15 - Emergency

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Like any other Friday, today, the members of the culture team had a meeting. As the school carnival was coming closer, they extended their stay in the school for a few more hours.

Everyone was dotting their ideas down to make their fest hit as the money collected from the carnival would be used as a school fund in the future. It has already been two hours.

"Guys look, I think we should take a break and eat something. It's been two hours since we have been working." Maddy spoke.

"Well, for the first time in the history of this universe, you said a sensible thing," Evy smirked.


Before Evy could retaliate, Maddy left to get food for everyone. Strange! She had gone to get food. But none of them cared as Maddy's presence was irritating.

After half an hour, she graced them with her presence with the delicious smell of food. They all sat together on the floor and began to eat waffles and pancakes.

"I never thought in life that you crave this kind of food. I mean, don't you think this food will make you fat?" Carson commented.

"Well, once in a blue moon, it is fine. And I will burn the calories when I go back home. This food is worth it."

The way Maddy spoke made Evy suspicious about her intention. Nonetheless, she continued eating her food until Haley started coughing beside her and gradually fainted on the floor.

"Shit! What happened, Hails?" She turned towards her. Owen, Carson, Kayla, and Ed all of them rushed towards her.

"Evy, she is having difficulty breathing. We need to take her to the hospital." Owen stated.

He was trying to rub Hailey's palm and even performed CPR to help her breathe, but it was not of much use.

He carried her bridal style and went towards the car.

No later than five minutes, they reached the hospital where Hailey was being treated. Because of an emergency, they needed to call her parents, who came immediately.

Within a few minutes, the doctor updated them about her condition.

"Don't worry, she is fine. We had given her epinephrine. She had gotten an allergy reaction from eating berries."

"She ate waffles. Maybe the syrup might contain a berry." Kayla mentioned.

"That bitch," Eddy growled beside her. Evy understood what he was thinking. But she holds his wrist to stop him. They can deal with Maddy later.

After a few minutes, they went inside the room. Hailey was lying down peacefully.

"You scared the hell out of us, Hailey." Owen went ahead and took her hand in his.

"Yes, so much that he had to kiss you to help you breathe." Carson teased, making both Owen and Haley blush.

"It's called CPR." He mumbled.

"You are feeling okay?" Eddy asked, aiming towards her.

"Yeah— Much better. Don't worry, Eddy." Hailey smiled softly at him.

"We were really worried, you know." She squeezed his hand as an assurance.

Before Eddy could further say anything, Maddy came.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you have enough when you played this trick?" Evy fumed.

"Look, I am sorry. I didn't know Hailey was allergic to blueberries. I wouldn't have done that, you know." Maddy murmured.

"Bullshit Maddy! You can lie to everyone out there, but not me. I know that you did this purposely. You didn't want this incident to happen with Hailey but with Evy."

Everyone was shocked there.

"I—" Maddy spoke but was interrupted by Ed.

"Cat got your tongue." He glared.

"Look, yes, it was for Evy. I thought Evy was allergic, not Hailey. God knows how the food got exchanged between them."

"That was a low blow, Maddy, even for a person like you," Carson stated. "How could you go to such a level to hurt anyone?"

"Well, you cannot blame me. Okay! Evy was finally out of school, but she had to come here again after a year, all dolled up with a new attitude."

"That doesn't give you any right to kill people," Owen yelled. "Hailey here could have died because of the stunt you pulled."

"Just leave from here, Maddy before I do something I regret," Edd spoke firmly to her.

After Maddy left, Evy finally spoke. "And you betrayed us for her. You choose this kind of person to be with. Good going, Edward."

Everyone was silent in the room.

"Um, guys, I think you all should go home and rest. I am fine here. Don't worry. You all might be tired." Hailey tried to break the silence.

"Hailey is right," Owen said, trying to break the discomfort between Evy and Eddy.

"I will stay here." Eddy and Evy both spoke at the same time.

"No one is staying here except for me," Owen spoke.

"No, you all are going. Look, whatever happened, happened. We can deal with it later on. Guys, thanks for being here, but seriously go home and rest."

Carson and Kayla nodded and left.

"Eddy, please," Hailey spoke in desperation, which made him sigh.

Soon after Eddy left, she convinced Evy to go home. Hailey knew that Evy needed a break.

But Owen was still firm on his decision and didn't leave her side.

"Thanks, Owen," Hailey told him.

"Shut up, Hailey. Eddy or Carson would have done the same thing."


"Are you still angry with Eddy?" Owen asked her after some time.

"Not angry, but disappointed and tired. I can see that he is trying, and I am glad he was there with us today, but it will take more time." She looked tiredly at him.

"So, he is one step closer to getting you back." He didn't ask but told her.

"Yeah, I guess. Not only me but even Evy. It's hard to digest that Eddy is trying to change. But I know she will come around."

"You should rest now." Owen kissed her head.

"You are not going home, are you?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Nope," he smiled.

Evy was shocked to learn the truth but was glad that this time Eddy stood for them. Evy was officially tired of all this and wanted to take a break. She concluded that she would stop being hard on Eddy. She might not be able to reconnect her relationship with him, but she can at least try to be a bit amiable to him.

After learning that Maddy was the one who pulled this stunt, he was furious. If it were not for Evy grabbing his hand at that moment, he would have killed the damn woman. When he and Maddy were together, he mentioned that his best friend was allergic to blueberries, but he might have forgotten to mention his best friend's name. But after today, Eddy was more than disappointed. After taking a step forward, she was definitely taking two steps back.

Karma sure has its way of getting back at people.

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