Chapter Twenty- Four Part II

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I heard Josh loudly saying words to me. I fluttered my eyes open and heard him sigh in relief. "Isaiah are you alright?" I was in a different room now. It looked familiar. The locker room. I nodded my head. I didn't feel alright. My jaw was aching, and my side was screaming in pain.

The last thing I remembered was seeing Amber with tears streaming down her face. Oh god.. I need to get to her and tell her I'm okay. Caleb can't handle her like I can, he can't make her feel better like I can.

I sat up and felt numb and like I was going to fall over. I grabbed Josh's arm for support. "Aye take it easy there." Josh barked. "No. I need to find Caleb and Amber." I tried to stand up but the pain in my side intensified. "Lay the fuck down dammit!" Josh yelled. I did as he said. "I need to find Am-"

"No! You're not fucking going anywhere. Lay your fucking ass down and stay that way!" Well someone is in a bad mood. I did as he said only because the pain in my side hurt too much. "Do you have anything I can put on my side?" I asked. An ice pack would be nice but someone's too pissed off so who knows if I'm getting one.

I heard the door slam and I saw long brown hair and I knew it was Amber. She quickly ran over to me with Caleb right on her heels. "Damn slow the fuck down! And at least tell me what you're doing next time." Caleb said to Amber putting his arms on the back of his head catching his breath.

"Oh my gosh Isaiah are you okay?" She bent down and looked me in the eyes. She places her arm on my stomach. "I am now. I told you I didn't want you to see the fight." I wiped away one if her tears. "Sweetheart, I'm fine see." I tried smiling but it didn't work out so well. "No you're not." She brushed her thumb across my cheek. "Ow! Babe I got hit there." I said trying to be hushed.

"When can I go?" I asked Josh. "You know what why don't you just get the hell outta here. I don't give a fuck. Leave." He shouted. "What is your problem." I could tell he was scaring Amber. "Baby go with Caleb okay? I will be there in a second." She nodded and got up. "My problem is you! You lost out there! If you can't take a fight like that then..." He was so angry at me, for nothing. "I'm sorry! It was my first fight! Excuse the hell outta me for not being perfect!" I sat up, wincing from the pain. I walked out before he could do anything.

"Let's go. Thanks again Caleb." I grabbed Amber's arm tightly pulling her along. Josh got me pissed now. It was my first fight and the guy out weighed me! "Ouch! Isaiah you're hurting me, let go!" I immediately let go, realizing what I had done. I didn't say anything, just started walking towards my car. I put my brace back on and waiting for Amber to get in.

"Isaiah.. What's wrong.. Are y-you okay..?" Amber timidly asked. Right now I don't want to deal with her. I know I scared her and I don't feel like apologizing right now. "I'm taking you home." I flatly said turning on the car. Amber got her seatbelt on and put her hands in her lap.

I was beginning to feel stressed. Forget that, I was stressed. All the training and tonight.. I really need to stop, the more I stress, I take it out on people and I end up scaring Amber and making her worry. Amber kept her eyes on the black pavement lit by the headlights of my car. I tried to calm my breathing as best as I could.

I put my hand on Amber's thigh and squeezed, still keeping my eyes on the road. I wasn't mad at her. She still didn't do anything. I started rubbing her thigh and she loosened up a bit, not being so tense. I didn't say anything not trusting my voice. I didn't want to speak, I was too mad to.

Does he just expect me to be perfect on my first fight? I was going up against a guy in his late twenties and I'm 19, I don't see how that's possible to win. Plus I just started, I need time.

"C-can I-I spend the night with you?.. Please." Amber begged. I nodded, still refusing to say anything. My tone will be harsh no matter what I say and I have already scared her enough for one day. Usually I would be happy that Amber is stay with me, but this time I didn't care.

I was so mad that I wasn't even hungry. The last meal I ate was lunch and that's saying a lot for me not to be hungry. What the fuck was such a big deal about me loosing to him? It's just one fight. He's overreacting. He's just a little bitch who need to get off his ass and fight himself.

We arrived at Chris's place. I walked in and Chris asked me how the fight went but I ignored him. I walked Amber back to my room and left her there. I went to the bathroom to clean my sweaty, dirty body. My left side was blue from being hit so many times. My jaw was a lighter shade of blue but it still hurt. Luckily if I don't shave, I can cover it up. I washed my body and got out.

I knew Amber would be in the room all sad and everything but I don't care. She has no reason to be sad so she can get over it. I walk in and find shorts to sleep in. I drop my towel forgetting Amber was in the room and put them on. She scooted over on the other side of the bed and didn't say anything. Neither did I. I laid down with my back to her and closed my eyes. I just wanted this stupid day over with.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I will be right back." She said before slipping out of the room. Moments later I heard voices in the hall. "Don't worry about it, he will get over it. Are you hungry? My mom made food earlier so it's safe cause I didn't make it... Okay well of you want to, you can sleep on the extra bed in my room, Isaiah can be a bit moody at times." I heard Chris say. "Okay well goodnight." He said.

The door opened, bringing light in with it. Amber tiptoed to the bed and climbed in beside me. "You know where my clothes are if you don't want to sleep in jeans." I said. Just as I suspected it came out a little too harsh. She got out of bed and turned the light on, causing me to squint my eyes from the sudden change in lighting. She grabbed an over sized shirt and set it on the bed. She lifted her shirt over her head exposing her bra. Any other time I would have enjoyed this, but like I said before, I'm too angry. She slid her jeans off and tossed them to the side of the room. She pulled the shirt down and climbed into bed.

A few minutes later I felt little fingernails scratching my back lightly. Whatever she was try to do to make me feel better, wasn't helping. I don't want her to comfort me right now. I want her to leave me alone. I tried ignoring it and moments later she had stopped.

"I know you're too mad to talk but goodnight Isaiah, I love you." Her voice had been covered in sadness and I felt bad. I pretended to be asleep though.

I was still up an hour later. Amber was asleep though. I flipped over and looked at her. She was perfectly still. I watched her as she slept. I kissed the corner of her mouth and said, "Goodnight I love you too." I rested my head on her chest and closed my eyes.

I woke up with my back sweating. I fluttered my eyes open and rolled over. Amber was huddled in my back sleeping. I slowly got up an walked out of the room. I'm still mad about last night. We have school today but I don't want to wake Amber up and I'm not going either way.

I went to the bathroom to find some Tylenol. I popped two in my mouth and swallowed them dry. I turn off the light and almost bump into Chris. "Oh hey. How did the- oh.. That looks like it hurts." He said pointing at my side. "Shut up. Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

"No I don't feel good." I didn't say anything after he replied. I didn't have anything to say. I planted my butt on the couch and turned on the TV. I still wasn't hungry, it's almost like when your hungry for so long and eventually that hunger pain goes away.

I heard light footsteps behind me, too light and quiet to be Chris's big feet. I didn't turn around, knowing it was Amber. "Can you take me home?" She asked. "Whatever." I got up and walked to my room to put a shirt and shoes on. Amber entered the room and saw the look on her face. I could tell I had scared her and made her sad.

I couldn't take it anymore. I hate seeing her sad, or scared. I got up and walked over to her. I caught her in a hug, and squeezed her tight without hurting her. "I'm sorry. Don't go, I don't want you to. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the way I acted last night.."

"Isaiah.. I c-can't breathe." Amber squeaked. I let go of her. I crashed my lips to hers, surprising her. "I'm sorry I know I have been a crappy boyfriend and I'm sorry I really am and I promise I will be better." I confessed. "It's okay.. I know you just needed some space but you kinda scared me.. I was afraid to stay here last night.. I was going to ask Chris to take me home but I didn't want you mad at me.."

"No baby you should never feel afraid or scared. I never want you to feel that way. No matter how mad I ever get, I won't hurt you.. I might yell but that's as bad as it's going to get. And last night when I told you where my clothes were, I didn't mean for it to sound that harsh. I was just mad about what Josh said yesterday... I was never mad at you. In the car last night I tried to show it without saying something. I won't hurt you, I will protect you from anything." I felt bad that I had done those things to her.

"I know but it just comes from instinct.." She was trying to make me feel better and I could tell she was trying her hardest. It didn't really help but I pretended like it did so I wouldn't hurt her feelings. "I love you." I said kissing her. I lifted her up in my arms and carried her over to my bed. The muscles in my sides and stomach hurt when I lifted. I placed her body on the bed and bent down to kiss her again.

Pretty soon the kiss became heated. I slid my tongue across her bottom lip and she allowed access. I got on top of her putting my weight on her. She pushed my head down, and my lips latched on the soft skin of her neck. I probably need to brake that habit but I don't plan on it anytime soon. She pushed my chest up to make me stop.

"I wasn't finish." I sadly voiced. "Too bad." She said with a smile. "You're going to pay for that." She rolled her eyes, "Now get off please." I shook my head. "No can do sweetheart." She started squirming around, so I only put more of my weight on her. I wasn't hurting her because I knew how much she could handle. "Isaiah you know that's not fair." I smirked. "I love having dominance over you." Amber pinched my side causing me to jerk up. "Oh so you are ticklish. Aw that's so cute." She did it again and I jerked just like before. "Amber stop." She didn't listen as usual. I grabbed her wrists in my hands. "I said stop. I don't like that." I let go of her wrists.

"You're no fun." She pouted crossing her arms. "I know I'm such an asshole who's no fun. I know life's so terrible." I attempted grabbing her arm but she turned around. I hugged her from behind and caught her arms. "Ha got you!" After I spoke that she elbowed me in my stomach. "Ow dammit." I let go of her. "Who's laughing now?" She giggled. "Oh so you think you're clever eh?" I pulled her down by her waist when she tried getting out of the bed. She faced me and tried to fight off my arms. She had just a shirt on and when it came up she let go of the hold on my arm to pull it down.

Eventually I won as normal. She gave up and laid between my legs. "Oh you're not going home." I said squeezing her again. She smiled.


"So.. Are you..?" Amber asked. "Am I what?"

"Are you still.. Fighting?" That was a good question. Unfortunately I don't have the answer. I'm still pissed at Josh. I don't even know if he wants me to fight anymore. That wasn't fair for him to put me against that guy for my first fight. I get that fighting will be difficult and all but it's not supposed to be like that when you first fight. And so what that I lost? It was my first time.

"I don't know.. But don't worry about it, everything will be okay." I tried to pull off a smile but I don't think she believed it. The hunger pains that have been absent for the past day have suddenly appeared. "Babe I'm going to go get food, you want any?" She shook her head. I didn't think much of it and got up.


"What do you want to do today?" I asked. Really I was too worn out to do much but if Amber wanted to go somewhere I guess I could go too. "We should go to the zoo!" I groaned. That's too much walking. "Can we just have a lazy day? I'm really worn out." She shook her head. "Nope. I want to do fun stuff."

"I know what we could do that's fun." I smirked. "Really? What?" She excitedly asked. "Oh I think you know what it is." I winked at her. She rolled her eyes at me. "Can we please just stay home today? Tomorrow's Saturday, I promise I will take wherever you want me to if we can just stay home today." I begged. My muscles hurt really bad from all the working out and fighting last night didn't help. I have her puppy eyes and pushed my bottom lip out. "Fine and stop doing that!"


"Because it's too cute and I can't say no to that face." I smiled knowing I had won yet again. "I'm going to go take a shower, want to come?" I asked. "Sure." My jaw dropped open in shock. "Really!"

"No." My excitement was crushed. I seriously thought she was going to come. "Please? You would be the best girlfriend ever." She already was but she didn't know that. "No, I guess I'm a terrible girlfriend but I'm not going with you." I laid my head down on her chest and my arm across her stomach. "No you're not, but please come?" She ran her hands through my hair. I always liked when she does that. Something about it nearly puts me to sleep. "Don't you know how to take showers by yourself? Or do you need mommy to hold your hand?" She teased. "I know how but I want you to come. You might as well and give up now because I'm not going to stop till you say yes." I was going to get what I want sooner or later.

"No Isaiah I'm not going with you." Amber said annoyed. "Okay but you asked for it." I got off the bed and picked Amber up and threw her over my shoulder. She repeatedly hit my back with her small fists. It didn't bother me though since her punches were weak.

I pulled her shirt down and walked us to the bathroom. As I walked through the door, I turned to shut the door and accidentally hit Amber's head in the doorway. It wasn't hard, just enough for her to say ouch. "Ow! Isaiah put. Me. Down." I closed and locked the door. I gently placed Amber on her feet and blocked the door way. She tried pushing past me but that didn't work. "Why are you so scared of taking a shower with me? It's not like I haven't seen you naked before." I spoke. "Because Isaiah, I'm pretty sure it's going to lead to to shower sex."

"You don't know that, and I don't have STD's so you're good." I took my shorts off. "Isaiah I don't want to!"

"So what you're saying is you don't want to be clean?"

"Yes. Wait no, I do want to be clean just.. Alone." I chuckled. "Too bad." In one swift movement I lifted my shirt off of Amber and threw it to the ground. Knowing that Amber wouldn't run, I went and turned the water for the shower on. I turned to Amber, "Do I have to take off the rest or you think you can handle that?" She nodded. "So you do need me to?" She shook her head. When the water was warm enough I let Amber get in and I went after.

"Isaiah this is cold water!" Amber complained. I thought it was fine but I guess not. "Then come here." I opened my arms for her to come into. She rolled her eyes and turned the knob for the hot water to the right. When the water warmed up, it was too hot for me. I didn't like it but I didn't say anything. "Oh sorry, you're going to have to smell like axe." I said to her. She shrugged her shoulders.

I put my hand on her waist and felt her body tense under my touch. "What are you so afraid of?" I asked pulling her body closer to mine. "Nothing." She said with no emotion. "Then just relax." I purr in her ear. I leave a kiss on her ear before going just below it and sucking. I tried to make her come closer to me but for some reason she wouldn't.

After I was done sucking I made sure to get Amber closer to me. I tried to kiss her but she pulled back. "Can we just shower?" She asked in a bitchy tone. I really wanted to say something rude to her just for it but I didn't want to start a fight. "You can get out if you are really that uncomfortable." She brought the shower curtain back and got out. I just decided to leave her alone and maybe that would help.

I finished showering and got out. I wrapped a towel around my waist and went to my room. I got goosebumps entering from the cold air hitting my wetted skin. "Are you better now?" I asked grabbing clothes. "Yeah.. I'm sorry.. It's just lately I have been having mood swings. I think it's just one of the side affects from the pill." Oh goody, I get to deal with Amber bitching one moment and then her lovey dovey the next.

I kept my mouth shut knowing I would probably cause her to change her mood and us start yelling at each other.


"Isaiah I'm cold!" Amber whined. Five seconds ago she was burning up so she got from under the covers and wouldn't let me touch her. "I swear you're pregnant." I said wrapping my arms around her, warming her up. "That would explain the sickness in the mornings." She joked.

"This is totally off subject, but are you going to the gym today?" Amber asked. I didn't want to. The thought kept coming in my mind throughout the day. I have about thirty minutes until I'm supposed to be there. "As much as I don't want to go, I am. I swear if he's being a bitch I will walk out of there." I tensed up thinking about it. "Hey! Stop that! Have you ever thought that if you went along with some of the stuff he says, things would be better? Or if you don't like what he says, ignore him? You make things way more difficult than they have to be." She rubbed my arm while talking.

"You don't even know what he said." I hadn't spoken to anyone about. "I could hear both of you yelling." I was silent after that. I didn't know what to say. Was I really that difficult?

"I have to get ready to go. Do you want me to take you home?" I asked while I took my arms from Amber's body. "No, can't I just come with you? I promise I won't do anything, it will be like I'm not even there." She pleaded. I shrugged. I was okay with it, but I knew Josh wouldn't be. He would already be pissed because of what happened last night, I don't really think he needs anything else to set him off.

After changing I slipped on my shoes and looked at Amber. "Aren't you going to get dressed?" She was still in the shirt I let her wear. "I don't have any extra clothes and I'm not wearing the ones from yesterday." I walked over to the drawers and opened the top one. I pulled out a pair of gray sweat pants that would be really loose on her.

She slipped the baggy material on her legs. I took an underarmor hoodie and handed it to her. "Just take off the shirt and wear this." She nodded and waited for me to turn around. I found it easier to just do as she wished rather then trying to mess around with her.

She looked so cute in my clothes. Almost like a little kid in their parents clothes except my weren't that loose. The sleeves went off of Amber's small arms. She looked so tiny, and I loved that. She didn't have any makeup on and her hair was a little wavy. She looked perfect. "You know, I feel like the guy who has that amazing, perfect, beautiful girlfriend that every guy dreams of. Oh wait, I am." I snaked my arms around her waist and lifted her up.

"You are so beautiful and I hope you know it." I gave her a peck on the lips. "I look terrible! I don't have makeup on and my hair is frizzy and not straight." There she goes again, saying lies about herself. If only she saw what I could see. "No. You're perfect." I set her down and grabbed my car keys and phone.

"What do you say, we ditch the gym and go get food?" I asked hoping she would say yes. My body hurts too much to try and work out. "It's up to you Isaiah you are going to have to face him sooner or later." She was doing the whole guilt trip thing. It doesn't work with me unless it's Amber. "Okay food it is!" Amber sighed. "Isaiah stop running away from things. The worst he could do is yell at you." I just nodded my head.

Yes yelling is all he can do but words hurt. He could tell me I suck at fighting whatever, that doesn't bother me. It's when he doesn't give me a chance, that was just one fight. I can and will do better than that.


Amber grabbed my hand on the way into the gym. My right hand is getting better. I can't completely make a fist but I can bend my fingers a little bit. I can't hold Amber's hand with my right so I use my left hand. She rubs the top of my hand with her thumb. "It will be okay." She said. I wasn't really nervous because whatever happens, happens.

I walk in and see Josh training another guy. What the fuck? Does he already have me replaced? I get his attention and we go off to the side and talk. "Hey so am I training today?" I ask trying to avoid what happened yesterday. "I guess so.. Just let me finish with the guy that I have out there." Surprisingly he was calm. Josh walked back to go with the guy that was currently in the ring. I saw a guy trying to flirt with Amber.

I would've said something to him but Amber is doing a pretty good job. "So, you come here a lot?" He asked. Typical pick up line. "No not really.." Something about the way she spoke told me she knew what she was doing. "Oh well I could show you some stuff. You know if you want.." He flashed a smile showing off his teeth. Amber rolled her eyes. "Mkay well if you haven't noticed I'm in a guy's clothes, and that guy that I got these from is my boyfriend. He's here right now," she said in a matter of fact tone. "But you can meet him if you want to." She said happily knowing he would say no.

He shook his head no and walked off. Amber smirked and turned to me. "How long have you been watching?" She asked. "Long enough. Nice one. But do I need to go talk to him to make him stay away? You know what? Fuck it. I'm going to do it." I kissed her on the lips suddenly and walked away before she could say anything. I'm not going to have any contact with him except talking.

I search the gym and I saw him by the weights. "Hey what's up man?" I say. "Um.. Nothi-"

"Great. So you know that chick back there?" I asked. "Yeah she's hot." He sounded like a jock and an asshole. "Yeah.. Yeah she is..." I said above a whisper. "Yeah she's my girlfriend." I said louder while smiling. "Oh.. Oh dude I'm sorry."

"Nah it's okay.. She kinda owned you back there." I laughed. He didn't say much. "So did you um... Need something?" He asked. "Oh no I was just letting you know who I am.." He nodded and I walked off.

I walked back to Amber with a smirk on my face. "What did you do?" She asked. "Nothing." She raised her eyebrows. "Nothing I swear. I just talked to him, that's all." I wrapped my arms around her waist. "I gotta go." I kissed her lips and went to meet with Josh.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked Josh. "Well since you lost last night, you're running the whole time."

"What the fuck! I-"

"Look you loose, you run. You win, you don't run." He said as if it were nothing. I shrugged. I really don't want to run. And I'm at a disadvantage because I smoke. Oh this is going to be a long four hours. I go get Amber and we head to a different room. It has different types of running machines. Josh motioned for me to go to the treadmill. He first set it on a low setting so that I was jogging. Within minutes I was sweating. After about ten minutes I wanted to be done. It was killing me. That's when he picked up the setting so I was running. He kept telling me to go faster and faster. Finally, when I had had enough of his yelling, I stopped and stood on the side railings of the treadmill. "Why don't you get your ass up, stop yelling and do it too!" I said loudly and out of breath. "Fine." He stepped on the treadmill next to me and began jogging. I returned to jogging also.

Soon we were both running. My legs ached and began cramping up. I was sweating through my shirt so I took my shirt off. I tried pushing myself but I really couldn't breathe. I stopped after twenty minutes total. "Do you want me to get you some water?" Amber asked nicely. "Yes." I managed to get out. She walked off.

When she came back, I took the cold bottle from her. As I swallowed I could feel the ice cold water go down my throat, chilling it. "Can we please not do anymore? I seriously can't take it." I asked. "No. You lost, so you can run." Josh looked fine. It took him a minute to calm down his breathing but he was fine. My sides hurt and my lungs ached for air. "No. I don't want to." I complained. "You're not always going to get what you want. You have ten minutes then you're going again." He spoke walking off.

"I want to go home." I complained to Amber. "I know you do baby. Just hang in there." She rubbed my thigh as we sat down next to each other. I was hot and couldn't catch my breath. My legs and my sides hurt. "Just think you will have a really nice body." Amber said. "I already have a six pack, I don't need anything else. And why do you care? You don't even like to see my body anyways. Well during sex yeah but any other time you don't like it. I can barely sleep like I normally do around you." I could basically only take my shirt off in front of her. "You do to can sleep the way you normally do. I haven't said you can't. And you'll look even better during sex!" She said. "So does that mean we can have more often?" I got excited just at the thought. She patted my shoulder and said, "What ever makes you happy." I could tell she was being sarcastic.

"I'm hungry!" I wined. "Give me your keys and I can go get you food." Amber explained. "No because Josh wont let me eat here, and I will just throw it up during workouts. I have to wait until he lets me go." I really wanted some food though. I felt weak without it. "Then don't complain." She stated.

Josh called across the room for me to go back to him. "Do you want my keys so you don't have to wait here and be bored?" All she was doing was sitting down and watching hopefully me. I hope she didn't look at any other guys. "No it's okay, I'm fine. But it's cold in here." She was always cold. The gym is set to stay cold for obvious reasons. "Babe you have my sweatshirt on, you shouldn't be cold. Are you sure you're not sick or something?" She nodded her head.


The rest of workout was spent like Josh had said, running. It was on and off running. By the time I was done, I could barely walk. My legs were so weak and my sides were killing me. "Oh Isaiah one thing." Josh called before I opened my car door. "What?"

"You're fighting tomorrow." He smirked. "No. What? I just fought yesterday and you killed me today!" He didn't say anything. "Little asshole." I said under my breath. I got in my car and ignited it. "What are you mad ab-" Amber started.

"I have to fight tomorrow! We didn't even practice today! I'm pissed! He made me fucking run the whole damn time and he knows my legs are going to hurt like fuck tomorrow! Amber I'm fucking livid! Why the hell would-"

She placed her hand over my mouth. "It's going to be okay. You will be okay. Just calm down. Everything will be okay." I didn't really like her hand over my mouth so I stuck my tongue out and licked her hand. "Ew!! Isaiah!" She wiped her hand down her pants. "It's what you get." I smirked. She slapped my arm. "Ow!"

"And that's what you get." She snapped rudely. I glared at her. "Do you want me to drive?" She asked. "Why?"

"Because you look too tired to drive." I nodded. We both got out and switched seats. It was cute watching her drive. She kept both of her hands at the bottom of the steering wheel. She was really focused on the road. "Stop staring at me, it's rude to stare." I chuckled. "But you just look so damn cute."

"Shut up." She said flatly. "Where are we going?" I really wanted food, I felt like I had been starving myself. "My house. You can eat something there." I nodded.


"Chris and me are going to meet with some type of realtor on Monday after school for that apartment I told you about, do you want to come?" The apartment we are looking at is really nice, I like it. It has two rooms, one bathroom, living room etc. "Ummm.. No it's okay." I nodded. "Okay and if we can get it, we are going to move in within a week so...."

"So?" She asked turning on her street. "So you can either move in then or after graduation. It's up to you, if you still want to." She thought about it for a few moments. "Probably after graduation. I want to try and spend as much time as I can with my dad. He's been away at another trip, says it was for some meeting. He never takes time off anymore to spend time with me.. Ever since mom died, he's always been away from home.. I don't know maybe he just is busy a lot."

I felt bad for her. She wanted to spend time with her dad but he was never home. He was slowly but surely loosing contact with her.. I remember when my dad started that.

He would stop taking me to the batting cages. We would do less stuff together. I would hide in my room and do nothing all day. When he was at work in the summers I would be out in the living room watching TV till he came home. Then at night when I got older I would sneak out. I would do many things. I would either go and get high, or I would be doing the exact opposite of what I was supposed to be doing. Dad didn't want to spend time with me, so I figured out what to do in my spare time.

"Oh okay well whenever you're ready, the door will always be open." She pulled up in the driveway and parked the car. She tossed me the keys and got out. "So if your dad isn't here to keep you company... Can I?" I asked. "No. I would like time by myself you know." I felt sadness in the out if my stomach. "Oh.. Okay." I said trying to make it sound like I didn't care. Actually it was fine since We spent the night together last night. "I'm kidding, yes you can stay." She smiled. She fumbled with unlocking the door. "Ugh Isaiah it's too dark!" She huffed and crossed her arms. "Here baby let me see the key." She handed it to me and with ease I unlocked the door. The living room was very dark. "Amber where's the-"
I had walked right into I think the wall and fell backwards. The lights turned on and I saw Amber on the ground barely breathing from laughing so much. My face felt numb and it hurt.

"No it's okay I'm fine." I said to Amber who didn't even ask if I was okay. She had tears coming from her eyes. "It's not that funny." I pouted. Once she calmed down she checked to see if I was okay. It was kind of embarrassing. It made me look stupid walking into a wall, but at least it was in the dark and nobody could see it.

"What do you want to eat?" She walked to the kitchen and looked around. "Food." I went and walked behind her and grabbed her waist. "You." I whispered in her ear kissing it. "Not tonight Isaiah." Bullshit. I have my ways to seduce her. I sucked on her earlobe and rubbed her stomach. "You shouldn't have said that." I said turning her around. "Not tonight. No means no." She forced my arms off of her down to my sides. "These pants are too hot. Stay here while I go change and I mean it." She warned. I went over to the TV and turned it on. It was on a local station and the weather was on. Usually the time that the weather is on, is at six.

"Severe thunderstorm warnings for this area right here all night till about 5 am." The man in the suit announced. I turned the station because it was boring. Amber walked back down in shorts with my sweatshirt on.

"You're not afraid of thunder are you?" I asked. If she was, it's going to be a long night. "Psh no, I'm fine." She didn't sound too sure of herself but I didn't question it. "Okay.. Hey I'm going go take a shower while you cook."

"But you already had a shower earlier today."

"I don't think you want me to stink tonight when we are trying to sleep."

"Okay but you're going to have to smell like me." Even though I love the way she smelt, I don't want to have that scent. It's too feminine for me. "Babe!" I wined. "Okay, okay I will go get my dad's stuff." She walked upstairs with me following and grabbed three bottles from her dad's bathroom and handed them to me. "And I still have your basketball shorts.. Second drawer." So that's where they went. They are my favorite pair and I knew that couldn't have just lost them. "I will be downstairs if you need anything." I nodded and waited for her to leave the room.

I walk to her bathroom and started the water.


I traveled to Amber's room to get my shorts. I looked in the second drawer and found them. I had a feeling I should check a couple of drawers below. I pull the heart drawer out and see photo books, and a stack of pictures on top. I pick up the stack and look through them. Most of them are pictures of Amber and her mother. Some where with her dad. She looked so happy in the pictures. She had her mom's big beautiful green eyes, and her smile.

"Isaiah the foods- what are you doing." I jumped at the sound of her voice. "Isaiah get out of that!" She snatched the pictures out of my hands and shoved them back in the drawer, closing it. "Stay out of there! Don't touch any of the things in there." Her voice cracked and there were tears forming in her eyes. "Baby I'm sorry I-" I reach out to hold her hand but she jerks back. "No! Leave me alone!" She runs off and I heard a door shut. I slipped the shorts over my boxers and ran to her bathroom.

"Amber please open up. I'm sorry I didn't know! Please open the door, talk to me." I didn't mean to hit a nerve or anything. "No Isaiah I want to be alone! The foods done just go away. Go eat.." She yelled through the door. I could hear her sobs through the wood between us. "Amber I want to help you please!" I tried opening the door but it didn't work. "Go away I said!" I could tell she was hurt.. She needed to talk about it instead of keeping it in. I sat down beside the door and waited for her to come out.

It didn't matter that I was starving to death. It didn't matter that I was physically hurt. It didn't matter that I was tired. What matter was Amber, and I was willing to wait for her to come out, no matter how long it took.

I ended up closing my eyes and not opening them..

I heard a small laugh and felt something on my cheek. It was moving. I shot up and saw Amber. She had pink puffy eyes still. "Mmm sorry.. I feel asleep. Are you okay? How long where you in there? Do you want to talk? Can we eat?"

"Yeah I'm fine.. And about an hour.. I don't really want to talk and yes we can eat." She laughed at the last part. "You look so peaceful when you sleep.." She said softly. "Um.. Is that a compliment?" She nodded her head and helped me up.

Since we had waited so long to eat the food was cold. She made some spaghetti. "Aw babe did you do this for me?" I asked. "Do what?" She looked confused. "Make spaghetti."

"Um... No..? I made it because it was really easy and fast to fix.." She looked unsure. "Oh never mind. Forget what I said." I didn't want to sound conceded. It was amazing! Or maybe it's the fact that I haven't eaten since this morning, and I ran at least four miles today. After Amber and I finished I helped her clean up. I really hate doing dishes but I did them this time because what I was about to ask her.

"Can we talk about what happened?" She tensed her body and was still. "Please Amber. It's not good for you to hold all out it in. Trust me, I did and I'm a screwed up eighteen year old." I learned it the hard way and I don't want Amber to have to learn it that way too.

"I'm fine.." I could tell she was lying. "Why do you do that? Stop lying Amber, it gets you nowhere. How do you expect me to help you if you don't tell me the truth? And even though you may not think you need my help, you do. I know how you feel Amber and I have been through way worse. Please? Why are you so afraid to open up? I have told you everything and I mean everything." She's being so complicated, and she says I make things hard. "Isaiah I'm fine."

I give up. I'm done trying to push her to tell me. I'm not mad, just done. "Okay well have fun being depressed! Cutting yourself day after day. Getting high so you can try to forget reality. Getting drunk so you don't remember what happened the day before. Yeah have fun because I'm done trying to help you." I stormed off to the living room and laid on the couch. I heard Amber run upstairs. I just blew up on her. I don't have patients and she was getting on my nerves. I have spilled every single detail out to her and yet she refuses to talk to me about one little thing.

I knew she was upset, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. If she would have just talked to me she wouldn't have to be upset.

I could hear the rain begin to pour. It sounded pretty heavy because I could hear it very loudly. I decided I should just sleep on the couch and let Amber cool off. Maybe that would help.


The thunder woke me from my sleep. Whenever there was a storm, I always slept deeper, even though I don't know why. I knew Amber would be scared because its pretty loud. I walk up the dark stairs to her room. Her door was open so I just walked in. I climbed on the opposite side that Amber sleeps on. I crawled in and wrapped my arms around her. She jumped and screamed. "Amber it's me Isaiah. Calm down." She sniffled and came closer to me.

"It's okay. I've got you. When I have you, you are perfectly safe. I won't let anything hurt you I swear." I kissed the top of her head. "I'm sorry about earlier I shouldn't have said those things... I didn't mean them. I'm never going to give up on you." Wow I say sorry too much..

"It's okay.. I'm sorry I didn't want to talk... I don't like talking about mom.. When I saw you with those pictures I just.. I miss her so much I just want her to come home." She began crying. "I know you do.." I rubbed her back while she cried herself to sleep. Soon after I feel asleep also.

A loud roar of thunder woke me up. I felt around the pillow for Amber, but I didn't feel her. I felt something under the blankets. I lifted them up and saw her face in my chest and her hands clutching my arms. "Baby it's okay." She looked up at me. "No it's not! I hate waking up to something that sounds like a bomb going off." She scooted up on the pillow by my face. "Nothing's going to hurt you so don't worry."

"That's easy for you to say, you're a guy and guys aren't scared of anything! I hate thunder! I can never sleep when we get a storm." She sounded like a little girl complaining to her parents. She's a grown ass girl complaining about some natural noises that happen when it's raining. I thought it was fucking cute but she didn't. "I know how to make you feel better." I tried to pull her on top of me but I had just woken up, so I wasn't very strong, and my arms still hurt from fighting. Amber got my message and got on top of my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and went back to sleep. "Isaiah." Amber meekly said. "Amber." I groaned. "Isaiah..?"

"Amber." I just wanted to go back to sleep, I was fighting tomorrow and I needed all the sleep I could get. "Isaiah! I can't sleep." Oh my god. It's like having a baby wake you up every two hours. She seriously needs to get it checked out. "Amber I have to fight tomorrow please let me sleep." I felt my eyelids grow heavier and heavier. I felt movement on my chest and heard what's probably Amber, but I was too tired to do anything.

I fluttered my eyes open to a gloomy light shinning through the window. It had stopped raining, but the skies were still a dull gray. Amber was fast asleep still on my chest. Whenever I put Amber on my chest she always falls asleep and stays asleep. That's a good thing because she needed to sleep last night.

I didn't really have much to do since there was a body on top of me. I couldn't roll over or move my legs. The blankets were covering most of our body's and I had my head on the pillow while Amber used my chest as a pillow. I tried moving my legs and they hurt so bad. Not from Amber, from running. I have clue how I'm going to fight and try to win today. Amber's stomach and back are a little sweaty; probably because she still has my sweatshirt on with the blankets covering her. It must have not bothered her too much because she didn't wake up.

Amber changed her position and she moved her head up so that she was looking at me, but she had her eyes closed. She was a little pale, but she had a flawless face. I'm the luckiest guy on earth because I have the perfect girlfriend. She's amazing and I love her so much. People would say it's just young love that will fade out, but it's not. Or they will say I'm only doing this kind of stuff so I can get in bed with her. No, I'm not. I have already had sex with her and I haven't run off yet. I truly love and care about Amber. She's the reason I'm still here.

I know it sounds like I'm too caught up on her (and I probably am) but I just want to be with her all the time. And if we aren't together, I want to be with her. I can't wait until after graduation when we don't have to worry about our parents nagging onto us. We can do whatever we want to. The sad part is, is that we only have about three months together before she leaves for college. I plan on going to college too, but just a one close by. When she leave I don't know how we are going to do this.. We will still be together, I just don't know how but we will make things work as usual.

Graduation is only two weeks away. After graduation, about a week after, me and my dad, and hopefully Amber, will take a trip to see my family. My dad talked to me the other day and asked if I wanted to go. We will be seeing family members from my mom side and his side.

Even throughout the years that my mom hasn't been here, my dad still thinks it's important that I remain in contact with her side of the family. They don't know what my dad did to me, or what I did to myself. I really miss them. I miss being little and playing with my cousins in the backyard. While mom and dad would be talking to the grown up, us kids would be outside running around.

We are also going to see his family too. The last time we saw the was a year ago. His family is all on to soccer so a bunch of that goes on. But what do you expect from a family of loud Mexicans. Yep the family on my dad's side is really loud. They like to have fun. I was really close with my cousins on that side more than my moms side because we were mostly over there.

I can't wait to see them, I miss them so much. And more importantly I can't wait for them to meet Amber! I know they will love as much as I do. Well maybe not like that cause that's kinda weird but you get the point. I'm not nervous about it because I know she will do fine with them.

It's a big step though. None of my past girlfriends have ever met my family. If they were lucky they would see my dad but that's it. Well maybe I am nervous. I hope my family doesn't scare Amber away. They wouldn't do it on purpose but they can get a little loud and stuff.

I feel Amber shuffle under me. "Good morning gorgeous." I kiss the top of her head. She groans and puts her face in my chest. She wants to go back to sleep. I run my hands through her hair and softly whisper things in her ear. She becomes still again within minutes. The only thing is, is that I'm stick her until she wakes up.

I place my arms across her back and slowly turn to my side and lay Amber on her stomach. I slide out of the bed and stretch. It hurts but it feels good. I go to her closet to look to see if she still has my brown hoodie that, I guess, I gave her. It was hanging on a white hanger in the middle of her clothes. I took it off of the hanger and slipped it over my head. I walked down to go to my car. I had to put the good on my head since it started raining again. I grabbed my pack of cigarettes and my lighter and locked my car.

I stayed on her front porch and smoked before u went in the house. I went to the trash can in the kitchen to throw away my cigarette butt. I laid on the couch and watched TV till Amber woke up.

I felt small hands on my shoulders. "Good morning, again." I look up and see Amber looking down at me. "Did you sleep okay?" She nodded. I scooted over on the couch and let her lay with me. "Did you go through my stuff again?" She asked. "No I was going out to smoke and I didn't want to go out shirtless." We watched TV together for a little while.

"Do you want some coffee?" She asked. I shook my head. I don't really like coffee that much. It's too bitter for me even with the sugar and creamer. She got up and went to the kitchen. "What time is your fight?" She asked. "Don't worry about it. I don't want you to go okay?" She didn't like me making decisions for her and she started to say something but I stopped her. "Please Amber, don't fight with me about this. I really don't want you to go, it's not good for you to see that stuff. And don't do something behind my back and show up." Josh hasn't told me much about tonight's fight. I don't even know who I'm fighting. To be honest, I'm probably going to loose this fight because I'm too sore to actually fight. If I'm going to loose, I hope it's quick.

"Fine but you have to promise me to call after you get done." I nodded.

Heyyyyy guys!!! I hope u liked the chapter!! :) OMG who's sad about one direction leaving America :'''( OMG they did soooo good at the teen choice awards!! I'm so proud!!! <3

Okay back to the book. I know how I want to end this book but I have no clue how I'm going to make the rest of the book (that was confusing) okay I know how the very very end of the book is going to go but I dont know how I'm going to fill the rest of the book. BUT I'm no where near to the end of the book. I would say maybe six to eight more chapters till the end but I will let u guys know.

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