Chapter Sixteen

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When I woke up, my arm was hanging off of the bed and I was all to one side of the bed. I lifted myself up but winced because of my hand. It still had the gauze wrapped around it. I got out of bed and went to my bathroom. I unwrapped the gauze and inspected my hand. I was right, it did blister and it hurts so bad. I clean it up and walk out of my bathroom. I then realized I had school. I checked my phone for the time. I had woken up on time. I go to my closet and choose gray jeans and a red shirt. I quickly change and go to get something to eat. I normally don't eat this early but I haven't eaten since four o'clock yesterday. I gobbled down a bowl of cereal and went back to my bathroom to style my hair and brush my teeth.

I get finished and have spare time. I go outside and smoke. I go back into my house and grab my keys and head for school. Due to an accident I had to rush to class. But before I went to my class, Spanish, I stop by Amber's class. I see her sitting by Gracie at the back of the class room. I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her. "Ow! Isaiah!" She says. "Well hello to you too." I kiss her on the cheek. "What time do you go to work?" I ask sitting in the same chair as Amber, just scooting her over. I end up scooting her all the way off and patting my lap, for her to sit in my lap. "I have twenty minutes after school to be there."

"Okay well I need to talk to you after school." I whisper in her ear. "Isaiah, go to your class." Mrs. Smith crabbily demanded. She turned around and I flipped her off. The class laugh which made her turn around and notice me. "Oops," I say to Amber. "Principals office. Now!" She said pointing towards the door. "Talk to you after school, love you." I quickly say and kiss Amber and getting up. I would talk to her at lunch but we don't have the same lunch. And I'm probably going to be in ISS. If I'm not in ISS, then I will have lunch with Caleb, Cole, and Chris. But the only one I don't have a problem with is Cole. "I will be calling the office and telling them of your presence." She adds as I walk out the door. In my head I'm cursing her out.

I make my way to the office slowly. The principal and I are familiar with each other. I have been to the principals office at least five times this school year.. Mostly for fights, some for incomplete assignments. I have been to ISS two times this year but in my whole four years I have been to ISS eight times. As I'm walking, I pass Chris. He sees me, he just doesn't acknowledge me. I guess I am no longer friends with him and Caleb. I don't really care though.

I open the door to the office and take a seat in one of the chairs. It will be at least twenty minutes before I get called in because they take care of the tardies first. And if the principal, Mr. Rangel, isn't here yet, then I have to wait. I would get out my phone but this is school and I would like to talk to Amber tonight so I keep it in my pocket.

Forty minutes of waiting and I finally get called in. "So, I hear you flipped Mrs. Smith off. May I ask why?" Mr. Rangel says adjusting his tie. I want to tell him "no" but I decide not to. "I was talking to my girlfriend and I wasn't done and she told me to go to class. I waited until she turned around though." I said obnoxiously. "Isaiah, this is your, what sixth, seventh time in here. Don't you think you should be acting better?" He raised his eyebrows. I hate it when adults talk to me about my bad behavior. Obviously it's my decision how I act. "No." I say flatly. He takes a deep breath in then sighs. "Four days of ISS." I nod, as usual, and stand up. I don't even have to have a note or anything, I just walk in and have a seat.

Once I get to the room I sit down and wait for my work. In ISS, your teachers send you all of your assignments and you do them on your own. It takes about thirty minutes for them to get my work. I have nothing else to do so I am probably going to make good grades. I do all of my work and finish before lunch. I just sit there and think. I don't read, so that's out of the options.

I think about what happened last night. Did Caleb really mean those things he said? I think I just lost my two closest friends. And over Amber. No! It can't be because of her. I guess all I can do is apologize and go from there. I love Amber and I love my friends (not like that.) I couldn't choose between the both of them. The bell rang for lunch. Unfortunately, you can't go to the lunch room. Somebody brings you your lunch and you eat it in the room. I glanced around and saw some people I knew. I wasn't all that hungry so I didn't eat. I still have four more hours of school left. This was going to be a long day...

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