The Lunch Table

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I normally don't eat in the cafeteria. For what? As a senior I get to leave after lunch. As well as my friends. When I walk in I see Chey, Lay, Tee, and Jay sitting at the table. "Come on Kris" Lay calls out. I sit down. "So what happened Kris?" Jay asks when she sees the despair in my eyes. "I'm officially done with Daquan." "Bout time! He wasn't worth you anyways" Tee says cheerfully. "And you know that, you settled for his annoying ass!" "And diiiiiid!" Lay says agreeing. "I tried to tell her that! She doesn't listen!" Chey adds. "Well now that you've dodged that bullet there's no need to be sad" Jay says patting my back. "Right! Now what's up with you and Marcus?" Tee asks eagerly. "Nothing Tee were just friends and you know that." "That ain't what I heard" Lay says with a grin on her face. "what that mean Lay?" I ask. "What have you heard!" "I heard Marcus is feeling you" Tee says. "Well why ain't I heard that?" I say. "Maybe it's because you ain't want to. You ain't have to hear it to know Marcus likes you! It's obvious as hell!" Jay says. "Naw y'all that's just our friendship. He ain't feeling me. We talk all the time. That's my bestfriend. He gives me advice just like I give him. All these years I think he woulda said something by now don't you think?" I said defensively. "That be the best type of relationships right there!" Lay says. "I don't think he does y'all. But what's the move for after school? What we 'finna do?" I ask. "Shit let's go out to eat or something." Tee suggests. "Okay and we can continue this conversation then." We all leave the cafeteria on our way to the parking lot. My phone starts to vibrate. "Hey Marcus, what's up?" "Where you at?" "On my way to my car" "Ok. I just signed out. I'll meet you there. I gotta ask you something." I hang up the phone. That was strange. What could Marcus want to ask me. As I'm sliding my phone back into my back pocket I feel my sister and friends staring at me. "What y'all?" "Mhm." They all say. "Told yo ass" Lay says. I laugh. "Whatever y'all come on. Marcus is waiting for me." Deep in my heart I hoped that he did like me. I've been knowing Marcus since Kindergarten. And I know he's a genuine good guy. That had to be the longest walk to my car. I could see Marcus in the distance. A smile started forming on my face. But the closer I got I could see another figure. A girl! And she was hugging Marcus! "Keep calm Kristyn" I tell myself over and over. "It's probably just his friend." Then she kisses him. I feel my heart drop. And now I'm face to face with Marcus and Ashley. The same Ashley that I used to be friends with. The same Ashley that was sleeping with my ex Mike. "Hey Kris." Marcus says with a smile on his face. So many things I want to say to Marcus and all I could get out was... "Hi"

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