Mike Did What?!

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"What do you mean it wasn't an accident Daquan?! Tell me what's going on!"
Daquan sighs and takes a deep breath. "Okay, I'll tell you. But not here. Somewhere safe. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you. Come on, we can go to my house." Daquan says guiding me to his car. He opens the door for me. As I'm getting in I see head lights coming straight for us.

Marcus's POV

I'm driving down the freeway and trying to call Kristyn. I don't know why. I know she's not going to answer. I really fucked up. When I'm about 5 minutes from her house I hear my phone ringing. Immediately I thought it was Kristyn. Without looking at who was calling me I slid to answer my phone. "Baby! Listen let me--"
"Try again." The voice says. I knew who it was at this point.
"Listen I'm done--"
"No. You listen. You running out of time. Just like yo' boy Kyle. You gone be next. So I suggest you finish the job."
"What happened to Kyle?! What did you do?"
The deep voice chuckles. "I guess you better stop by the hospital and find out. And be careful. Them streets can be dangerous at night." Just as the voice was about to hang up, "oh and before I forget. How many months is Kris? She still got the silver BMW?" The voice hangs up.
I can't let Kris get hurt because of me. Is Kyle okay? Man this is too much to deal with. I race over to the hospital. I see Kristyn getting in the vehicle with Daquan. Wtf is going on in her mind? She knows how Daquan is. I pull up behind the car and get out.
"Kris don't go anywhere with that niggah!"

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