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The next day I woke up later than usual, since I didn’t have morning classes on Tuesdays and I was still trying to make up for the lack of sleep from the weekend; my phone showed it was a couple of minutes past ten and that I had 2 new messages. They were both from Niall.

You up yet? Woke up early for some reason! Fancy a coffee? – 8:34 am

Come on, sleepyhead, rise and shine! I might even buy you breakfast :) – 9:01 am

I chuckled sleepily and buried my face in my pillow, shaking my head in disbelief.  I still couldn’t put my head around the fact that everything that had happened yesterday actually did happen, and now this – the best kind of wakening. Before I could start thinking too much of it, I dialed his number and pressed the phone to my ear, my face still hidden in the pillow. It barely rang twice before he answered.

“Hey” he said softly; it sounded like he was smiling, and that made me smile instantly, too.

“What did you say about that breakfast?” I said, my voice still husky from sleep, which seemed entertaining to Niall, since he laughed that contagious laugh of his.

“Sorry babe, you missed your chance, I’ve already eaten” he informed me cockily; I propped myself on my elbows and scowled.

“Like you’d mind if you ate again, come on, who are you kidding?” He had practically eaten a small hill made of pancakes the day before.

“True, but I have class in, like -“, he stopped, and I pictured him glancing towards his watch, “oh, five minutes ago” he said, slightly surprised, but I was feeling awful.

“Oh, sorry! I’ll call you later then, shit, sorry sorry so-” I mumbled, facepalming myself and groaning.

But Niall wasn’t fazed; “Shut up, Y/N, I don’t care, I wanna talk to you” he said, his voice genuine and warm. Oh.

“Oh.” It was all I managed to say. There was a slight pause there, and I just knew Niall was having a grin plastered on his face just like the one I cracked into on the other end; we both listened to each other  breathing for a couple of moments before Niall finally broke the silence.

“So, you just woke up?” he asked, changing the subject. I let myself roll on my back and fall onto the mattress while I rubbed my eyes to get the sleep out of them.

“Yeah, like, half a minute ago” I said.

“And you called me straight away?” he was definitely grinning now, and I wanted to slap that cocky smile off his handsome face. That fucker, I swear.

“Shut up, you’re the one who harassed me with a billion messages” I grumbled, like I was annoyed that I had been woken up to his name on my phone screen. Hint: I wasn’t. At all.

“Two, Y/N, I sent you two texts” he said, not amused.

“Potato - potato” I said, biting out a smile. Niall laughed, and I felt proud for I was the one who ignited that beautiful sound. God, I was hopeless.

“Anyway, I want to see you today” he said, his voice soft once again. I closed my eyes, playing the words in my head a couple of times more, relishing in them before I somehow managed to answer. Stay cool. Just stay cool.

“Okay” I said, sounding indifferent.

“Okay? Okay?” Niall said, disbelieving. We both knew very well that I was anything but indifferent towards him. I rolled my eyes, like he could actually see me, and sighed loudly.

“It would be my pleasure, Mr. Horan” I said in a sickly sweet voice, trying to sound sarcastic.

Niall focused on something else, though. “Mmm, say that again” he groaned out, which made me arch my back a little; him being turned on turned me on even more.

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