20 - Karma did it's work

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Both Evy and Eddy skipped school the next day. But both of them knew that they would have to face each other soon. Evelyn didn't know what to tell Eddy when she met him, and whereas Eddy was concerned, he knew that he wouldn't be able to handle rejection from her.

The next day, both their friends forced them to go to school. In the morning, Mrs. Natalia called Evy into the staff room to talk to her.

"Evy, stop hurting yourself." She said when she saw Evy in a disheveled shape. "Hailey and Owen told me everything. They are concerned about you."

"What should I do?" Evy asked, clearly desperate to know the answer.

"Just follow your heart." Mrs. Natalia said.

"I did that before and see where it had led me."

"Evy dear, everything happens for a reason. You need to let go of your past with him. The heart will lead you to difficult situations where it will ache and break, but it is never wrong."

Mrs. Natalia's words were stuck in Evy's mind. During the break, Evy finally saw Eddy and could clearly see his vulnerability. He had bags under his eyes, and his eyes were red and blotchy.

"Wow, looks like Evy is back to her normal self," Maddy exclaimed.

Evelyn didn't want any more drama, so she ignored her and tried to leave, but there was no such luck.

"You know, the old look suits you better, Evy. I mean, people don't change. Even if they do, they come back to normal. I mean, you did pull off your new style and new attitude well, but now you are your old self. Loose clothes, specs—"

Suddenly, Maddy was interrupted by someone whom she thought would never stand up against her. Owen, Haley, Carson, and Kayla tried to stop Maddy, but the only voice that made her stunned was Eddy's.

"Shut the hell up, Maddy. Don't you dare utter a single word." He came towards Evy, glaring at Maddy.

"Are you defending this loser?"

"She is not a loser, and if she is, then she is my loser. My loser best friend, Evelyn Brook. And you have no right to insult her."

"I cannot believe it. You are choosing her side rather than being with me. You know you will be an outcast like her if you are with her." Maddy pointed out.

"I don't care. In fact, I like her. If liking my best friend is going to make me an outcast, then so be it. I would happily be an outcast rather than being a person which I was before." He said, holding Evy's hand in the process, which caused her to look at him with her moist eyes.

"No one cares, Maddy." Victor came beside Eddy to support him. "We were wrong and too desperate."

"Vic, you too. What's gotten into you?" Maddy gritted her teeth.

"Sense Maddy. After that incident with Evy, I understood how it felt to be laughed at. I was wrong. We were all, and honestly, I wanted people to remember me as a nice person, not a bully." Victor spoke. "I want to finish high school peacefully and not with grudges."

Maddy fumed and left the cafeteria after she noticed no one sided with her.

"I am sorry, Evy, what I did to you— you didn't deserve that. I know I am in no state of asking you to forgive me, but I would like to be friends with you. In fact, I am done with discriminating against people and harassing them. I would actually like to be human than an animal." Victor made everyone chuckle a bit.

"I would like that." She whispered.

After that, Eddy spoke, "Evy, I know what I did was wrong, and I also know that I couldn't undo the things, so I wouldn't ask you to forgive me anymore. I do deserve this. I won't bother you anymore." With that, he left Evy, leaving her standing alone with her other four friends.

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