Lets Do It (Chapter three)

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*your POV*

God Eren is such an idiot I thought to my self though he was my friend I couldn't believe him. I was running down the white, clean hall way, too embarrassed to stay in the mess hall after what Eren oh so loudly announced to everyone.

Though I did really like the captain and with the look he gave me earlier I though he would like me too, but deep in my heart I knew he didn't like me or anyone, even if he did it wouldn't be me im just a cadet nothing special I had never fought an actual titan I would be surprised if Levi even knew my name. I feel tears well up in my eyes as I stopped running and fell to my knees, my love would never even notice me. that thought broke me as I started to quietly sob.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a soft hand on my shaking shoulder. I looked over to see a worried Hanji. Her face got even more worry in it as she saw my face which I assumed was red and wet from the tears.

*Hanji's POV*

I ran after Y/N after she had dashed out of the large room leaving everyone to think about what Eren had just said. I saw her turning random corners probably not knowing were to go but away from everyone. I quickly sprinted around a sharp corner before seeing a shaking Y/N sunken down to the ground on her knees in the middle of the hall way. A abruptly stopped chasing when I saw this. I slowed my steps and quietly walked closer to her in till I saw her head was in her hands and I could hear Y/N soft sobs.

Oh Eren was gonna get it nobody messes with my best friend. I shook my head I need to focus on Y/N right now she needs me. I slowly moved my hand to her shoulder feeling her shake under my touch.
"Y/N its Hanji, are you ok"
I said lowly not wanting to scare her. She looked up at me her eyes red and puffy from crying. I was really worried now.
"What does it look like Hanji!?"

Y/N said with a hint of sarcasm but more of sadness filled her voice as she could hardly finish her sentence without sobbing.
" Sorry but did what Eren say humiliate you that much"
I said not thinking what he said could hurt her that bad, Y/N looked back down her sobbing had stopped now.

*your POV*
"Sorry but did what Eren say humiliate you that much"
Hanji said looking at me concerned but still looking for an answer almost like a mother. But what Eren said wasn't what I was crying about.
"No its not what he said its the fact that the captain will never love me back and that I will always be alone I just wish he would see me-"
I couldn't finish my sentence because Hanji covered my mouth.'what was that for' I thought.
"You dumb dumb stop it"
Hanji said looking at me with a smile as I ripped her death grip off of my mouth.
"Why he will never love-"
I was cut off once again by Hanji's bubbly voice.
"-because we are going to make a plan"
Hanji said almost bursting with excitement.
I said surprised. what did she mean by plan.
"Well what else are we gonna do"
She asked
I was silent I guess we could try her plan.
"Exactly so its settled we are going to make levi jealous in till he can't take it anymore and gets you for himself"
Hanji said with an evil smile. You froze she wanted to make the captain. The God Damn captain, jealous. You thought about it this might be your only shot to get him and you were gonna take it.
"Screw it I'll take the chance lets make him jealous as hell"
Hanji's smile grew even wider if that was possible as she high fived me.
"You got it but were gonna need a guy to help us"

~~~~thanks for reading comment if you have any suggestions for the forth chapter and if you liked it please put it in your library i will try to update often and in till the next chapter have an amazing day. And just go watch anime i mean you have free time and well what's better than anime,really. anyway bye♡~~~~

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