Chapter 26

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The next week isn't dramatic much for Paige. The only thing she'll consider being drama is Juli being herself. She'd coo over every "romantic" moment Paige and Lucy would have. (Translation: whenever one is at the other's house for the project.) If Juli hasn't been driving the bookworm crazy, she is now.

"Paigey and Lucy, sitting in a tree--" the party animal sings-songs.

"Juli, the only reason I'm not killing you is because you can't get hurt physically," Paige groans. She's locked herself in the bathroom in Lucy's house after she's heard Juli acting obnoxious. Well, more obnoxious than usual. "But if I could, trust me, you would regret singing that stupid song!"

"Juli, please lay off the singing," Emery says. "And Paige, no more death threats until you come up with more creative ones." The bookworm snorts at the "advice" while Juli pouts.

"Am I the only one here who knows this is a good time for them to share feelings?" Juli asks.

"It's not a good time," Paige replies. "So yes, you're the only one who thinks so." She takes a deep breath, and slowly walks out of the bathroom to the living room, where Lucy's adding pictures to her portion.

"Did you get a chance to finish the pros?" Paige asks as she sits down. Lucy nods and holds up the paper. She doesn't look up. Paige sits next to her. "How about the cons?"

"Um, no," Lucy replies slowly. "Dammit!" She lifts up the picture she's gluing and striaghtens it out. As soon as it's fixed, someone knocks on the front door.

Confused, Lucy stands up and walks to the door. "Who is it?" she calls out.

"It's me." Paige freezes when she recognizes Eli's voice. Lucy looks at Paige, obvious that she didn't know he was going to visit. "Let me in. I got the beer you wanted."

"Uh, yeah," Lucy says. "I'm a little busy right now. I'm . . . working on a project with my partner."

"Aw, are you afraid I'll get jealous of him?" Eli asks. "He can drink with us." Suddenly, the door opens, and Eli enters the house with a six-pack. "I got the best beer in to-" He stops when he sees Paige sitting on the couch.

"I did say I'm working on a project," Lucy says lamely. She crosses her arms with anxiety.

"Yeah, but you didn't tell me you had the freak with you," Eli says. He puts the beer on the kitchen table. "Why the hell is she here?"

"Did he seriously not remember what Lucy told him?" Emery asks.

"Seeing what he brought, he's probably drunk," Juli says. She then grumbles, "I want some of the beer he brought."

"She and I are working on something for class," Lucy defends. "Eli, this isn't the time to-"

"To what?" Eli demands. "To talk about this? I think it's the perfect time to talk." He glares at Paige. "How many times have you brought her here?"

"That's none of your business," Lucy answers, her tone stern. "You should leave now."

"Why should I?"

"Please. Just, go."

"Fine. I'll see you later." Eli angrily takes the beer with him and slams the door behind him. Lucy lets out a breath in annoyance. She puts her head on her hands.

Not knowing what to do, Paige asks, "Would you like me to leave also?"

Lucy looks up at her. "No. Please stay," she says, her eyes misty. "We can work for another half-hour." She returns to the couch. "I don't think he's coming back today."

"Um, OK then."


While the girls are putting the project stuff away, Lucy's parents come home at the same time. "Hello, Lucy!" her mom says. "How was your day?"

"It was uneventful," Lucy replies.

"I hope that's a good thing." While Licy's dad gets some food to cook for dinner, her mom sets her purse down on the kitchen table. She looks at Lucy first, and then at Paige. "Who is this?" she asks, curious.

"This is Paige, my partner for a class," Lucy says, pointing her thumb at the bookworm. "We were finishing up for the day."

"That's a nice name, Paige. I'm Barb." Barb smiles, holding out a hand to shake Paige's. "Are you staying over for dinner?"

"I don't think I can," Paige answers. "Maybe next time." Her phone rings, and she takes it out of her pocket to read the text.

"Oh no," Juli murmurs. "This is bad."

Paige turns pale, and takes a minute to collect her thoughts. "Oh. Um, yeah. I really should go now." She gets her things, her hands shaking.

"Paige, what happened?" Lucy asks, looking worried. "Is everything going to be all right?"

"I don't know," Paige says, her voice shaking. "It's . . . it's,"

"It's what?" Lucy puts her hands on Paige's shoulder.

Finally, Paige looks at her. "It's my mom. She's at the hospital."

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