Chapter Thirty Two

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A monster

can unite

man and


Grey closes the door behind him, his men awaiting his command, and Luca stands on the steps. "Alright." Grey starts. "Scarlet says you can understand, then let's get one thing straight, I don't like you nor do I trust you. But if we have any chance of beating Ulfric – we need you to do it. After he's dead and I have his head mounted on a spike then we'll discuss what happens to you." Luca bears his teeth and snarls at him.

"How do you know he'll help us? He's a beast. He'll turn on us at any minute." Elijah speaks from the side of them, the rest of the men murmur in agreement, turning to face the beast.

"Yes I agree, but there is a chance that Ulfric may be stronger then him." He glares at Elijah to put him back in his place. "Do you really want to go up against a beast stronger than this one?" He turns back to Luca. "Besides, he has motive to help us. You do want to get revenge for what he did to Scarlet don't you?" Grey swallows all the fear he has for Luca's nightmarish form and steps towards him, squeezing down the steps to retrieve his axe from Elijah. "Unless Scarlet was wrong and you are a mindless beast who would rather side with another beast." Grey snips up at Luca who growls and steps down, standing to his intimidating height – the rest of the men gasping in fear with their spears, swords, and axes ready to defend themselves.

Luca drops back down to all fours and throws his head back to howl. The wail echoes through the town before dispersing into the wind and Luca lowers his head, eyes holding Grey's. "I'll take that as a yes." He remarks and begins to instruct his men when a voice calls out.

"Well this is very unexpected! And very disappointing!" Everyone turns to see a figure sauntering along towards them. Ulfric. He's clad in a dark robe which covers him completely, no light able to penetrate the thick fabric. "You are quite the magnificent beast, young pup. Though, I am sad to see it come to this." The robe falls to the ground as he walks. Luca launches forward with a roar and gallops to meet Ulfric in the town square. But Ulfric changes quickly before he can reach him – much faster than Luca ever thought possible.

His flesh splits open to reveal the grey fur underneath as his muscles grow and expand, as he keeps walking his bones just seem to elongate and reform without the painful process of them breaking first. Once turned he roars and thrusts himself into a run to match Luca's speed as they run at each other.

They collide with each other with a loud crack, claws grappling and teeth gashing, terrifying growls that turn into earth shattering roars.

They push apart and begin circling one another. Ulfric looks largely different to Luca, he's face is more smashed in unlike Luca's with his long muzzle, his fur is dark grey whereas Luca's is jet black, he has no mane flowing on his shoulders and his fur is shorter than Luca's, and yellow orbs glare into blood red ones. Luca is the first to leap back into battle, raking his claws over Ulfric's shoulder before Ulfric turns and tackles Luca, pushing him up against a wagon where he buries his claws into Luca's chest and drags them down. Luca wails in agony and delivers slices across his face, pushing him off and back onto all fours where Luca pounces on his back and digs into him, chunks of flesh flying from side to side. Ulfric manages to push up and roll over, knocking Luca off him, only so they can collide into each other again, pushing themselves up to their full height as the slash and maul each other.

The hunters finally join in on the fight and surround the two beasts battling in the middle. Swords and axes form a defensive ring whilst spears step forward and jab at the grey beast (though most don't give particularly to much care has to who their spear hits.) Archers fire on Grey's command, most hitting their target – the heads embedding in Ulfric's back. He wails in conflicting agonies and becomes quickly irritated as to who he should attack, but as Luca provides the biggest threat he continues to lash at him. Spears begin to whoosh through the air, some skimming the beast and slicing him while others pierce him and remain lodged in his flesh until his movements become erratic and the shafts are torn out or splintered. Ulfric calls upon a brief burst of strength and over powers Luca sending him rolling to the ground, Ulfric then charges at the hunters, not softly disarming them like Luca had once done – no, he charges to the left and strikes two men down in one blow, their throats strewn across the street. Pouncing on another he closes his jaws over the man's throat and tears it out before moving on and flinging another two men against a house – impaling them on the large spikes that protrude from them. Grey moves and pushes a young boy aside before he becomes the next victim, calling upon all the courage he has he readies himself for the beast's attack, despite every fibre of his being urging him to run away.

He swings his axe as the beast launches itself at him and slices him across the chest as Luca springs from the side of him knocking Grey back as he tackles Ulfric away. Pushed down, Luca buries his fangs into Ulfric's thick neck from behind, evoking a howl of agony from him. Luca locks his jaw and shakes Ulfric like a chew toy whilst he yelps and frantically squirms underneath him. One of Ulfric's clawed hands reaches behind him rips up Luca's thing, causing him to yelp and let go.

He doesn't get very far though.

Luca is quickly on him again, pressing down on both his shoulders as Grey scrambles for his axe and quickly lifts it high above his head before bringing it down.

Ulfric's cries cease.

Everyone freezes for a brief second which seems to last a life time before Grey slides his axe back - blade slick with blood.

Luca releases the old wolf from underneath him and his head rolls to the side, his body changing back to human form – muscles tremor as they shrink, fur falling away and his human flesh returns once more. Luca stumbles slightly as his wounds all take effect and his throat emits a high pitched whine. The hunters enclose their damaged circle with their weapons still held tight. Elijah moves to Grey's side and nods to the wounded black beast. Grey meets Luca's yellow eyes which slowly become hazel again, he whines and his limbs buckle beneath him, causing him to collapse – his wounds to severe, leaving him weak, unable to run away. With the unspoken pressure of his men Grey readies his axe again, Luca staring up at him before his eyes blink shut and a choked moan rumbles in his throat.

Grey raises the blade and brings it down.


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