Im Coming For You (Chapter Twenty-Eight)

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*your POV*

Mikasa dicided it would be a good idea to go into town to try and lift my spirit's, that maybe all the summer cheer would help. I know she just wanted to make me feel better so i put on a fake smile and tryed to have fun. Eren, jean, sasha, connie and the whole crew decided to come along. I listened to there conversations as i walked behind them. I heard connie say something about jean that made me laugh. My eyes widened. Wow i guess i missed my laugh.

I slightly smiled at that. Maybe ill be just fine they all be back and safe soon. "Open The Gates!!" I heard being yelled from the top of the wall. The loud yell caused me to snap out of my thoughts as the whole town froze and silenced.  The voice sounded frantic.

I saw people run to the gates and begin pulling leavers which caused the large wooden door start to open and as soon as it did about 5 men on horses came charging in. I recognised the leading man as commander Erwin. He was one of the men that went on the mission with Levi but he was no were to be seen. "I need to speak with the council immediately, there was an incident including the mission" Erwin said loudly for the whole town to hear.

My heartbeat stopped and i shoke. "Yes, right away sir" i heard from the officers as they leaded the way through the crowd. I watched them enter into the council hall and my feet moved on there own as i slowly followed. "Y/N where are you going"
Eren said as he grabbed my wrist "i need to know what went wrong with the mission" i said as tears welded up in my eyes and i pulled my wrist away as i went after them.

I quited my steps as i got close to the council hall. I heard muffled voices from inside andi pushed my ear against the door."we got split up....... they could be dead..... we need troupes" the rest was far to quiet to hear so i pulled away as i heard footsteps near the door and i ran out as to not be seen. I ran back to my group and stood straight as Erwin looked at the crowd. "I would like all cadets to report to the stage, citizens please continue in your work" he stated and than walked away to tell the other cadets.

We all looked at each other and went to our rooms to grab our equipment before continuing on to the stage. The sun was beginning to go down as we got there. Many other cadets were already lined up and i stood in the middle of the group keeping my gaze on the stage till Erwin walked out and everyone shut up and looked at him. All eager to find out what had happened.

"Cadets thank you for reporting, what you are about to hear is very important and I'd advised you to listen up" Erwin said as he looked at the crowd and continued "the mission that just took place was a disaster, me and the other commanders had to split up due to a pack of titans, and we need back up to bring back our fighters"

he said and the whole world seemed to crack. everyone begain whispering to the friends but i kept my attention straight ahead. "You will most likely die, you will leave your family's and never be seen again, its going to be a nightmare, but we need as many people as we can to fight" this shut up the crowd again "but i can force you to fight so if you are not up to the task of fighting and possibly death then you may leave" Erwin finished and the crowd froze before it erupted in panic and many cadet's begain running and pushing past in a rush to leave.

While i planted my feet and stayed where i was. I looked around to see the scared faces of my friends but they were not leaving there were staying. We are  not cowards and we will continue to fight till our last breath...Levi just keep holding on. Ill be there soon.

~~~~And so the fight begins. I have been getting comments to continue so here's the next chapter, im currently working on another one. Its about to get real intense so hang on but till next time♡~~~~

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