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He didn’t call.

I wasn’t surprised the first day, or the day after, or the day after that one. Honestly, I wasn’t surprised at all when the first week passed and my phone didn’t ring. I knew he was one of the no-commitment kind of guys, a free spirit, too young to settle down, rah rah rah. I saw the glimpse of panic in his eyes when I asked him for his number, and I seriously considered if that was a mistake I made or not, if I should’ve played it cool and walked away like I was used to that kind of hook-ups even though I so wasn’t. I spent a lot of time that week thinking of every single thing I did when he was around, analyzing and reanalyzing, resulting only in giving myself a headache. There was nothing I could do now, except to wait for him to call and no matter how much I hated that, I had to accept the facts. He had my number; the choice was his to make.

And it looked like he made it.

“It’s been two weeks, Y/N” Maddie said, “I’m sorry but you have to stop thinking about him. You’re messing up your head.” I shot her a look.

“Maddie, stop being dramatic, I’m nowhere near messing up my head. And it’s not like I can make myself stop thinking about him, it’s a little more complicated than that” I told her, annoyed. “Can we not talk about him, please?”

We were at this coffee shop near our college for the first time, waiting for our drinks to be made. Everything was alright, the sun was shining, birds were singing and we hadn’t talked about Niall for almost three days (and that was a big deal) until I distanced for a minute, my mind working on its own, wondering if Niall ever hung out here; Maddie caught the look in my eyes, her first guess being I was thinking about him; she was right.

“Well, that would be the first time” she mumbled under her breath. I wanted to say something to her, to fire back, but I just couldn’t be bothered. Plus, she was right.

“Maddie, please. Please?” I sighed, closing my eyes for a second. The barista finally handed us our drinks, and Maddie dug through her purse for money to pay so I had some time to prepare myself for what was about to come. She turned to me, taking a breath.

Here we go.

“Okay, I didn’t want to do this, but it seems like you need some tough love and even if it means you’re gonna hate me afterwards, I’m gonna say it” she started as we looked around for a place to sit, and continued as soon as we took a seat near the window.

“Now I’m talking and you’re listening. Okay?”she said and I nodded.

“Okay. So you see this guy for a minute in the library, and okay, you think he’s fine. He smiles at you, you return the smile, you share a nice little moment and then he’s gone. Okay, great. No problem with that. You probably thought about him only a few times, and it’s only a bonus when you see him at a bar some time later. There’s chemistry and you enjoy yourself, because that’s what hook-ups are about, having a fucking great time. But it’s you we’re talking about and that means you’re bound to get embarrassed and over-attached at some point and voila, it happens. Now I’m not saying he was an innocent little boy in this story, I mean the making out in the library? It was the best kind of persuasion I’ve ever heard of. But he never promised you anything. And you acted like he did, when he showed up at the party an hour later than you, you got all mad and childish. You used Jake to make him jealous. And that wouldn’t have been that much of a problem if you hadn’t been as pissed off as you were, it would’ve been funny even. And then you slept with him. Which leads us to the best part - you made it obvious you want something more when you asked for his number, and he made it obvious several times before that it was only a sex thing for him. And trust me, he’s one of the better ones. He politely offered to take your number, and as far as we know, he didn’t brag about you to his friends. So please, think about all of this from the other perspective. If you can’t NOT get attached then let it go. If you can, then hook up with him as many times as you want, I’m sure he won’t mind.” And with that, her big monologue was over.

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