13- Flowers

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Eddy thought the whole night about what Owen said. He isn't that bad as he made him look.

He needs to take things slow. So that's what he is going to do.

He woke up early in the morning, left for school. Now he just needs to wait for Evy and Hailey to arrive and open their lockers.

Within half an hour, both of them arrived along with Owen. Eddy had a big smile on his face, which made Owen suspicious of him. He just shrugged it off and indicated him to carry on with Evy and Hailey.

When both of them open their lockers, both of their eyes soften and glance at Eddy. Evy looked at him, crushed the flower, threw it in the dustbin, and left for the class. Whereas Hailey was concerned, she looked at him with sad eyes, kept the lily in her locker, and followed Evy.

Eddy sighs when he feels someone's hand touching his shoulder.

"Dude, it will take time for them to come around," Owen said.

"Yeah— My whole life."

"Come on, think of a positive side. Hailey didn't throw it. At least she accepted it."

"True, but I am sure Hailey wanted it to be you giving her flowers, not me." Eddy smirked.

"I hope so." Owen's eyes brighten.

"I know so. By the way, won't you be on their hate list if you talk with me? I mean, those two hate me."

"Nah, don't worry— I will handle it. And they don't hate you; they just dislike you at this moment. They will come around. Just don't stop trying."

"Wouldn't think of it," Eddy mumbled.

Now he needs to think of something else.

When Evy saw those lily flowers in her locker, she immediately knew it was Eddy. She always had a thing for lilies. If it was two years back, then she would have hugged him, but not anymore. So, she threw the flowers in the bin. But Hailey didn't. She kept it in her locker.

Both girls went into the class. Owen came a bit late. The entire day passes in a blur. Ed didn't try to make any move on them, nor did he try to talk to them.

So, she was right that it was just guilt eating him up. He might have got tired of them. Anyway, Evy didn't care. He deserves it. She opened her locker and was keeping her books when she saw some flowers again.

She was going to pick it up and crush it again until Owen came over and startled her.

"Don't, Evy. We both know that you want to keep it."

"I don't want to keep it," she said in her firm voice.

"You do Evy, I understand you are angry with him, and you have every right to be, but don't torture your own self," he said.

"I don't want to give him any kind of satisfaction."

"Then don't. He doesn't know you have these flowers with you. I kept it in your locker again. So just keep it with you. He doesn't need to know."

"Okay!! By the way, I saw you talking with Eddy."

"Ya —" Owen started to scratch his neck.

"It's okay, Owen. You can talk to him. Just please don't abandon us as he did." Evy told him with a sad smile.

"I would never do that to you." Owen hugged her.

"Uh-huh Oh!! Am I missing anything?" Hailey spoke out of nowhere.

Before Evy could say anything, Owen spoke.

"Actually, you missed a group hug." He pulled Hailey's hand and embraced both of them.

When Eddy was passing through the corridor, he saw three of them hugging. If it weren't for his selfishness, then even he could be with them.

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