaned up pushing me down on the bed before kissing me more rough this time as i moaned into her lips.

*End of dream/Still Levi's POV*

I snapped awake when i heard fast foot steps. What brat would be up past there curfue I shook it of to tired to care. Then i remembered my dream. They just had to wake me up at the best part. I felt my lips. The kiss it felt so real, ugh what am i saying
(Y/N) would never like me how i like her.

I mentally cursed at myself for having such profound dreams. I groaned and slung my legs across the side of my bed knowing i couldn't get back to sleep I mis well get some paperwork done. I sluggishly slipped out of bed and walked over to my bedroom door. I just now noticed that my door was opened. I was sure that i closed it... was somebody in here.

I clicked my tongue at my own stupidity. Im just paranoid i thought before walking out of my room making sure to shut my door this time. I slid over to my office desk looking at the stacks of paper. I plopped down in my chair grabbing a pen and began signing and writing what was required on the sheets of paper.

But i couldn't get a certain (H/C) haired cadet out of my mind. Ugh god (Y/N) your gonna be the death of me.

~~~~ Ok yes I know im sorry for the short chapter, please don't throw things at me. But this was just kinda a filler and to show what happened in Levi's dream to tie some lose ends from last chapter. But anyways until next chapter have a great day♡~~~~
P.S also please give suggestions if you have any im kinda running out of ideas.

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