Chapter Eighteen

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Bruised Chapter 18

It was getting close to valentine's day, and I still don't know what to do for Amber. I want to get her something but I have no clue. I have tried to ask Amber, but she says that she doesn't want anything. I am absolutely clueless. I have never really done anything for girls in the past. But Amber's special, I want to do anything and everything to make her happy, to see her beautiful smile. I guess I could get her roses, and go out to dinner somewhere, but I need to get her something else. I turn off my car and walk to Amber's front door. I press the button for the doorbell to ring. The door opens and I see Amber's dad. He looks at me in disgust, but doesn't say anything.

I'm used to parents looking at me like that. When girls would invite me over, the parents would give me all sorts of expressions. Her dad calls out her name and within seconds, I see Amber walking down the stairs. She smiles, and her eyes light up when she sees me. She jogs the remainder of the stairs and jumps into my open arms. I kiss her cheek, wanting to kiss her on the lips but I decide not to since her dad is watching us. Honestly, I don't give a fuck if he or someone else watches while I kiss Amber. Amber is mine and I want the whole world to know. But for her sake, and probably the neighbors, I just lightly kiss her cheek. Amber takes my hand and leads me into the house, closing the door. "Amber. Keep your door open." Her dad states clearly. He really thinks that I would fuck her while he's in the house? First of all, I wouldn't even think about it if Amber wasn't comfortable. Second, I wouldn't because he's in the house.

As we walk towards Amber's bed I say, "How low does your dad think I am?"

"He doesn't." She quickly said. "Yes he does. He really thinks that I would fuck you, so he made you keep your door open. I wouldn't. Even if he wasn't here.." We both lay on her bed. I'm leaning against the headboard of her bed while she lays on me. "Why?"

"Because, your not ready." Amber brought her eyebrows together. "No, I meant your not comfortable. It took you forever to actually kiss me." Everything that came out of my mouth just came out wrong. "And I don't have... A condom. And I know that you don't take birth control." The situation had gotten a little awkward. Amber rolled her eyes. "How do you know?" She asked in a stuck up way. The reasons were pretty obvious. "I have spent the night, and day with you, and you don't take any pill. You're too shy to do anything with anybody. And don't think of that as a bad thing, cause it's not. You're too innocent." I hope I didn't make her feel bad or anything. "And I lied when I said I don't have protection, I do. I always do, just incase. I love you, but I don't want a kid anytime soon." I halfway joked. But all of it was true. I keep protection in my wallet. And I love Amber a lot, but I don't want a kid. Not now.

"Oh." She simply said. "You don't want kids?"

"No, no I never said that. I just- that's a long way off okay?" The thought of kids freaks me out. I don't want to be responsible for a tiny little life. I'm beginning to get nauseous thinking about it. Amber nodded her head and didn't say anything else. Throughout a ten to fifteen minute time period, Amber's dad had gone by her room five times. It was annoying. I wouldn't disrespect him or Amber. About the sixth time I got up and walked out of the room. What I'm about to do is extremely bold and I doubt myself.

I go and find Amber's dad and say, "Mr. Ford, I'm not going to have sex with Amber. Okay, when you saw us laying in bed that's all we were doing. I don't try to pull anything on her." I say shakily. "You know I was once a teenage boy myself and I know what goes on in your mind. I know what you want to do. And you are even lucky that I let you in my house." He spat through gritted teeth. I knew what he meant when he said the things that go through my mind and what I want to do. Sure I wanted to do it with Amber, I mean come on who doesn't? But I didn't and don't ever think like that. That's disrespecting a woman in my opinion. "If you don't want me in your house than I will leave, but just know that Amber and I haven't and won't do anything." I would say all we do is sleep together but that makes it sound like we hook up. And I don't want her dad to know every little thing that we do. Somethings are better left unsaid. "Get out!" He demanded pointing his finger towards the door. I knew that the whole situation would result like this but I wish I didn't. I go walk back to Amber's room.

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