1- Is Karma A bitch?

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It has been a year since Evy has visited her hometown. She would be lying if she said that she did not miss it. Her parents live here, and she had spent her entire childhood in this very place. So yes, she definitely missed it. She has lots of lovely yet painful memories here.

One thing that Evy didn't miss was her school; 'THE WOODSTOCK HIGH SCHOOL.'

It is a private school.

If you are in the 'IT' crowd, you will be in love with this place, but if not, you will dread every minute of it. Especially when you are associated with any of the popular kids, but 'you are not fit to talk to them.' However, if you are lucky and do not have any contact with the jocks and Barbie's here, you can live your life peacefully.

Well, you might guess who exactly Evy is?

Evy is short for Evelyn Brook. She is your regular seventeen-year-old teen. She is the only daughter of her parents and, like every other daughter, she is a daddy's girl and shares a special bond with her mom. They are not extravagantly rich, nor are they poor. Her parents have enough to satisfy her needs.

'It feels good to be back here after a year.' She thought when she entered her hometown. Everything here is pretty much the same. Nothing has changed. And hey! She is not complaining. She likes this place as it is. Woodstock is really beautiful.

Unlike all those years, she is pretty excited about starting her senior year here because it is going to be filled with surprises. The people there in the school are going to be so shocked. Not a single person would have imagined that she would return to this place after what they all did to her.

Now you might think why she came back as these people clearly despise her?

She didn't want to, but she only stepped into this place because of her parents. They missed her, and she couldn't say no to them. She is not that selfish. And to be honest, those losers don't scare her anymore.

During this one year, she learned lots of things that people will see with time.

In fact, now those people here will regret it if they mess with her. Well, Evy doesn't have the personality of a typical bitch who likes to make everyone's life miserable. But yes, if someone crosses his or her line, she won't stand quietly and wait for those words to get to her. Instead, she will stand up for herself.

Evy knows that she is not labeled as hot or sexy, but she also knows that she is not bad-looking as her fellow students had made her believe. In all honesty, these tags are all big bullshit that people have started to live on. But she also knew for the fact that she was pretty enough for a boy to date her. Evy can say that because, in her past school, many boys asked her out. In fact, she loves her old school. There every minute she enjoyed, unlike in this school where she was living with fear every minute of it.

At present she was standing in front of her school. Initially, she used to hate stepping into that building, but not anymore. There have been lots of changes in the past year not.

She has the same personality and qualities as before. It's just that she has built up more confidence in her. She even lost some weight and built up stamina. She has become a more outspoken person who can stand up for her own self.

She still remembers the day when she left this place. It still stings her heart and brings tears to her eyes. But no! That innocent, weak Evelyn Brook is no more. She is gone for good now.

This is the new Evelyn Brook, with whom no one can mess. In fact, she won't let those Jocks and Barbie's bully any innocent kids anymore. She can't let anyone suffer the same emotions as her. Evy knows for a fact that she alone can't make a difference in this crazy society, but at least she can try.

As you all know, it's going to shock her fellow mates at her school to see her again. But one person will be beyond shocked as his actions were the ones that forced her to leave this place. Because of him, Evy had to get her act together and start fresh. In a way, she is thankful to him for doing what he did and showing her his true colors. But he has no clue what is coming for him.

Evy knows that he thinks she is the same old person who will forgive him easily, like always, if he asks for forgiveness. That is, if he is nice enough to ask for it. Oh yes! That is how much of a jerk he has become. And knowing him, he will definitely ask for an apology because that's what he always does.

He simply says 'sorry' to her.

SORRY one word, five letters. The simple word sorry. Evy has heard it so many times now that she hates this word because no one means it when they use it.

But not anymore. Evy does not indicate that she has planned something evil for him, bringing his status down or something. In fact, she is going to go with the flow. She is not that brutal to get her ex-best friend down.

She has no clue what is ahead waiting for her, but one thing she knows is that Karma is a bitch. Karma gets you back. You just need to believe in it and move on. Try not to take matters into your own hand if unnecessary. Just leave it to Karma. It has its way of dealing with things.

So Evy left everything to Karma and took a deep breath, and entered Woodstock high school.

It's been a year since Eddy has seen her. He still regrets everything he has done to her. He still remembers each and every moment he has spent with her. He thought about calling her back.

Heck! he even dialed her number numerous times, but he didn't have the nerve to call her after what he did to her. But one thing is for sure; if he gets a chance to meet her, she will forgive him instantly because that's who she is. His best friend. But he doesn't know if he can call her that now.

Well, today is their first day of senior year at Woodstock High, although he is pretty excited about it. But without her, it doesn't feel the same.

Enough about his best friend. Well, Eddy is short for Edward Loraine, the 17-year-old quarterback of the football team of Woodstock high. Yes, you would have guessed that he is popular, and yes, he is also called a so-called player, and that's only because he flirts a lot. And why wouldn't he be as he is a jock with good looks and girls just love him, and the boys want to be like him. He also has good grades, so that's a bonus. Eddy knows that he is arrogant, but hey! Attitude builds up as your popularity increases.

Unlike other people, he loves going to school as he gets all the attention. So yes, he enjoys being the jock of this school. It has its perks, but at the same time, he regrets it. That is because of this popularity; he has lost his best friends. He has tons of friends and knows that they are all fake, but one of them is his loyal friend. His name is Carson. He is the only one now with whom he can be his true self. Maybe that's because during this year, Carson has changed a lot and why wouldn't? He had a reason to change; his girlfriend, Kayla.

Well, today, everyone is excited about coming to school. Every boy hopes to see a new girl student, and every girl hopes to see a new boy student, and guess what? Yes, this year they do have two new students in his batch: a boy and a girl. To be honest, he doesn't care, but for some odd reason, he really wishes that the new girl should be the one who used to be his buddy.

Eddy doesn't even know what he will tell her if she came in front of him. He has no clue how he will react. He knows some people might dread Karma. As they think, Karma is a bitch.

But he doesn't believe in it. He knows that what he did to her was wrong, but she will accept him if he asks for an apology. So how will Karma get back to him? The saying is bullshit. It's just a myth that people believe. If you make a mistake, just apologize and take the corrective measures, and your job is done. So how will Karma get back to you? Well, that's a mystery to him.

This year he has an instinct that lots of surprising stuff are going to take place. It's like he should expect unexpected things for himself.

Well, let's see. Only time will tell.

Hopes up and fingers crossed.

He took a deep breath and asked for his new schedule. Let the new senior year begin.

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