19 - Outburst

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After the incident on the day of the carnival, she ignored Eddy's call. It was the weekend, and she locked herself in the room. Luckily, her parents were out for a meeting, so it gave her a chance to be alone. She even ignored Haley, Owen, Carson, and Kayla's calls. There were many missed calls from all five of them. She texted them to leave her alone and kept her phone on silent. They even tried to come to her house, but no luck for them because she didn't open the door. She knew what they would tell her when she would unfold the complete story.

Soon it was Monday, and she would have to face reality. She reached school but signalled them instantly to not ask her about anything, much to their displeasure. But her four friends already knew the whole story as they made Eddy tell them.

Eddy was already getting impatient, and the sudden presence of four of them made him blurt out the incident that happened in front of her house. None of them knew how to help him to get him out of the complicated situation. He had rushed to express his feelings towards Evelyn. He should have waited for her to forgive him, but he couldn't wait any longer. He was getting desperate. After enjoying her presence at the carnival, he was reminded of his past days with Evy and his feelings for her. But his greediness to become popular destroyed everything between them. Hailey already knew of his feelings towards Evy from the start, which hurt her most as he was destroying his friendship with Evelyn and risking any kind of relationship with her in the future. Hailey had warned him before, but he flat-out ignored her. How right she was back then.

Evy was successful in ignoring Eddy's entire day at school until the end of the day. She was pulled inside an empty classroom again.

"What the hell, Eddy? What's with you dragging me again and again?" She yelled at him.

"You tell me, Evy. You are avoiding me like the plague."

"That's because I want nothing to do with you."

"Stop playing Evy."

"I am the one playing now, Huh Eddy? Stop blaming your deeds on others."

"I am not blaming you—"

"Shut up, hell up. I am tired of you playing games with me. I am tired of you using me. First, you apologize, and then you say you miss me, and then you confess your undying love for me. What kind of sick joke is that?"

"It's not a joke, and I do love you. Always have." He tried to touch her, but she stepped back.

"No, you don't. You didn't when I was an outcast. Now you do because I changed, and it will be good for your status." She was shooting daggers at him.

"Are you kidding me? When will you let that go? It's not always about popularity." He was fuming now.

"Yes! It is for you. You ditched Hailey and me for your new popular friends. Still, we said nothing to you and accepted the fact that you have new friends in your life, but that was not enough for you. You made my life a living hell. You didn't spare a chance to humiliate me. At first, it was your friends, but you didn't stand up for me, but that was just not enough for you. So you started the same thing as them. But the hell broke loose and when you spilled our moments to that bitch Maddy. Drunk or not, that doesn't give you an excuse. Even if I, for once, ignore the fact that you were drunk, that still didn't stop you from embarrassing me in front of the complete school. When Maddy was spilling out every detail and was talking bad about me in front of the entire school, you chose to ignore me and tag me as a wannabe who wanted attention. You made your own way, and I made my own after that. But now, we cross our path again. Then you remember that once you had a friend. Really, Eddy smooth— Who do you think you are? You are no better than that douche Victor—"

"Stop Evy—" He said to her in a firm tone. His hands were in fists.

"You are worse than him—"

"Shut the fuck up, Evelyn," he yelled, to which she flinches. "Just stop it, okay. What do you think; I don't regret what I did back then. I have always missed you. Yes, I chose popularity over you and Hailey, and I always wish I could undo it. That life was tempting me, and I chose to walk on that line, and it cost me both of my best friends. Do you have any clue how many times in the past year I have picked my phone and tried to dial your number but backed out? Sometimes I wanted to come and meet you and beg for forgiveness, but I couldn't because I knew I couldn't face you after what I did. I have always loved you since the day I understood the meaning of love, but I wanted to fit in with the crowd. I wanted people to know me. Hailey warned me long ago that my past behavior with you would cost me our friendship and our relationship in the future. Even if we do have one, it would be at a cost, but I didn't listen. I always thought that you both would forgive me easily, but nothing is given for free, is it? I learned it the hard way. I understood it. I regret it every day what I did to you both, especially you. It was completely wrong. I am tired, Evy. I am tired of this fame and games. I am not playing games with you. When I saw Carson changing his ways for Kayla, it was also an eye-opener for me. But when I heard you left the states, that was the time when I truly realized my mistake and saw clearly how I missed everything. I wanted to talk to Hailey, but couldn't face her. I am sorry, Evy. I am. Please forgive me. I know I am sounding desperate. But please. Karma is really a bitch." Eddy dropped down on his knees from fatigue. His eyes were moist.

Evy was unable to think clearly after their outburst.

"I— I—" She couldn't say anything, so she rushed from there to find her four friends standing outside the classroom.

"Evy—" Owen said, but before he could say anything, she broke down.

Owen and Hailey took her home, whereas Carson and Kayla were with Eddy.

Both were tired of this complication and wanted to be free from them.

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