Help (chapter Thirteen)

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"Armin's POV*

Y/N fell to the ground as blood spilled out of the cut on her forehead. I had no idea where she got it from but i needed to get her to help. I pulled of my jacket and firmly pressed it on her forehead the blood seaping through it. If i took it away from her forehead she would lose more blood than she already lost.

I yelled out trying to get any attention from anybody... Nothing. I yelled out one more time and than heard fast footsteps coming from the edge of the tree line. I heard branches snap and somebody emerged from the shadows of the trees. I looked up seeing somebody i really didn't want to see.

Levi. He looked at me and than at Y/N in my arms. He looked back up at me in anger.
"What Did you do to her!?"
He yelled loudly. I opened my mouth to snap something back but he picked up Y/N like she was a feather and
begain quickly moving towards the main building. I grabbed my book and followed after him.

*Levi's POV*

The moment I saw Y/N laying next to that brat with a cut on her forehead i instantly thought in the heat of the moment that he did this to her. So i snatched her up from his arms. And began running towards the main building and to the hospital type area.
As soon as i got there i heard footsteps behind me.

I saw the same boy from the forest come running in panting.
"What do you want"
I said in a stiff voice while putting pressure on the slice on her forehead.
I was so worried i felt like i could cry. What would happen if i wasn't taking a walk and heard the commotion? What if Y/N lost to much blood?

I pushed those thoughts out of my head so i could keep a cool composer. Nobody could ever see me break down. I pulled up a chair and sat next to her unconscious but still
inhumanly beautiful body. As that brat tryed to explain what happened i just didn't listen and kept my thoughts  to Y/N. Not soon after the brat ran out of the room. I was too invested in Y/N to care what he was doing. So i just started to clean up Y/N head while looking at her some of my worry seaping out.

*Armin's POV*

I ran out of the room where Y/N was and straight to Hanji's room i didn't even knock and just opened the door i was very lucky that she was just working on some paperwork.
She looked over at me and worry crossed her face
"Armin oh god are you ok-"
I didn't let her finish as i panted out
"Come quick its Y/N"
She immediately stop all actions and stood up. She looked at me for a moment trying to figure out what happened when she saw the look on my face she knew instantly what happened.
"Where is she?"
Hanji asked as seriously as possible.

"Uh she's in the medical area"
I said to her she ran passed me out of the room. I understand why Y/N was her best friend. Speaking of which i need to tell Eren that im good but Y/N is not.

*Levi's POV*

I sat in the room still caring for Y/N. Not soon after i heard fast heavy footsteps nearing the room i was in.
I looked over my shoulder in time to see Hanji run into the room with a look of worry on her face. This is usually the time she makes a comment about how cute we look together. But this time she barely acknowledged me as she ran over to an unconscious Y/N.

She almost cryed over her best friend but knew that she was fine calmed her down. Not soon after Hanji came in, the room became crowded with all her friends including Eren, Jean, Connie and even Reiner and many other people came in to see what the commotion was about. I mean yeah im worried like hell for her but she's not gonna die. So why is everyone like this? Ugh whatever.

I ignored the thoughts in my head when Eren kissed Y/N forehead in a friendly way but enough to anger me.
Oh come on Levi now's not the time to get jealous. I thought as i pushed that the the back of my mind and i glared daggers at Eren. I know he's only her friend but it hurts seeing the other boys near her i just want her to myself...

~~~~I don't even know what happened when i wrote the reader getting hurt It was just an idea and know it turned into like a full chapter but whatever. Till next time♡~~~~

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