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The piece of the sky that could be seen from Niall’s open window slowly started turning from ink blue to lighter shades as we inhaled the clear, crisp morning air, laying facing each other in his warm bed, the duvet tucked underneath our chins and limbs tangled under the covers.

We had sex and then we cuddled and then we had sex some more and then did that all over again and I had actually lost count by that time, but that wasn’t important. The important thing was that his smell had surely stuck to my skin by now, and I didn’t mind one bit; the important thing was that his fingers were now grazing the length of my arm, leaving pleasant goosebumps behind; the important thing was the way he was looking at me with his eyes half closed and the smallest of smiles playing on his swollen lips; the important thing was that he loved me. And I could feel it.

I let out a small giggle, making him smile and raise his eyebrows. “What’s so funny?” he asked, his voice deep and tired and delicious.

“Nothing” I said, “It’s just that we’ve been here for…” I paused as I reached to the bedside table and checked the time, “… well, six freaking hours and I don’t remember us talking that much” I said, smirking.

Niall rolled from his side to his back, stretching out his arms and yawning, before sleepily smacking his lips a couple of times. “Yeah” he said, “but we agreed talking isn’t our thing, remember?” he smirked back, making me smack his shoulder. He laughed breathily, catching my hand in his and pulling me onto him, our still bare bodies touching and sharing warmth. I went to smack him with my free hand, but he caught it, too. We wrestled playfully for some time before I decided to step up my game and bit his collarbone, making him yelp and laugh at the same time. “I was kidding!” he cried out, rolling us over and pinning me down, holding my hands on the both sides of my head. Not speaking, the only sound being our ragged breaths, we gazed into each other’s eyes for some time before Niall spoke and shook me out of my daze. “I love talking to you” he said softly, “you’re smart and funny and you have your own opinion on stuff and you know your shit concerning music, I love it” he shrugged his shoulder, “I loveyou.”

I practically melted at his words; my heart swelled and I closed my eyes, a blissful grin on my lips. Not a moment later, his lips touched mine tenderly, just barely grazed them, letting me sigh an ‘I love you too’ into his hot mouth, for him to swallow it and always keep it, store it carefully in his chest and have it as a reminder, forever.

He pecked my lips once, twice before he rolled off me and off the bed, leaving me sprawled and tangled in dampened sheets that smelled like his aftershave and my shampoo, and I had to admit, we made a good pair. I lifted my head to look at him as he pulled on his grey sweatpants and went for the door.

“Where are you going?” I whined, and Niall pressed a finger to his mouth, telling me to be quiet.

“It’s almost five in the morning babe, you don’t really want to wake up my dad, do you?” he whispered before he stepped out of the room, smoothly avoiding answering my question. I let my head fall back down on the soft pillows, concentrating on the comfy mattress underneath me.

The next thing I remember was the shuffling at the door; I struggled to pry my eyes open, they felt heavy; I must have dozed off while Niall was away. And now I could see him more clearly as the sun stood a little higher in the sky; he held a tray in his hands, walking carefully towards the bed, the tip of his tongue peeking from the corner of his mouth as the sign of complete concentration. I didn’t move an inch as he placed the tray on the bed next to me, pretending to still be asleep as he gently shook my shoulder, whispering, “Hey sleepyhead, wake up, I’ve made you something.”

I expertly acted as if I was just then waking up, rubbing my eyes and groaning softly before I sat up, looking at the tray he’d brought. This adorable fucker made me breakfast in bed. It didn’t matter in was just a bowl of cereal, a piece of toast with what looked like peanut butter on it and a glass of orange juice. I leaned in and kissed him, my lips lingering on his in gratitude before I took a large bite of the toast and a gulp of orange juice. Man, all this sex made me starving.

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